Joris Peels

Joris Peels

Valencia/València, Comunidad Valenciana / Comunitat Valenciana, España
10 mil seguidores Más de 500 contactos

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I'm a 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing Consultant with deep experience, knowledge…

Artículos de Joris

  • We Were All Makers Once

    We Were All Makers Once

    Increasingly technology is encapsulated in chips, boards, and software. Hidden.

  • Mass Customization Monday 2

    Mass Customization Monday 2

    This week on Mass Customization Monday, Open Bionics win a significant award, customize your CoverGirl make up, Should…

  • What is Mass Customization Anyway?

    What is Mass Customization Anyway?

    Mass Customization as an idea Futurist Alvin Toffler first alluded to mass customization in his books Future Shock and…

    6 comentarios
  • 3D Printed Drone Swarms & the future of war

    3D Printed Drone Swarms & the future of war

    A few days ago in a hearing the US Secretary of Defense mentioned some key new innovations that the US military was…

    8 comentarios
  • YouMagine 3D printing survey Results

    YouMagine 3D printing survey Results

    At YouMagine we want to help build the plumbing for 3D printing and let people create through Distributed Innovation…

    15 comentarios


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    Oblique is a curated monthly selection of digital fabrication.

    We seek out truly beautiful 3D printed products & art. We look for those artists, designers & engineers who are pushing 3D printing forward.

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