Vous menez une discussion difficile. Comment pouvez-vous vous assurer que tout le monde se sent écouté et respecté ?
Au cœur d’un dialogue stimulant, il est essentiel de créer un espace où chacun se sent valorisé. Pour piloter cela efficacement :
- Établissez des règles de base dès le départ pour établir un respect mutuel et une structure claire.
- Écouter activement et reconnaître les différents points de vue, en montrant un véritable intérêt.
- Encouragez une participation équitable en invitant les membres les plus discrets à partager leurs points de vue.
Comment favorisez-vous un environnement de respect et de compréhension dans les discussions difficiles ?
Vous menez une discussion difficile. Comment pouvez-vous vous assurer que tout le monde se sent écouté et respecté ?
Au cœur d’un dialogue stimulant, il est essentiel de créer un espace où chacun se sent valorisé. Pour piloter cela efficacement :
- Établissez des règles de base dès le départ pour établir un respect mutuel et une structure claire.
- Écouter activement et reconnaître les différents points de vue, en montrant un véritable intérêt.
- Encouragez une participation équitable en invitant les membres les plus discrets à partager leurs points de vue.
Comment favorisez-vous un environnement de respect et de compréhension dans les discussions difficiles ?
Use partcipatory tools that lend themselves to inclusivity and non-judgment. For example, 1-2-4 All technique. This is where participants first reflect individually, then share in pairs, and finally in small groups. This structured approach ensures everyone contributes, reduces pressure, and fosters non-judgmental dialogue, promoting a safe, inclusive environment for idea generation.
Think beyond the scope of the meeting: before, during and after. Use tools and methods that allow and welcome contributions not just during the discussion but : - before, for those who want to pre-contribute, - during for those who want to contribute then, in the moment, and... - after. Ensure people know they can still contribute after the difficult conversation and discussion. I'll say 'let's keep this topic open so as other thoughts or ideas come to you, we can add them ...' to a chat thread, shared doc or board. Most facilitators can be too quick to wrap something up or close it off, breathing a sigh of relief that it's done. Not everyone feels comfortable contributing now in the moment, particularly if it's a difficult topic.
Un buen facilitador necesita identificar las necesidades del equipo, para diseñar espacios de conexión, de colaboración y para llegar a acuerdos y normas de convivencia. En mi experiencia, recomiendo 2 acciones importantes: 1. Las conversaciones sanas en un equipo deben girar entorno al "hacer" de las personas, y no en el "ser". No debemos promover los juicios de valor sobre las personas y lo que representan. 2. Debemos crear espacios seguros en dónde todos sean escuchados con respeto, a través de dinámicas que permitan que todos se expresen, compartan sus ideas y emociones, descentralizando las ideas, y promoviendo espacios de empatía y colaboración. Para accionar estas acciones uso mucho Estructuras Liberadoras, lo recomiendo!
Start with publicly acknowledging the discussion is difficult and has possibility of eliciting intense emotions and reactions. With this context, request the participants to be mindful but at the same time free enough to engage. Utilize light ice-breakers to relieve any tension or to introduce the discussion in a manner alternative to straight up serious conversation.
Often, we need to be intentional by actively seeking people’s opinions. For example, saying, "Hi Eric, what’s your opinion on this?" can make a difference. Many times, those who remain silent may have better solutions to offer but hesitate to speak up due to fear of criticism.
Start by setting clear ground rules that promote a respectful / inclusive dialogue, emphasizing the importance of listening as much as speaking. Use a round-robin approach to give everyone a chance to voice their opinions without interruption. Employ active listening techniques, such as summarizing points / asking clarifying questions, to demonstrate understanding and validate participants’ feelings. Address any conflicts directly / constructively, aiming to find common ground or agreeable solutions. After the discussion, follow up with a summary of what was discussed, agreed upon, or needs further exploration. This approach fosters a safe environment where all perspectives are valued, helping to navigate tough conversations effectively.
If you're anticipating a difficult conversation then suggest "everyone's voice is heard" or "respect every opinion" as one of your proposed ways of working at the start of the meeting. Be explicit that you wish to hear from everyone in the conversation, as this will signpost your intention to everyone. Of course you need to walk the talk here as participants will notice if you don't seek everyone's input. Draw out participants who may be quieter with gentle questioning, such as "Sam, I am wondering what you're thinking, please could you share?", or "This is great input, thank you, and I am keen to hear from others who have not spoken yet."
I encourage the group to agree on a few rules and principles. This could be timeboxing for the speaking time or a certain sequence of speakers. However, I would probably start with small groups, which I enlarge bit by bit to condense the most important essences and thoughts.
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