🎄✨ The LABRIS team wishes you a holiday season filled with peace, joy, and care! ✨🎄 We would like to remind you that during the Christmas and New Year period, LABRIS sample reception will be open as follows: 𝟮𝟯.𝟭𝟮 and 𝟯𝟭.𝟬𝟭: 📍 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘂: 8:00–13:30 📍 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗻 and 𝗦𝗮𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗮: 8:00–12:30 📍 𝗥𝗮𝗸𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗲: closed on 23.12 and 31.12 𝟮𝟰.–𝟮𝟲.𝟭𝟮.𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 and 𝟬𝟭.𝟬𝟭.𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟱: All LABRIS sample receptions and laboratories are closed. On 𝟮𝟯.𝟭𝟮 and 𝟯𝟭.𝟭𝟮, results for 𝗧𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝘀𝗽𝗽. testing will be available on the same day if the samples are delivered to the laboratory by 10:00 AM. Samples received after 10:00 AM will be processed on the next working day.
LABRIS - National Centre for Laboratory Research and Risk Assessment
Public Safety
Tartu, Tartumaa 113 followers
LABRIS offers services in the areas of food & feed safety and animal health and provides risk assessments of food chain.
About us
LABRIS offers services in the areas of food, feed safety and animal health and provides risk assessments throughout of the food chain.
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External link for LABRIS - National Centre for Laboratory Research and Risk Assessment
- Industry
- Public Safety
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Tartu, Tartumaa
- Type
- Government Agency
Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwaldi
Tartu, Tartumaa 51006, EE
Tallinn, Harjumaa 11415, EE
Kohtu 16
Kuressaare, Saaremaa 93812, EE
Piira, Vinni vald, Lääne-Virumaa 46607, EE
Employees at LABRIS - National Centre for Laboratory Research and Risk Assessment
📅 On December 11–12, a General Microbiology Course in Food Analysis organized by the Nordic-Baltic Committee on Food Analysis (NMKL) took place in Tartu, led by specialists from LABRIS. 🔬 The course focused on general microbiology techniques and analytical methods applied in food analysis. The program is based on a course arranged by NMKL in 2014 but includes the latest advancements in the field. Participants included professionals from microbiology laboratories analyzing food, as well as others interested in this field, including those working with water and environmental sample analyses. 🗣️ The training was delivered by LABRIS specialists: Toomas Kramarenko, deputy director of food and feed safety; Maiu Kuningas, Kristjan Soo, Piret Põltsama and Kadi Kook from microbiology department and Annika Vilem from molecular analysis department. The course concluded with a practical tour of the LABRIS Microbiology Department, where participants gained insights into daily laboratory operations. #LABRIS #NMKL #FoodMicrobiology #MicrobiologyCourse #FoodAnalysis #FoodSafety
Here's something for our Estonian-speaking followers! ⬇ 🎧 Valminud on "Uudishimu labori" 8. osa! 🎧 Seekordse podcasti teemaks on marutaud. See on haigus, mis ohustab nii inimeste kui ka loomade elu ja on endiselt paljudes maailma piirkondades laialt levinud. Marutaudist räägib meile LABRISe viroloogia-seroloogia osakonna juhataja Katrin Mähar, kes annab ülevaate alljärgnevast: ❓ Mis on marutaud ja miks see inimestele ja loomadele nii ohtlik on? ❓ Kuidas marutaud levib? ❓ Millised on marutaudi sümptomid ning mida teha, kui kahtlustad kokkupuudet nakatunud loomaga? ❓ Kuidas on olukord marutaudi levikuga maailmas? ❓ Kuidas jälgitakse ja ennetatakse marutaudi levikut Eestis? ❓ Kuidas LABRISes marutaudi diagnoosimine toimub? ❓ Mida saavad inimesed ise ära teha, et Eesti püsiks marutaudivabana? ⏱ Saate kestus on 18 minutit Nii seekordset kui eelmisi podcaste saad kuulata Yotube’i ja Spotify vahendusel. Lingid leiad kommentaaridest ⬇ #LABRIS #loomatervis #lemmikloomad #marutaud
📢 LABRIS pakub tööd 𝘃𝗶𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗴𝗶𝗮-𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗴𝗶𝗮 𝗼𝘀𝗮𝗸𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗽𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗽𝗲𝘁𝘀𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲 Ootame Sind kandideerima kui Sul on: 🔹 kõrgharidus veterinaaria, geenitehnoloogia või bioloogia alal; 🔹 kõrgtasemel eesti keele oskus; 🔹 hea inglise keele oskus; 🔹 kohusetundlikkus, täpsus, positiivsus; 🔹 hea suhtlemisoskus ja koostöövõime; 🔹 oskus iseseisvalt oma tööd korraldada; 🔹 hea pingetaluvus. ☣️ Töö sobib inimesele, kes ei pelga kokkupuudet bioloogiliste ohuteguritega. Omalt poolt pakume: ✅ pikaajalist ja stabiilset töökohta; ✅ nooruslikku ja positiivset kollektiivi; ✅ huvitavat ja mitmekesist tööd kaasaegses laboris; ✅ mugavat tööaega E–N 08:00–16:30, R 08:00–14:00; ✅ enesetäiendamise võimalusi; ✅ laboripoolseid soodustusi (sportimis-ja tervisesoodustused, 7-päevane lisapuhkus, 5 energiapäeva aastas). 📍 Töökoht asub Tartus (Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi 30) 📅 Kandideerimise tähtaeg: 06.01.2025 📅 Tööle asumise aeg: veebruar 2025 📧 Kandideerimiseks saada oma CV e-posti aadressile [email protected] Lingid töökuulutuste juurde meie kodulehel ja CV-Online portaalis leiad kommentaaridest ⬇️
🗓️ Last week, LABRIS representative Tiina Mandel participated in the Food Safety 4EU Forum held in Rome. The event brought together scientists, policymakers, and industry representatives to exchange experiences and ideas on food safety. The programme featured engaging presentations, the introduction of pan-European food safety projects, and the formation of valuable new connections. 🗣️ As part of the two-day event, a youth session titled "Youngs Acting for the Future of Food Safety" was held. Following a Europe-wide competition, six of the most innovative and intriguing projects were selected for short presentations by young researchers. The top three winners earned the opportunity to explore their projects further on the "Young Minds of Food Safety" podcast. 🏆 We are proud to share that Tiina was among the top winners, presenting a joint project between LABRIS - National Centre for Laboratory Research and Risk Assessment and the Estonian University of Life Sciences, titled “Food safety of high-risk plant-based foods and meat alternatives.” 🔬 The project involves collecting over 300 samples from retail stores and analyzing them for microbiological, molecular biological, and chemical indicators. It aims to determine the prevalence of major foodborne pathogens in selected product groups and analyze them for mycotoxins and toxic alkaloids. 🎉 Congratulations to Tiina on her successful presentation! We look forward to hearing more about the project in the upcoming podcast. #LABRIS #EUFoodSafetyForum #FoodSafety #ScientificResearch #YoungScientists #SustainableFood
Here's something for our Estonian-speaking followers! ⬇ 🎧 Valminud on "Uudishimu labori" 7. osa! 🎧 Kas teadsid, et 𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗸𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗯𝗻𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀𝘂𝘀 ehk 𝗔𝗠𝗥 on üks tänapäeva suurimaid terviseohte? AMR tähendab, et mikroobid (bakterid, viirused ja seened) muutuvad antibiootikumide suhtes resistentseks. See aga võib peagi tekitada olukorra, kus ka suhteliselt lihtsaid bakterihaigusi nii inimestel kui loomadel ei ole enam võimalik ravida. Meie podcastis annab antud teemast põneva ülevaate Tartu Ülikooli (University of Tartu) antimikroobsete ühendite tehnoloogia professor Tanel Tenson. Ta on rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud teadlane, kelle töö keskendub keskendub antibiootikumidele ja antibiootikumiresistentsusele. Tanel räägib meile lähemalt: ❓ Mida tähendab antibiootikumiresistentsus (AMR) ja kuidas see tekib? ❓ Miks on oluline, et AMR-i ohjamisega tegeleksid ühiselt nii loomaarstid, inimeste arstid kui ka keskkonnaspetsialistid? ❓ Kuidas on AMR-i olukord Eestis võrreldes muu maailmaga? ❓ Millist rolli mängivad erinevad ühiskonnagrupid AMR-i leviku ohjamisel? ❓ Kas AMR-i levikut on võimalik kunagi täielikult peatada? ❓ Mis võib juhtuda, kui me ei võta AMR-i teemat piisavalt tõsiselt ega tegele selle ohjamisega? ⏱ Saate kestus on 38 minutit Head kuulamist! PS. Nii seekordset kui eelmisi podcaste saad kuulata ka Yotube’i ja Spotify vahendusel. Lingid leiad kommentaaridest ⬇
📅 On November 20, an information day was held in Rapla to introduce the action plan for reducing antibiotic resistance (AMR) in veterinary medicine. The event took place as part of World AMR Awareness Week. 👥 Representatives from organizations contributing to the action plan were invited to the meeting to share updates on developments in their respective fields, along with representatives from stakeholder groups. The program was engaging and provided various perspectives on antibiotic use, sales, and microbial resistance. 🎤 The speakers at the event included Ernesto Liebana (European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)), Hendrik Kuusk (Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture), Ingrid Sumeri and Anne-Ly Veetamm (Agriculture and Food Board), Marju Sammul (Agency of Medicines), Piret Kalmus (Estonian University of Life Sciences), Matis Pääslane (Estonian Veterinary Association), Margus Kuklane (representing veterinary drug wholesalers), Meeli Lindsaar (Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce), Maia-Triin Kanarbik (Ministry of Social Affairs), and Tanel Tenson (University of Tartu). 💬 Additionally, there was an engaging panel discussion titled "The Future of Antibiotic Use: Total Control or Trust?" In the accompanying photo, the participants in the discussion include Anne-Ly Veetamm, Margus Kuklane, Hendrik Kuusk, Piret Kalmus, Marju Sammul, and Matis Pääslane. The meeting was organized under the leadership of the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, with LABRIS contributing to its coordination. #WAAW #AMR #animalhealth #antibiotics #antibioticresistance #veterinarymedicine #cooperation
🗓 On November 7–8, 2024, the annual "Veterinary Medicine 2024" conference took place in Tartu. Organized by the Estonian Association of Veterinarians (Eesti Loomaarstide Koda) in collaboration with partners and sponsors, the conference has been one of the most important forums for veterinarians to meet, discuss, and share knowledge since the mid-1990s. Activities were held in four parallel sections over both days: small animals, large animals, One Health, and veterinary assistants. While the small animal and large animal sections were mainly targeted to veterinary practitioners and the veterinary assistants' section focused on their support staff, the One Health section addressed topics relevant to all veterinarians. For example, representatives from the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture (REM) discussed legislative changes and explained the reasoning behind the requirements and regulations. The Agriculture and Food Board (PTA) outlined the evaluation process for veterinary services, and researchers from the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMÜ) provided insights into European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) activities and the role of scientists in supporting producers and the public sector. 🗣 LABRIS - National Centre for Laboratory Research and Risk Assessment also contributed to the One Health section. Dr Imbi Nurmoja introduced LABRIS’s collaboration with veterinarians and provided an overview of the current situation regarding highly pathogenic avian influenza. A significant part of the One Health section focused on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), featuring presentations from representatives of the REM, PTA, EMÜ, and LABRIS, as well as specialists from the Agency of Medicines and the University of Tartu. Dr Epp Moks from LABRIS gave a talk on determining the antimicrobial susceptibility of pathogens at LABRIS and highlighted the resistance found in isolated samples. #LABRIS #OneHealth #AMR #AnimalHealth #VeterinaryMedicine
🎉 𝗩𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 - 𝗜𝗺𝗯𝗶 𝗡𝘂𝗿𝗺𝗼𝗷𝗮 🎉 The Estonian Association of Veterinarians (Eesti Loomaarstide Koda) annually recognizes outstanding colleagues who have contributed to the development of veterinary medicine in Estonia in various ways. Over the years, these acknowledgments have been given not only to veterinary practitioners but also to university lecturers, researchers, and officials. At the 2024 "Veterinary Medicine" conference, Estonian Association of Veterinarians presented honors, including the Veterinarian of the Year title and a Lifetime Achievement Award. 🏆 Imbi Nurmoja was named as the Veterinarian of the Year for her contributions to developing and enhancing the capabilities of the animal health sector at VTL/LABRIS. Her dedicated work in combating African swine fever, collaboration with industry and hunting organizations, and presentations at events and seminars on various animal health topics were especially highlighted. In addition to her daily responsibilities and national efforts, Imbi Nurmoja has significantly contributed to international scientific cooperation over the past decade, particularly in the field of African Swine Fever. As a result, Estonia’s expertise and experience have reached colleagues in other countries and influenced decision-making at the European level through EFSA opinions. Estonian Veterinary Association honors also went to Sigrid Lapp, Ingrid Veske, and Ülle Jaakma for their contributions to improving veterinary medicine. The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Esta Laine Nahkur, a researcher and lecturer at the Estonian University of Life Sciences, for her outstanding role in veterinary education. 🔗 Find more details on her publications and presentations in comments ⬇ 📸 vet.ee homepage #LABRIS #veterinarymedicine #animalhealth
📆 Today, November 5th, we celebrate European Laboratory Day 🔬 On this day, we recognize our laboratory specialists who work tirelessly, often behind the scenes, to support the health of both humans and animals. ✨ In the accompanying video, Heli Reinet, the Director of LABRIS, explains the work carried out in our laboratories and how these efforts contribute to a healthier future. 🎥👩🔬 We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributes to laboratory work daily – your dedication is invaluable! 👏 #EULabDay2024 #EuropeanLaboratoryDay #LABRIS #AnimalHealth #FoodSafety #FeedSafety #RiskAssessment