Huxi LI

Huxi LI

Paris et périphérie
2 k abonnés + de 500 relations

À propos

PhD, Head of Engineering / CTO, Chief Architect SI, with hands-on skills in successful…

Articles de Huxi


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  • Institut national polytechnique de Lorraine

Licences et certifications


  • The Myth of Enterprise System Pollutions: The Hidden Demons


    Managers, architects, and developers around the world are struggling with the mythical enterprise system pollution – an initially clean system becomes more and more dirty and rigid. This is a general phenomenon that is often considered as "normal" by ones or simply ignored by others. Sometimes a system becomes so rigid that a small change could introduce unmanageable high risks. System chaos is a common symptom that many enterprises confront with regardless of all of their efforts in…

    Managers, architects, and developers around the world are struggling with the mythical enterprise system pollution – an initially clean system becomes more and more dirty and rigid. This is a general phenomenon that is often considered as "normal" by ones or simply ignored by others. Sometimes a system becomes so rigid that a small change could introduce unmanageable high risks. System chaos is a common symptom that many enterprises confront with regardless of all of their efforts in QA.


    This is a fundamental question that deserves more attentions. “The Myth of Enterprise System Pollutions: The Hidden Demons” took this question very seriously by focusing itself on the dark zones of today’s enterprise system designs.

    See publication
  • Advancing Front Approach for Triangular Mesh Generation

    Computer Engineering, 21(1), 219, 1995

  • Java System Scripting With Groovy

    Unpublished (draft freely available if requested), 2010

  • MATLAB and Its Application in FEM Simulation

    Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, ISBN : 7-313-01611-5, 1998

  • The Design of CAE Software for Injection Modeling (WP-FLOW System)

    Journal of Computer Aided Engineering 4(2), 6, 1995

Prix et distinctions

  • Management of Strategic Marketing


  • Top Global Chief Architect 2019


  • Sucess Story of Strategic Digital Transformation



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