Demo based on JBoss SOA-P 5.x and BRMS 5.x products.
See Quick Start Guide in project as ODT and PDF for details on installation. For those that can't wait:
see README in 'installs' directory
add products
run '' & read output
read Quick Start Guide
setup JBDS for project import, add soa-p server (adjust server VM args in launch config to '-Xms1303m -Xmx1303m') (note: need to create server instance seperately due to
import projects
deploy esb and bpel projects to soa-p server
start soa-p server
login to BRM (jboss-brms)
import repository-export from support dir
build and deploy project
login to Business Central (business-central)
start process, view soa-p logs for results
Windows users see support/windows/README for installation.
[Ready to Rubmble with JBoss Integration with video] (
[How to setup SOA Tools in BRMS Example for JBoss Dev Studio 7] (
[How to setup SOA Tools in BRMS Example for JBoss Dev Studio 6] (
[How to setup SOA Tools in BRMS Example for JBoss Dev Studio 5] (
[How to add Eclipse BPMN2 Modeller project to JBoss Dev Studio 5] (
[Demo now available with Windows installation scripts] (
See the tagged releases for the following versions of the product:
v1.6 moved to JBoss Demo Central.
v1.6 added patched web process designer, code editor no longer losing EOL's.
v1.5 added Windows installation scripts.
v1.4 updated to add SOA-P 5.3.1 release.
v1.3 is SOA-P 5.3.0, ESB, BPEL, Rules using BRMS 5.3.1.
v1.2 merges into main init script, init script builds project and deploys local model jars.
v1.1 adds BPM from BRMS 5.3.0
v1.0 is SOA-P 5.3.0, ESB, BPEL, Rules using BRMS 5.22.0