Smartwork NGO/NPO - Research, Consultancy & Training

Smartwork NGO/NPO - Research, Consultancy & Training

Business Consulting and Services

Tallinn, Harju maakond 720 followers

Developing smart and contemporary work practices in Estonia

About us

Established in 2007, Smartwork association (NGO) stands for smart and contemporary work practices. Our goal is to enhance Estonia's job market's flexibility and adaptability to meet better with the demands coming from the external environment (e.g. globalization, development of technologies and ICT, changes in employee expectations, increased competition for talent, etc.). At Smartwork, we value: Smart working practices in general, where the emphasis is on the work outcome, not the time and place where work has been accomplished; Employee autonomy (including flexibility in choosing how, when and where work will be accomplished) Role, value & competence-based management practices; Maximizing the potential and benefits of the development of ICT; Our main activities include: Collecting best practices from different organizations around the world and sharing it with our local organizations; Doing research in collaboration with Universities to map the current state in Estonian organizations regards using smart working practices; and the current and future needs regards employee competencies. Development of competencies of current and future managers and employees. Running and participating in different international and local projects funded by EU, Estonian Government, and/or private organizations.

Business Consulting and Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Tallinn, Harju maakond
remote work, virtual teamwork, and digital skills


Employees at Smartwork NGO/NPO - Research, Consultancy & Training


  • Smartwork NGO/NPO - Research, Consultancy & Training reposted this

    Mis vahe siis ikkagi on IT tooteomanikul ja IT projektijuhil? Ka saatekülalised juurdlevad selle üle, ning päris ühele lehele ei jõuagi :P. Küll aga tõdevad üheselt, et karjääripööre IT-sse on võimalik ja IT-s on äge! Saatekülalised: Work In Tech 2023 ümberõppe programmi lõpetanu Kirsi Valk, kes tegi karjääripöörde mööblitootmisest IT projektijuhiks ja täna töötab Proekspert AS-is ning Eva Maria Veitmaa, tooteomanik veebimängude arendusega tegelevas ettevõttes. Saatejuht Katrin Aarma Saade saab teoks tänu TalTech School of IT, Teliale ning Smartwork NGO/NPO - Research, Consultancy & Trainingule. Kuula saadet:

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  • Mis vahe siis ikkagi on IT tooteomanikul ja IT projektijuhil? Ka saatekülalised juurdlevad selle üle, ning päris ühele lehele ei jõuagi :P. Küll aga tõdevad üheselt, et karjääripööre IT-sse on võimalik ja IT-s on äge! Saatekülalised: Work In Tech 2023 ümberõppe programmi lõpetanu Kirsi Valk, kes tegi karjääripöörde mööblitootmisest IT projektijuhiks ja täna töötab Proekspert AS-is ning Eva Maria Veitmaa, tooteomanik veebimängude arendusega tegelevas ettevõttes. Saatejuht Katrin Aarma Saade saab teoks tänu TalTech School of IT, Teliale ning Smartwork NGO/NPO - Research, Consultancy & Trainingule. Kuula saadet:

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  • Uus saade taas purgis! :P

    Andmeanalüütiku töö võib pealtnäha tunduda kuiv ja igav - kuid tegelikkuses üsna sarnane detektiivi tööga!:) Nii räägivad "Techcasti" külalised Anastasia Petrova ning Janika Aan. Mida veel põnevat andemanalüütiku töö endas kätkeb, ning kas ka karjääripööre sellesse valdkonda on võimalik? Nendele ja paljudele teistele küsimustele kuulete vastuseid Techcastist. Link kommentaaris. Saatekülalisi intervjueerib Katrin Aarma Aitähh Mari S., Kaisa Arge, Joel Kivi ning Catlyn Kirna kogu abi ja toe eest saadete valmimise juures! Techcast on valminud Telia, Smartwork NGO/NPO - Research, Consultancy & Training ning TalTech School of IT koostöös.

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  • Andmeanalüütiku töö võib pealtnäha tunduda kuiv ja igav - kuid tegelikkuses üsna sarnane detektiivi tööga!:) Nii räägivad "Techcasti" külalised Anastasia Petrova ning Janika Aan. Mida veel põnevat andemanalüütiku töö endas kätkeb, ning kas ka karjääripööre sellesse valdkonda on võimalik? Nendele ja paljudele teistele küsimustele kuulete vastuseid Techcastist. Link kommentaaris. Saatekülalisi intervjueerib Katrin Aarma Aitähh Mari S., Kaisa Arge, Joel Kivi ning Catlyn Kirna kogu abi ja toe eest saadete valmimise juures! Techcast on valminud Telia, Smartwork NGO/NPO - Research, Consultancy & Training ning TalTech School of IT koostöös.

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  • 12 spots available - we have extended the early bird price until today midnight! Meet our presenters: Anastasia Petrova is a former Environmental Specialist and Project Manager, now, after going through a reskilling program, forging her path as a Data Analyst at the Information Technology Center of the Ministry of Environment. She's the kind of person who embodies the spirit of "act now, worry later (or maybe not at all)." With a unique blend of analytical precision and a bold, decisive approach, Anastasia has turned data into her new playground, translating complex environmental information into insights that drive impactful decisions. Her journey is a testament to embracing change with confidence, making her a driving force behind sustainable progress. See you on the 16th! Ticket info in the comments.

    Smartwork Association (Targa Töö Ühing) is dedicated to support grownups in enhancing their careers using IT skills. Our goals is to organize at one conference per year to provide networking opportunities and insights into the most demanded IT skills and possibilities for acquiring them. "Career Transition into Tech" is the second conference we organize after "Inspirational Career Transition Day" run with Telia last year. This time, to provide versatility, we have joined forces with Askend and Cerebrumb Hub. 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝: Professionals exploring a career change into tech, those interested in reskilling for tech roles, or anyone curious about AI's impact on the job market. 𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝: Gain confidence, insights, and practical strategies for entering the tech field while building connections with industry professionals and mentors. Join us to connect with industry professionals and potential mentors who can support and guide your journey into this dynamic field! Link to the event in comments.

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  • Meet our speakers: reskiller Yulia Kolnes began her career in construction and land surveying, fully immersed in projects that brought infrastructure to life. During her previous role, a voluntary cybersecurity club emerged, inviting employees from all departments to explore hands-on courses. Intrigued, Yulia joined—and was instantly hooked. Soon after, she got an opportunity to participate in a free reskilling program "Women In Tech | Telia", studying Cybersecurity for six months. Just two months into her Women in Tech program, Yulia’s dedication paid off when she was accepted into a cybersecurity internship at Playtech. Now, she’s diving into cybersecurity full-time, channeling her curiosity and drive into becoming a skilled specialist in the field. During the conference, Yulia will share insights into getting an internship in such short time. She expose challengies that she has faced as a reskiller, as well as share practical advice how to overcome them. Interested in a career in tech? Come and hear Yulias story, as this might be the start of your new and exiting journey!

    Smartwork Association (Targa Töö Ühing) is dedicated to support grownups in enhancing their careers using IT skills. Our goals is to organize at one conference per year to provide networking opportunities and insights into the most demanded IT skills and possibilities for acquiring them. "Career Transition into Tech" is the second conference we organize after "Inspirational Career Transition Day" run with Telia last year. This time, to provide versatility, we have joined forces with Askend and Cerebrumb Hub. 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝: Professionals exploring a career change into tech, those interested in reskilling for tech roles, or anyone curious about AI's impact on the job market. 𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝: Gain confidence, insights, and practical strategies for entering the tech field while building connections with industry professionals and mentors. Join us to connect with industry professionals and potential mentors who can support and guide your journey into this dynamic field! Link to the event in comments.

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  • Meet our speakers: Irina Filippova has been in technical recruitment for over seven years and has a genuine passion for connecting talented individuals with innovative technology solutions. She participated in the WorkInTech program, where she developed skills in project management and data analytics. Today, Irina is taking exciting steps into project management, blending her recruitment background with a strategic approach to achieve successful team outcomes. As the Lead Recruiter at CyberCube, Irina focuses on finding and hiring the most talented and diverse technical professionals in the industry. She is committed to building an inclusive workplace that helps CyberCube deliver top-notch cyber risk analytics. Irina believes that having the right talent is essential for tackling the complex challenges of today’s digital world. Join us at the conference to hear Irina share her insights on the connection between people and technology in recruitment. Whether you're an experienced professional or just starting out, her enthusiasm and expertise will inspire you to explore new career possibilities. Don’t miss this chance to engage with someone who is truly passionate about shaping the future of the tech industry!

    Smartwork Association (Targa Töö Ühing) is dedicated to support grownups in enhancing their careers using IT skills. Our goals is to organize at one conference per year to provide networking opportunities and insights into the most demanded IT skills and possibilities for acquiring them. "Career Transition into Tech" is the second conference we organize after "Inspirational Career Transition Day" run with Telia last year. This time, to provide versatility, we have joined forces with Askend and Cerebrumb Hub. 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝: Professionals exploring a career change into tech, those interested in reskilling for tech roles, or anyone curious about AI's impact on the job market. 𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝: Gain confidence, insights, and practical strategies for entering the tech field while building connections with industry professionals and mentors. Join us to connect with industry professionals and potential mentors who can support and guide your journey into this dynamic field! Link to the event in comments.

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  • Aita kokku panna järgmine 🎙 Techcasti🎙 episood! Techcast taskuhääling sai alguse selle aasta kevadel, kui arutasime R2 stuudios koos ägedate naistega enne saate salvestust, milliseid takistusi kogevad naised, kes sooviksid siseneda IT valdkonda. Jõudsime järeldusele, et väljakutseks on teadmatus. Teadmatus sellest, mis on erinevate IT ametite taga, mida neil ametikohtadel oodatakse, ning kuidas üldse jalg ukse vahele saada. Kiirelt saime kampa TalTech School of IT ning Telia ja nõusse saatejuhi Katrin Aarma. Ning 23. augustil ilmus esimene episood, kus kolm ägedat karjääripööret teinud naist rääkisid oma lugu. Tänaseks on: 🎙 Meil on käinud külas 20 insipreerivat saatekülalist, kes ise teindu karjääripöörde IT valdkonda. 🎙 Purgis 10 saadet erinevatel teemadel: sh küberturve, UX, andmeanalüüs, tooteomanik/projektijuht, IT Tugi, ... 🎙 Podcasti episoode kuulatud kokku rohkem kui 1000 korda. 🎙 Meiga ühinenud kaks särasilmset vabatahtlikku Kaisa Arge ja Mari S., kes aitavad kokku põimida esinejad ja salvestuste ajad. 🎙 Meie suurepärased partnerid andnud mõista, et saame salvestustega jätkata – tehes veel vähemalt 20 saadet. Eelmisel nädalal ilmus meie viies episood teemal UX Merilin Matsiku ja Marili Tenniga (link kommentaarides) mis tähendab, et oleme jõudnud üle selgroo ja aeg on hakata planeerima järgmisi saateid. Sel korral soovime teha seda teisiti ja kaasata kuulajaid oluliselt suuremas mahus. 𝐍𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐞 𝐣𝐚 𝐤ü𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐞, 𝐦𝐢𝐬 𝐤𝐮𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐣𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐨𝐧. Seega, ole hea, lisa palun kommentaaridesse küsimus, millele sooviksid et me podcastis vastaksime seoses karjääripöördega IT valdkonda, IT ametitega, IT trendidega, IT õppimisvõimalustega, vms. Kõik küsimused on teretulnud! 🎁 Ja et hinnata teie vaeva ja aega, mis kulub küsimuste saatmisele, siis oleme tänutäheks mõelnud ka väikese auhinna, mille kõigi küsimuste kirjutajate vahel välja loosime - tasuta 45 min mentorlust sulle olulisel teemal (nt CV ja motivatsioonikirja koostamine, IT õppimisvõimalused, jms). 🎁 🎁 Lisaks loosime kõigi vastajate vahel 01.11.2024 välja ühe pääsme IT Karjääripöörde teemalisele konverentsile (link kommentaarides), mis võimaldab tulla ise või haarata kaasa sõber/sõbranna.

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  • Smartwork Association (Targa Töö Ühing) is dedicated to support grownups in enhancing their careers using IT skills. Our goals is to organize at one conference per year to provide networking opportunities and insights into the most demanded IT skills and possibilities for acquiring them. "Career Transition into Tech" is the second conference we organize after "Inspirational Career Transition Day" run with Telia last year. This time, to provide versatility, we have joined forces with Askend and Cerebrumb Hub. 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝: Professionals exploring a career change into tech, those interested in reskilling for tech roles, or anyone curious about AI's impact on the job market. 𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝: Gain confidence, insights, and practical strategies for entering the tech field while building connections with industry professionals and mentors. Join us to connect with industry professionals and potential mentors who can support and guide your journey into this dynamic field! Link to the event in comments.

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  • Kindlasti olete palunud oma elus vähemalt korra IT toe abi. Kuid, kas olete ka mõelnud, milline on ühe IT tugispetsialisti igapäevatöö? Ning kuidas need inimesed suudavad vastata küsimustele, mis on täiesti seinast-seina? Veelgi enam, ilmselt nii mõnedki teist on mõelnud, et see töö ei ole teile. Aga mõelde uuesti - peale järgmise Techcasti kuulamist! ;) Saatekülalised: Mari-Liis Puks, Ericsson IT Service Manager, varasem Taltechi helpdesk manager, Tallinna Ülikooli IT magister; Ainiki Runno, TalTech helpdesk manager, Work In Tech ümberõppeprogrammi 2021. aastal lõpetanu. Saatejuht: Katrin Aarma "Women In Tech" taskuhääling TechCast valmib Telia, TalTech School of IT ning Smartworkacademy koostööna. Saated asuvad Telia Eesti Youtube`i kanalis:

    TechCast – IT-tugi ("Women In Tech" podcast, episood 4)

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