Camilla Dore

Camilla Dore

Barcelona, Cataluña, España
784 seguidores Más de 500 contactos

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My academic education thought me how to approach and simplify complex problems in a…


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  • Gráfico B'ZEOS
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    Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

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    Barcelona Area, Spain

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    Munich Area, Germany

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    Munich Area, Germany

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    Munich Area, Germany

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    Rome Area, Italy


  • Gráfico Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


    Actividades y grupos:Parc de recerca de la UAB

    · Identification of market needs and understanding of customer requirements.

    · Coordination and division of task in a multiplidisciplinary group.

    · Fabrication of prototypes, and set up of synergic collaborations.

    · Presentation of technical details and project value proposition to costumers and investors.

    · Entrepreneurship courses attendance (lean startup methodology for business development, presentation techniques, EU regulatory compliance, legal forms of…

    · Identification of market needs and understanding of customer requirements.

    · Coordination and division of task in a multiplidisciplinary group.

    · Fabrication of prototypes, and set up of synergic collaborations.

    · Presentation of technical details and project value proposition to costumers and investors.

    · Entrepreneurship courses attendance (lean startup methodology for business development, presentation techniques, EU regulatory compliance, legal forms of enterprises, technology transfer, intellectual properties, cost and time analysis, privat and public funding sources).

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    Bio-nanotechnology study plan.
    Master thesis project: "Realization and characterization of self-assembled monolayers on semiconducting substrates"

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    Bachelor thesis project: "Pressure distribution simulation in a disk brake"

Reconocimientos y premios

  • First prize winner - CELLUPACK cellulose based edible and biodegradable food packaging

    Parc de recerca de la UAB


  • English

    Competencia profesional completa

  • German

    Competencia básica limitada

  • Italian

    Competencia bilingüe o nativa

  • Spanish

    Competencia profesional completa

  • Catalan

    Competencia básica limitada

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