Event Help Guide

If you are experiencing problems viewing or listening to an event, please review the following minimum requirements and frequently asked questions.
Minimum Requirements
Supported System Configurations
Media Players
Internet Browsers
Internet Connection
Test Your System
Click here to test your system if it meets the minimum requirements
Contact Audience Support
If you are experiencing technical problems and you were not able to find a solution using the information provided, please contact our Audience Support department. You may email Audience Support at [email protected].

If you are experiencing technical problems and you were not able to find a solution using the information provided, please contact our Audience Support department. You may call Audience Support at the following numbers.

US1: (800) 215-0364
US2: (720) 465-8618
United Kingdom: +44 2030147105
Singapore +65 31586211

You may also email Audience Support at [email protected].

Please provide the Event ID. The Event ID is located in the titlebar of the browser window. If you cannot locate the Event ID, please provide the date, time and title of the event.
The Audience URL in the confirmation email didn't work
I am prompted to register again even if I already registered for the event.
I keep receiving an error message stating that the form is missing information or I am entering an invalid e-mail address when I register
Can I access the event from a different computer than the one I registered from?
I am asked for a password when I try to view the event
I can't get back to the registration page!
Pressing the "Launch Presentation" button doesn't do anything
I received a "Content not available" message
I received a message that the event is not currently available
I receive an "HTTP not found" error message
The sound works continuously, but the video freezes
The media player automatically stops or it continually stops and rebuffers
I can't hear anything (or the sound is very faint or choppy)
I can access the event, but I cannot view the slides or the slides are not flipping
My computer crashes when I try to access the event
I can see the video but I can't hear anything (or the sound is very faint or choppy)
I can't see the test video
I can see the test video but I can't see the event video
The video is choppy