Vous dirigez une équipe virtuelle nouvellement formée. Comment pouvez-vous établir la confiance et la camaraderie efficacement ?
Diriger une nouvelle équipe virtuelle signifie établir un rapport et une confiance sans l’avantage d’une interaction en personne. Pour réduire la distance numérique :
- Planifiez des vérifications vidéo régulières pour favoriser la communication en face à face et établir des liens personnels.
- Encouragez la transparence en partageant les réussites et les échecs, ce qui peut créer une culture d’ouverture.
- Lancez des activités virtuelles de consolidation d’équipe qui sont à la fois amusantes et pertinentes pour les intérêts de votre équipe afin de renforcer la camaraderie.
Quelles stratégies avez-vous trouvées efficaces pour entretenir la confiance dans un environnement virtuel ?
Vous dirigez une équipe virtuelle nouvellement formée. Comment pouvez-vous établir la confiance et la camaraderie efficacement ?
Diriger une nouvelle équipe virtuelle signifie établir un rapport et une confiance sans l’avantage d’une interaction en personne. Pour réduire la distance numérique :
- Planifiez des vérifications vidéo régulières pour favoriser la communication en face à face et établir des liens personnels.
- Encouragez la transparence en partageant les réussites et les échecs, ce qui peut créer une culture d’ouverture.
- Lancez des activités virtuelles de consolidation d’équipe qui sont à la fois amusantes et pertinentes pour les intérêts de votre équipe afin de renforcer la camaraderie.
Quelles stratégies avez-vous trouvées efficaces pour entretenir la confiance dans un environnement virtuel ?
Create opportunities for personal connections, such as virtual coffee breaks and/or team-building activities, to help everyone get to know each other on a more informal level.
We sometimes forget the very basic concept that virtual or in-person teams are made of people. Trust is built over time, exposure and vulnerability. It helps to have a weekly cadence with the team where you spend a couple of minutes on non-work activities. I have used "Roses and Thorns" as an exercise to build trust and get to know the teams I work with better. For the last five minutes of each weekly meeting members of the team are asked talk about a good thing that happened in the week (Roses) and something that didn't go as planned or they found to be upsetting (Thorns). This not only reinforces a safe space for the team but you can also then check in on team members when needed. Bonus: you can celebrate their personal wins!
Iniciar uma equipe 100% virtual requer um planejamento específico. Criar uma rotina de encontros com câmeras abertas e assuntos descontraídos como um happy hour virtual pode ajudar as pessoas se aproximarem. Propor desafios em pares e grupos para resolver problemas específicos também permite que os colegas criem um senso de equipe e se aproxime. Além disso a liderança pode e deve criar rotinas formais de desdobramento de assuntos da organização com todo o time para que os diminua a informalidade das informações da rádio peão. E por fim, fazer um acompanhamento adequado de engajamento e performance de cada membro e oferecer suporte aos que apresentarem necessidade de apoio para desenvolver sua evolução profissional e pessoal.
Virtual or not, it’s still all about building relationships. Don’t forget the basics - make sure everyone knows each other both professionally and as individuals. Try to contact everyone individually before the first call or meeting, tell them that you are looking forward to working with them and that they can reach out to you at any point. A few minutes spent on these activities at the outset will prove to be a good investment of time. Make sure everyone is on the same page and knows both their own and the team’s responsibilities. As you would in a personal setting, show leadership, be upbeat, be supportive, empower, delegate and add a dash of humour!
I led such a challenge once. Newly hired team, all virtual with no meet opportunities. We did weekly team meetings, where we always started with ice breakers each time (with an aim to learn about each other, each culture and language, and bring trust to the team). I also had 1-2-1s with each weekly and made sure I was always available to support. We celebrated individual site wins as a team, kept focus on common goals, and as much as possible, I tried to partner them up with each other on EMEA wide projects. It is harder than conventional teams and you need to invest more time - but it is absolutely possible to establish a strong, well functioning and efficient team virtually.
Be intentional with the time you do spend together and leverage cameras whenever possible. Understand that remote work allows for fluctuations in hours worked and be transparent about your expectations and ask for communication when fluctuation in scheduling is needed. Respect boundaries and refrain from constant messages, texts, calls which can inhibit work flow and be perceived as micromanaging.
Para criar um time virtual de alta performance é necessário muita organização e atenção aos detalhes. Ter as metas e objetivos claros é muito importante para alinhar expectativas. Ter 1:1 com frequência de forma individual e reuniões semanais com o time ajudam no contato mais próximo com olhar nos objetivos a serem atingidos. Dar feedbacks e criar melhorias nos processos também ajuda a estabelecer a melhoria contínua e validação da eficácia das ações realizadas pelo time. Saber quem do time está jogando junto e entende os objetivos definidos é fundamental para alcançar resultados a curto, médio e longo prazo.
Start by doing a grounding exercise to support each person on the team sharing 'what they value', 'what they need' and 'what they expect'. Doing this will create a shared understanding on how to best work together virtually and also identify opportunities for learning. In addition, it sets the tone for open communication and support.
Although virtual meetings allow us to be more efficient in many ways, we lose the human interaction when we simply logon and start with the agenda. "Replicate" the walk-in conversations that occur in traditional (in-person) meetings - login early and take time to do personal greetings and ask a question to start/engage others in a non-work conversation with others who are early. At the start of each meeting, take a few minutes to have each person share "one thing" they are feeling optimistic about or looking forward to (10 second time limit). This starts things out on a positive note and helps all to feel a bit more connected and familiar with each other.
Liderar uma equipe recém formada, seja de forma virtual ou presencial, tem seus desafios. Na minha opinião, não existe receita de bolo. Precisa identificar o seu estilo de liderança e dentro da individualidade do seu time, o que o motiva. Para conseguir identificar os melhores pontos de todos e com isso fortalecer o time. Acredito no trabalho com empatia e transparência e a base da minha liderança está aí. Sempre com diálogos claros, 1 a 1 frequente e espaço para troca de conhecimentos, tudo isso de forma genuína. Pra mim isso tem funcionado. 100% das vezes? Claro que não. Mas estamos em constante evolução e aprendemos com os erros. Costumo dizer pra gente cometer erros novos e com isso ir atrás de soluções inovadoras.
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