Jose L Adrio

Jose L Adrio

León, Castilla y León, España
458 seguidores 444 contactos

Acerca de

R&D Management, Microbial Biotechnology, Process Development, Molecular Biology…


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  • Gráfico ADL BioPharma

    ADL BioPharma

    León, España

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    León, Castilla and Leon, Spain

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    San Sebastian-Donostia, Guipuzcoa

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  • Combining evolutionary and metabolic engineering in Rhodosporidium toruloides for lipid production with non-detoxified wheat straw hydrolysates

    Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology

  • Engineering Rhodosporidium toruloides for the production of very long monounsaturated fatty acid-rich oils

    Applied Microbiology Biotechnology

  • Biotechnology of microbial enzymes

    Academic Press (Elsevier)

    Otros autores
  • Oleaginous yeasts: promising platforms for the production of oleochemicals and biofuels

    Biotechniology Bioengineering

  • Antifungals

    Biochemical Pharmacology

    Otros autores
  • Microbial production of fatty alcohols

    World Journal Microbiology Biotechnology

  • Fatty alcohols production by oleaginous yeast

    Journal Industrial Microbiology Biotechnology

    Otros autores
  • Crystallization and its effect on the mechanical properties of a medium length chain polyhydroxyalkanoate

    Journal Mechanical Behaviour Biomedical Materials

  • Microbial enzymes: tools for biotechnological processes


    Otros autores
  • Essential role of genetics in the advancement of biotechnology

    Methods Molecular Biology

    Otros autores
  • Creating modern industrial biotechnology

    Genetic & Engineering News

    Otros autores
  • Synthesis of beta-lactams (cephalosporins) by bioconversions

    Amino acids, peptides and proteins in organic chemistry.Vol 3 Building blocks

    Otros autores
  • Contributions of microorganisms to industrial biology

    Molecular Biotechnology

    Otros autores
  • Recombinant microorganisms for production of industrial products

    Bioengineered Bugs

    Otros autores
  • Semisynthesis of novel monacolin J derivatives: hypocholesterolemic and neuroprotective activities

    Journal Antibiotics

    Otros autores
  • Metabolism of prebiotic products containing beta (2-1) fructan mixtures by two Lactobacillus strains


  • Producción de lípidos por fermentación


  • Strain improvement for the production of pharmaceuticals and other microbial metabolites by fermentation

    Progress Drug Research

    Otros autores
  • Expression of an Aspergillus niger glucose oxidase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its use to optimize fructo-oligosaccharides synthesis

    Biotechnology Progress

    Otros autores
  • Genetic improvement of processes yielding microbial products

    FEMS Microbiology Reviews

    Otros autores
  • High-level expression and characterization of Galactomyces geotrichum (BT107) in Pichia pastoris

    Protein Expression Purification

    Otros autores
  • Microbial cells and ezymes: a century of progress

    Methods Biotechnology

    Otros autores
  • Screening of microorganisms for enzymatic synthesis of nondigestible oligosacharides

    Methods Biotechnology

  • Lactobacillus fermentum a probiotic able to release glutathione prevents colonic inflammation in the TNBS model of rat

    International Journal Colorectal Disease

  • Fungal Biotechnology

    International Microbiology

    Otros autores
  • Industrial Mycology: Past, present and future

    Handbook of Industrial Mycology

    Otros autores
  • Microbial enzymes for food-grade oligosaccharides biosynthesis

    Microorganisms for health care, food and enzyme production

    Otros autores
  • Performance of a recombinant strain of Streptomyces lividans for bioconversion of penicillin G to deacetoxycephalosporin G

    Journal Industrial Microbiology Biotechnology

  • Construction of hybrid deacetoxycephalosporin C synthases (expandases) by hoemologous bacterial recombination

    Enzyme Microbial Technologu

    Otros autores
  • Improvements in the formation of cephalosporins from penicillins by bioconversion

    Organic Process Research

    Otros autores
  • Bioconversion of penicillisn to cephalosporins

    Enzyme technology for pharmaceutical and biotechnological applications

  • Extracellular production of biologically active deacetoxycephalosporin G synthase from Streptomyces clavuligerus in Pichia pastoris

    Biotechnology Bioengineering

    Otros autores
  • Bioprocesses for cephalosporin production

    Recent Research Developments Microbiology

  • Environmentally safe production of 7-aminodeacetoxycephalosporanic acid (7-ADCA) using recombinant strains of Acremonium chrysogenum

    Nature Biotechnology

    Otros autores
  • Further studies on the bioconversion of penicillin G into deacetoxycephalosporin G by resting cells of S. clavuligerus NP1

    Applied Biochemistry Biotechnology

  • Inactivation of deacetoxycephalospirin C synthase during conversion of penicillin G into deacetoxycephalosprin G by cell-free extracts of Streptomyces clavuligerus

    Enzyme Microbial Technology

  • Stimulatory effect of growth in the presence of alcohols on biotransformation of penicillin G into cephalosporin-type antibiotics by resting cells of S. clavuligerus NP1

    Applied Microbiology Biotechnology

  • Elucidation of conditions allowing conversion of penicillin G and other penicillins to deacetoxycephalosporins using resting cells and extracts of S. clavuligerus NP1

    Proceedings National Academy Sciences USA (PNAS)

  • An electrophoretic karyotype of the astaxanthin-producing yeast Phaffia rhodozyma

    Current Genetics

  • Transformation of the asthaxanthin-producing yeast Phaffia rhodozyma

    Biotechnol Letters

  • Isolation of Phaffia rhodozyma auxotrophic mutants by enrichment methods

    Journal General Applied Microbiology


  • Composiciones y métodos para la producción de biocombustibles

    Expedida ES ES2564249

    Otros inventores
  • Formylated xanthocillin analogs as neuroprotectans

    Expedida US 9,453,004

    Otros inventores
  • Production of microbial oils with a high content of very long chain fatty acids

    Presentada el ES WO2017/042413

  • Production of microbial oils with an elevated oleic acid content

    Presentada el ES WO2016/185073

    Otros inventores
  • Production of microbial oils

    Expedida ES ES2526617

    Otros inventores
  • Production of fatty alcohols

    Presentada el ES WO2016/128602

    Otros inventores
  • Production of bioplastics

    Expedida ES ES2448823

    Otros inventores
  • Biodiesel production method

    Expedida US 8,647,849

    Otros inventores
  • Hypocholesterolemic, anti-inflammatory and antiepilectic neuroprotective compound

    Expedida ES ES2380473

    Otros inventores
  • Biosynthesis of derivatives of monacolin J

    Expedida ES ES2343049

    Otros inventores
  • Method for producing 7-aminocephalosporanic acid (7-ADCA)

    Expedida ES ES2165276

    Otros inventores
  • Penicillin conversion

    Expedida US 6383773

    Otros inventores


  • Patents: patentability, writing, searching, infringement and legal proceedings

    University Barcelona-OPEM


  • BioAndalus


    Isolation and screening of PUFAS-rich oil-producing heterotrophic microalgae. Strain selection and process development in flasks and small bioreactors (7L)

  • Biocat2nol


    Simultaneous screening of 3 enzymatic activities (cellulase, xylanase and laccase) from 3,000 molds. Strain selection and enzymes characterization

  • BioSOS


    Process development for the production of bioplastics (polyhydroxyalkanoates) by cultivation of a Pseudomonas putida overproducing-strain.



    Metabolic engineering of the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides for the production of fatty alcohols. Agricultural waste hydrolysates were used as carbon source

  • Microbiotools


    Isolation and screening of oleaginous microorganisms from environmental samples. Strain selection. Improvement of lipid production by random mutagenesis. Lipid production was scaled up to 30 L biorreactors. Raw glycerine and wheat Straw hydrolysates were used carbon sources.

  • NST (New Statins)


    Isolation and selection of statins-producing fungal strains. Cultivation and extraction and purification of statins. Synthesis of new chemical derivatives (new statins).

  • S2Oils


    Scaling the production of microbial lipids (triglycerides) at pilot-demo plant (3m3). Wheat Straw hydrolysate was used as carbon source.

  • TMO (Tailor-made oils)


    Metabolic engineering of the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides for the production of very-long chain monounsaturated fatty acid-rich oils and polyunsaturated fatty acids-rich oils (linoleic and linolenic).

Reconocimientos y premios

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship

    Xunta de Galicia-Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

  • Predoctoral Fellowship

    Xunta de Galicia


  • English

    Competencia profesional completa

  • Español

    Competencia bilingüe o nativa

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