Sophie Moustard

Sophie Moustard

Rennes, Bretagne, France
1 k abonnés + de 500 relations


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  • Graphique Compani


    Rennes, Bretagne, France

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    Région de Paris, France

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    Palo Alto, CA, US

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    Meudon, France

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  • Graphique CentraleSupélec

    Ecole centrale de Paris


    Activités et associations :General secretary of the Students Union, Centrale women's soccer team, Nx Television, Raid Centrale Paris

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Licences et certifications


  • Artificial Intelligence


  • Computer Vision


  • Database


  • Datamining


  • Deep learning


  • Object oriented programmation


  • Security



  • Destination Prépa

    - aujourd’hui

    Made a documentary about preparatory schools : Writting, filming, editing, distribution and promotion with ten classmates.
    Management of the budget and research of sources of funding. Organization of the evening launch of the documentary with 150 people.
    Website :
    Press article on "Le figaro étudiant" about the documentary

    Other creators
    See project
  • "NX à Saclay"


    As part of the fusion between the schools Ecole Centrale Paris and Supelec, the campus of ECP is going to move, in 2017, to a new location : Saclay. Thus, associations have to strongly prepare this relocation.
    This 5 months associative project consisted in two main topics :

    - Organizing an TV-show on our future new campus :

    We worked in collaboration with our future partners (the analog association at Supelec), to organize a TV show for 700 persons : defining contents…

    As part of the fusion between the schools Ecole Centrale Paris and Supelec, the campus of ECP is going to move, in 2017, to a new location : Saclay. Thus, associations have to strongly prepare this relocation.
    This 5 months associative project consisted in two main topics :

    - Organizing an TV-show on our future new campus :

    We worked in collaboration with our future partners (the analog association at Supelec), to organize a TV show for 700 persons : defining contents, preparing communication and dealing with technical issues (lights, projection, security, structure, etc…).

    - Preparing the relocation of NX Television in 2017 :

    The association has many things on the current campus, which allow it to work : many equipment, rooms, partners at school and outsid, etc... We tried to make sure that all will be preserved and that NX Television will have the same framework on the future campus.

    Other creators


  • Anglais

    Capacité professionnelle générale

  • Espagnol

    Compétence professionnelle limitée

  • Francais

    Bilingue ou langue natale

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