Deprecated in 2021, the GitHub Enterprise Support Portal will be turned off on 31st May, 2024.

The enterprise support portal at has been deprecated since November 1, 2021. However, it has continued to remain accessible to view past tickets. That is now changing. In order to streamline your support experience, we are going to turn the portal off and it will no longer be accessible after May 31st, 2024.

Action required: If you have used this portal to reference old tickets not available on, we recommend that you copy any important information from those tickets to another location before the end of this month.

You must visit with a support entitled account to open new support tickets about your GitHub enterprise cloud account.

We are happy to announce the beta release of the Ubuntu 24.04 image for GitHub Actions hosted runners. To start using this in your Actions workflows, update your workflow file to include runs-on: ubuntu-24.04

    runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
          node-version: '20'
      - run: npm install -g bats
      - run: bats -v

Some users may notice differences in workflows as the Ubuntu 22.04 image has different tools and tool versions, see the full list of changed software.

If you spot any issues with your workflows when using Ubuntu-24.04, or if you have feedback on the software installed on the image, please let us know by creating an issue in the runner-images repository.

While the runner image is in beta, you may experience longer queue times during peak usage hours.

See more

We’re excited to announce that the dependabot-core project is being relicensed under the MIT License, making it easier for the community to contribute to Dependabot.

Keeping dependencies updated is a crucial part of securing your software supply chain, and Dependabot has been helping GitHub users do this since 2019. It’s used by millions of developers each month to keep their dependencies up-to-date and free of known security vulnerabilities. We don’t charge anyone to use Dependabot, because we think everyone should be able to use open source without fear of vulnerabilities.

dependabot-core is the component of Dependabot that defines the logic to create pull requests for dependency updates across the 20+ languages and package managers it supports today. The update logic in dependabot-core is tightly integrated with the rest of GitHub’s Dependabot features, such as grouped updates and auto-triage rules, and contributions from collaborators have helped with its support of Swift and improvements to NuGet. By adopting the MIT license, we will simplify the process for members of the community to contribute to Dependabot and innovate together.

Dependabot-core was previously available under the Prosperity Public License 2.0, and has received contributions from more than 300 developers over the past few years. Now, the MIT license will make it easier than ever for members of the community to join our cause to improve the security of all the world’s software. If you’d like to learn more about contributing to dependabot-core, please check out the repository, and drop us an issue or pull request!

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