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R Medicine 2023 logo

An R Consortium conference

June 5-9, 2023

Virtual Conference


Thank you for Attending

Thank you to all who joined us for R/Medicine 2023!
We look forward to seeing you at future events.


To experience the best of this year’s event, be sure to watch session recordings, available on the R Consortium YouTube Channel.


Review session slides from speakers who provided them via the event schedule.

The R/Medicine conference provides a forum for sharing R based tools and approaches used to analyze and gain insights from health data. Conference workshops provide a way to learn and develop your R skills. Midweek demos allow you to try out new R packages and tools, and our hackathon provides an opportunity to learn how to develop new R tools. The conference talks share new packages, and successes in analyzing health, laboratory, and clinical data with R and Shiny with a vigorous ongoing discussion with speakers (with pre-recorded talks) in the chat.

Keynote Speakers

BROUGHT TO YOU BY R Consortium and

