

since: 2.18

Declaration [src]

g_utime (
  const gchar* filename,
  utimbuf* utb

Description [src]

A wrapper for the POSIX utime() function. The utime() function sets the access and modification timestamps of a file.

See your C library manual for more details about how utime() works on your system.

Available since: 2.18



Type: const gchar*

A pathname in the GLib file name encoding (UTF-8 on Windows).

The data is owned by the caller of the function.
The value is a platform-native string, using the preferred OS encoding on Unix and UTF-8 on Windows.

Type: utimbuf*

A pointer to a struct utimbuf.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Return value

Type: int

0 if the operation was successful, -1 if an error occurred.