UW College of the Environment’s units are some of the most well-respected and productive within their fields, and their work ranges from fundamental discoveries to the implementation and evaluation of natural resource solutions. Many College faculty, staff and students are recognized for their contributions through various awards, fellowships, board memberships and prizes.
College of the Environment faculty honors include:
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- James Holton* (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 1994
- John Michael Wallace (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 1997
- Peter Rhines (Oceanography), 1999
- Dan Brown (Environmental and Forest Sciences), 2009
- Edward Miles* (Marine and Environmental Affairs), 2009
- Ray Hilborn (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2010
- Jerry Franklin (Environmental and Forest Sciences), 2014
- Dave Battisti (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2021
National Academy of Sciences
- John Halver* (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 1978
- Richard J. Reed* (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 1978
- Peter Rhines (Oceanography), 1981
- James Holton* (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 1994
- John Michael Wallace (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 1997
- Jody Deming (Oceanography), 2003
- Edward Miles* (Marine and Environmental Affairs), 2003
- Lynn Riddiford (Friday Harbor Labs), 2010
- Eric D’Asaro (Oceanography), 2014
- Dennis Hartmann (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2016
- Chris Bretherton (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2019
- Qiang Fu (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2024
American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Frieda Taub (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 1968
- Joost Businger (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 1981
- George Hunt (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 1981
- Peter Hobbs* (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 1982
- Jerry Franklin (Environmental and Forest Sciences), 1983
- Ken Sebens (Friday Harbor Labs), 1986
- Ross Heath (Oceanography), 1989
- Dennis Hartmann (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 1992
- Charles Simenstad (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 1994
- Theodore Pietsch (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 1996
- Stephen Warren (Earth and Space Sciences), 1998
- Edward Sarachik (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 1999
- Patricia (Trish) Morse (Friday Harbor Labs), 2000
- James Murray (Oceanography), 2000
- Donald Grayson (Quaternary Research Center), 2002
- Thomas P. Ackerman (Atmospheric and Climate Science, JISAO), 2003
- Lisa Graumlich (Environmental and Forest Sciences), 2003
- Norbert Untersteiner* (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2004
- Edward Miles* (Marine and Environmental Affairs), 2005
- Conway Leovy* (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2007
- Adam Summers (Friday Harbor Labs), 2008
- Philip Rasch (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2009
- Virginia Armbrust (Oceanography), 2011
- Robert Houze (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2012
- Qiang Fu (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2015
- Richard Feely (Oceanography), 2017
- Usha Varanasi (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2017
- Julia Parrish (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2019
- Eric Steig (Earth and Space Sciences), 2019
- Karl Banse (School of Oceanography), 2019
- Emily Carrington (Friday Harbor Labs), 2021
Washington State Academy of Sciences
- Brian Atwater (Earth and Space Sciences), 2008
- Joost Businger (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2008
- John Halver* (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2008
- Edward Miles* (Marine and Environmental Affairs), 2008
- Peter Rhines (Oceanography), 2008
- John Michael Wallace (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2008
- Ray Hilborn (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2010
- Theodore Pietsch (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2010
- Thomas Quinn (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2010
- Usha Varanasi (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2011
- Peter Ward (Earth and Space Sciences), 2011
- E. Virginia Armbrust (Oceanography), 2012
- Clifford Mass (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2012
- Bradley Colman (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2014
- Eric D’Asaro (Oceanography), 2014
- Andre Punt (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2014
- Cecilia Bitz (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2015
- Jerry Franklin (Environmental and Forest Sciences), 2016
- Dennis Hartmann (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2016
- Chris Bretherton (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2019
American Geophysical Union Fellows
- John Delaney (Oceanography), 1995
- Edward Sarachik (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 1998
- Brian Awater (Earth and Space Sciences), 1999
- Knut Aagaard, (Oceanography) 2000
- Marcia Baker (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2006
- Richard Feely (Oceanography), 2007
- David Montgomery (Earth and Space Sciences), 2007
- James Murray (Oceanography), 2009
- Thomas Ackerman (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean), 2011
- Kenneth Creager (Earth and Space Sciences), 2011
- Charles Nittrouer (Oceanography), 2011
- Jeffrey Richey (Oceanography), 2011
- Ed Baker (Oceanography), 2012
- Robert Houze (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2012
- Allan Devol (Oceanography), 2013
- Joan Gomberg (Earth and Space Sciences), 2013
- Barbara Hickey (Oceanography), 2013
- David Battisti (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2014
- Eric D’Asaro (Oceanography), 2014
- Qiang Fu (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2014
- Christopher S. Bretherton (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2015
- Ian Joughin (Earth and Space Sciences), 2015
- Charles Eriksen (Oceanography), 2016
- Deborah Kelley (Oceanography), 2016
- Stephen Warren (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2016
- Bernard Hallet (Earth and Space Sciences)
- Dennis Hartmann (Atmospheric and Climate Science)
- Greg Johnson (Oceanography)
- Paul Quay (Oceanography)
- Philip J. Rasch (Atmospheric and Climate Science)
- Peter Rhines (Oceanography)
- Chris Sabine (Oceanography)
- John Vidale (Earth and Space Sciences)
- John Michael Wallace (Atmospheric and Climate Science)
- Cecilia M. Bitz (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2018
- Parker MacCready (Oceanography), 2021
Ecological Society of America Fellows
- Jerry Franklin (Environmental and Forest Sciences), 2012
- Lisa Graumlich (Environmental and Forest Sciences), 2013
- Julian Olden (Early Career Fellow; Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2013
- Julia Parrish (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2016
- Chelsea Wood (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2017
- Abigail Swann (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2019
- Joshua Lawler (Environmental and Forest Sciences), 2021
- Julian Olden (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2022
- Brian Harvey (Early Career Fellow; Environmental and Forest Sciences), 2022
Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellows
- Lisa Graumlich (Environmental and Forest Sciences), 1999
- Dennis Hartmann (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 1999
- Robert Naiman (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 1999
- Julia Parrish (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2006
- Trevor Branch (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2013
- Joshua Lawler (Environmental and Forest Sciences), 2013
- Julian Olden (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2015
MacArthur Foundation Fellow
- David Montgomery (Earth and Space Sciences), 2008
Volvo Environment Prize
- Ray Hilborn (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2006
Heinz Foundation Award for the Environment
- Jerry Franklin (Environmental and Forest Sciences), 2005
- Richard Feely (Oceanography), 2010
Fulbright Fellowships
(since 1998)
- Robert Gara (Environmental and Forest Sciences), 1999
- Jim Murray (Oceanography), 2003
- Dorothy Paun (Environmental and Forest Sciences), 2004
- Vlad Kaczynski (Marine and Environmental Affairs), 2006, 2011
- David Beauchamp (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2008
- Peter Rhines (Oceanography), 2011
- Dan Jaffe (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2013
- Cecilia Bitz (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2013
- Jody Bourgeois (Earth and Space Sciences), 2016
- Michael Carlson (Oceanography), 2016
- Michelle Koutnik (Earth and Space Sciences), 2017
NASA New Investigator Program Award
- Lyatt Jaegle (Atmospheric and Climate Science), 2001-2004
Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers
- Nathan Mantua (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, Climate Impacts Group), 2000
- Gabriel Vecchi (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, Atmospheric Science), 2002
- Laura Prugh (Environmental & Forest Sciences), 2019
White House Champions of Change
- Julia Parrish (Aquatic and Fishery Sciences), 2013
- Amy Snover (Climate Impacts Group), 2015
If you have suggestions or edits for this list, please email [email protected].