Bertrand Badré

Bertrand Badré

Managing Partner and Founder Blue like an Orange Sustainable Capital - Author of Can Finance save the world ? - Mark to Planet is the new norm - Former MD of the World Bank.

Neuilly-sur-Seine, Île-de-France, France
40 k abonnés + de 500 relations

À propos

Author of « Can finance save the world ? Regaining control over money to serve common good ». Forewords from Emmanuel Macron and Gordon Brown. And of « Voulons nous (sérieusement) changer le monde ? » « Do we (seriously) want to change the world ? » with a foreword from Erik Orsenna.

Articles de Bertrand


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  • Des Femmes et des Hommes. Le pouvoir en partage.

    Actes Sud

    It’s time to seriously work together women and men and share power for real. Genuine diversity is key to address the immense challenges we are facing !

  • Voulons nous (sérieusement) changer le monde ? »

    Mame Éditions

    Discussion on how to redesign our financial paradigm post Covid. Time to be serious if we want to promote a genuinely inclusive resilient and sustainable growth model

  • Can finance save the world ? Regaining control over money to serve common good (also in Chinese, Italian, Russian and more)


    Money is a poor master and a great servant. 10 years into the crisis how can we transform finance into a force for good ? With a foreword from Emmanuel Macron and from Gordon Brown

  • Money Honnie. Et si la finance sauvait le monde ?

    Débats Publics

    Finance before and after the crisis. Time to re-root and re-route.

  • Eau (also In Spanish And Portuguese)

    Robert Laffont

    On the question of financing access to water

    Other authors
    • Michel Camdessus
    • Ivan Cheret
    • Pierre-Frederic Teniere-Buchot
  • Le Mondialisation a t'elle une âme ?


    On Religion And business Ethics

    Other authors
  • Entreprises en Revolution

    Jean-Claude Lattes

    On French Manufactures during the French Revolution

    Other authors


  • Restructuration financière de Groupe Eurotunnel


    => Elaboration du Business Plan, du modèle financier avec les banques,
    => Construction des états financiers pro forma,
    => Participation à la rédaction du Prospectus,
    => Coordination du règlement livraison de l’offre avec la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation.

    Other creators
    See project


  • English

    Bilingue ou langue natale

  • German

    Capacité professionnelle générale

  • French

    Bilingue ou langue natale

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