
The Global Campus Alumni (GCA) is an international organisation (AISBL) registered in Brussels, Belgium. It is a network of seven alumni association of human rights master programmes gathering almost 3,000 experts, activists and professionals spread throughout the world. The master programmes, and the alumni that graduated from them, are all part of the Global Campus of Human Rights, funded by the European Commission, and based in Venice (Italy).

The Global Campus Alumni has the following objectives:

  • Promote interaction among the Alumni Associations of the Global Campus and support their development through advice, expertise and networking;
  • Strengthen professional relationships, peer­-to-­peer exchange and links with the Global Campus;
  • Promote the work of the Members at regional and international human rights fora;
  • Through the work of the Members help contribute to the broader goal of the protection and promotion of human rights.

Find out more about our member organisations.