Florian Eyzat

Florian Eyzat

Paris, Île-de-France, France
3 k abonnés + de 500 relations

À propos

Hey !

I'm a Senior software engineer, working both on frontend and backend. I've…


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  • Freelance

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    Région de Paris, France

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    Paris, France

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    Région de Paris, France

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  • Artogo - Scan & see


    Artogo is an Android app that makes visiting art exhibitions simplier. The goal is to provide informations about the nearest piece of art.

    The project was developped for the Hague University of applied science, in partnership with the Solent University of Southampton, UK.

    The position is found by the app by scanning for bluetooth beacons placed around artworks.
    The user can also choose to scan QR Codes or NFC tags, to get those informations.

    A mobile admin app has also…

    Artogo is an Android app that makes visiting art exhibitions simplier. The goal is to provide informations about the nearest piece of art.

    The project was developped for the Hague University of applied science, in partnership with the Solent University of Southampton, UK.

    The position is found by the app by scanning for bluetooth beacons placed around artworks.
    The user can also choose to scan QR Codes or NFC tags, to get those informations.

    A mobile admin app has also been developped, used in pair with a web adminitration app.

    - Mobile: Java / Android
    - Backend: Node.js / Express.js / MySQL
    - Web: AngularJS / Material design lite / html5 / css3

    Other creators
  • Bomberman


    A bomberman-like, coded in C++ with an OpenGL Encapsulation.

    Other creators
  • 42sh (C/Unix)


    Development of a complete unix working shell .

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  • Français

    Bilingue ou langue natale

  • Anglais

    Capacité professionnelle complète

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