USENIX Code of Conduct Report
Use this form to report concerns about inappropriate behavior by any participant during a USENIX event, in a USENIX online space, or related social media.

If you have documents, screenshots or other evidence, you may email the files to USENIX via execdir[at]usenix[dot]org.

You may submit this form anonymously if you so choose. Your identity will be apparent to USENIX only if you include your identity in your answers below or email files to us.
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Your name. Enter "anonymous" if you do not wish to identify yourself. If you submit this form anonymously, be advised that it may affect our ability to investigate and follow up. *
Your contact information (email, phone, or other preferred contact method)
Where did it happen? Please identify the conference/event or online space. *
What happened? Be as detailed as possible, including the date/time, who was involved, how it happened, etc. *
If there are witnesses, please describe below with as much identifying information as possible, including contact information.
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This form was created inside of USENIX Association. Report Abuse