Provide definitions for technical terms and acronyms.
Please uncomment and/or add key processes that are involved in the use case you are presenting. This helps actors to decide if the use case is relevant for them or not.
- Development
- Deployment
- System integration
- Network integration
- Lifecycle management
- Operations
- Development
- Deployment
- System integration
- Network integration
- Lifecycle management
- Operations
List main actors / personas involved in the use case. For example: Business customer of CSP Operations Team of CSP Service team of CNF Vendor Etc.
List system entities that are involved in the use case. For example: Data Center Network Wide Area Network Cloud Native Platform CNF X MANO OSS Etc.
Describe situation related to this use case. Indicate what are intents and expectations of different parties as well as the roles and requirements of different system components. Explain how everything is related. Drawings, flow and system diagrams are beneficial here. This part shall give the reader clear overview of the situation as the starting point for evaluation of the use case. It should not contain the detailed technical descriptions and analysis.
Provide detailed technical descriptions and depict expected behaviour of system entities and components regardless of cloud nativeness. Highlight what are different entities expected to provide. Depending on the use case you can look at it from different angles e.g. CNF angle, Cloud Native Platform angle, Network angle etc. This section should give the reader clear understanding of expected behaviour.
This section will give us main inputs for discussion and evaluation of best practices. Describe which challenges and limitations kube-native approach presents for this use case. Provide technical details about what is not possible with kube-native approach and elaborate why is that relevant. If there are some established practices that are used to work around these limitations please describe those in the chapter below*
If such practices exist please elaborate them here in sufficient technical details. Provide references and give your opinion weather or not these practices can be considered as candidates for CNF best practices in line with CBPP description.
If there are no established practices and you have ideas or if you believe things related to this use case should be done differently please indicate it shortly here. The purpose of this is to earmark some potential inputs for CBPP process. It is not expected to elaborate CBPPs here.