This repository holds signatures and plugins for
I wrote while analyzing
Samsung S6's proprietary bootloader
$ mkdir -pv $HOME/.config/binwalk/{magic,plugins}
$ cp magic/mclf $HOME/.config/binwalk/magic/
$ cp plugins/ $HOME/.config/binwalk/plugins/
If you are using a version of binwalk
anterior to this
create the following symbolic link:
$ ln -sf ls -sf $HOME/.config/binwalk/ $HOME/.binwalk
Then, run binwalk
as usual:
$ binwalk -D 'mobicore mclf' sboot.bin
567696 0x8A990 SHA256 hash constants, little endian
674200 0xA4998 Android bootimg, kernel size: 0 bytes, [...]
677839 0xA57CF POSIX tar archive, owner user name: [...]
1413120 0x159000 MobiCore Load Format, version 2.5
1478996 0x169154 SHA256 hash constants, little endian
1486848 0x16B000 MobiCore Load Format, version 2.5
$ binwalk -m magic/armel sboot.bin
1110016 0x10F000 ARMv7 Interrupt Vector Table, Little Endian
1110020 0x10F004 ARMv7 Interrupt Vector Table, Little Endian
1110024 0x10F008 ARMv7 Interrupt Vector Table, Little Endian
1110028 0x10F00C ARMv7 Interrupt Vector Table, Little Endian
1110032 0x10F010 ARMv7 Interrupt Vector Table, Little Endian
1110080 0x10F040 ARMv7 Interrupt Vector Table, Little Endian
1110084 0x10F044 ARMv7 Interrupt Vector Table, Little Endian
1110088 0x10F048 ARMv7 Interrupt Vector Table, Little Endian
1110092 0x10F04C ARMv7 Interrupt Vector Table, Little Endian
1110096 0x10F050 ARMv7 Interrupt Vector Table, Little Endian
1114080 0x10FFE0 ARMv7 Interrupt Vector Table, Little Endian