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Created August 22, 2023 21:09
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API diff: Microsoft.MacCatalyst.dll


Namespace BackgroundAssets

New Type: BackgroundAssets.BAErrorCode

public enum BAErrorCode {
	CallFromExtensionNotAllowed = 50,
	CallFromInactiveProcessNotAllowed = 51,
	CallerConnectionInvalid = 56,
	CallerConnectionNotAccepted = 55,
	DownloadAlreadyFailed = 103,
	DownloadAlreadyScheduled = 100,
	DownloadBackgroundActivityProhibited = 111,
	DownloadEssentialDownloadNotPermitted = 109,
	DownloadFailedToStart = 102,
	DownloadInvalid = 0,
	DownloadNotScheduled = 101,
	DownloadWouldExceedAllowance = 112,
	SessionDownloadAllowanceExceeded = 204,
	SessionDownloadDisallowedByAllowance = 203,
	SessionDownloadDisallowedByDomain = 202,
	SessionDownloadNotPermittedBeforeAppLaunch = 206,

New Type: BackgroundAssets.BAErrorCodeExtensions

public static class BAErrorCodeExtensions {
	// methods
	public static Foundation.NSString GetDomain (this BAErrorCode self);
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