Eric Cheney

Research areas

Interests: Economic geology: spans metallic and nonmetallic ore deposits and the fossil fuels

Current Research:
My interests in economic geology spans metallic and nonmetallic ore deposits and the fossil fuels. Lately I have concentrated on the geology of deposits of the rare earth elements (REEs) and on porphyry ore deposits of all types, as well as the societal issues of fossil fuels. As for regional geology, in Washington I am doing field work on the Tertiary history of the Cascade Range and on pre-Jurassic North America (Laurentia) in the northeastern corner of the State and adjacent British Columbia. In the latter project, I’m documenting a poorly known fold and thrust belt. I use sequence stratigraphy (of the Sloss- and Wheeler-type) as a major tool in economic geology and, especially, in my field work on the eastern flank of the Cascade Range and in Laurentia.