Over 100 Universities, 8 regional programmes: the largest network of human rights educators in the world

Our over one hundred member universities are renowned for their leading role in education, research and advocacy in human rights and democratisation. Such a wide network, cooperating at both the regional and the global level, ensures that intersectionality and cross-cutting issues are always at the forefront of our programmes.

This large network is comprised of eight regional hubs, whose keys actors are:

  • The Headquarters of the Global Campus in Venice coordinates the overall network and manages the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA/GC Europe)
  • The Universities of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Bologna (Italy) jointly coordinate the European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA/GC South East Europe);
  • The University of Pretoria (South Africa) coordinates the Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa (HRDA/GC Africa);
  • The University of Mahidol (Bangkok, Thailand) coordinates the Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Asia-Pacific (APMA/GC Asia-Pacific);
  • The State University of Yerevan (Armenia) coordinates the Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in the Caucasus (CES/GC Caucasus);
  • The University of San Martin (Buenos Aires, Argentina) coordinates the Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Latin American and the Caribbean (LATMA/GC Latina America and Caribbean);
  • The University of Saint Joseph (Beirut, Lebanon) coordinates the Arab Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights (ARMA/GC Arab World);
  • The OSCE Academy (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) coordinates the Master of Arts in Human Rights and Sustainability (MAHRS/GC Central Asia).
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The are many benefits of such a diverse and regionally-focused network. Students gain a richness and variety of perspectives on human rights that no single department or faculty could offer. For the professors and experts who devote their time and expertise, this cooperation brings insight and inspiration which in turn enriches the participating institutions. Our long experience with joint curriculum development, teaching methods, student selection and evaluation, and even the awarding of degrees, provides a unique example of global inter-university cooperation.

Explore our university members!

Europe (EMA)

42 Universities


Latin America-Caribbean (LATMA)

15 Universities


Central Asia (MAHRS)

6 Universities

      Partner and Prospective Partner Universities in Central Asia