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Chrome Scheduling

London Perf Summit

March 17, 2014

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  • Scheduling Basics
  • Renderer
  • Coordinating: Renderer + Input
  • Coordinating: Renderers + UI
  • Coordinating: Renderer + UI + GPU
  • PPAPI Plugins
  • Testing Framework
  • Next Steps
  • Questions

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Low vs. High Latency Modes

  • Stage A is in a low latency mode if stage B consumes A’s output within the same frame interval.
  • Stage A is in a high latency mode if stage B consumes A’s output in a subsequent frame interval.

Stage B

Stage A

Queue of Frames

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Latency vs. Throughput

  • In a low latency mode, stage A and B must run serially.
  • In a high latency mode, stage A and B can run concurrently.

Stage B

Stage A

Queue of Frames





Caveat: Concurrency doesn’t necessarily�help throughput if we are already CPU bound.

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Latency and Memory

  • Let H be the number of stages in a high latency mode between A and N.
  • If Stage A writes to a framebuffer that is read by Stage N, then there must be at least H+1 copies/versions of the framebuffer.


Stage A

Stage N

There are ways to reduce the number of�buffers needed in some cases, but it gets tricky.

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High Latency Mode

  • This usually occurs when Stage A takes too long, missing B’s deadline.
  • Examples: CSS animation, fast scrolling, UI updates, multiple Renderers.
  • Stage A will enter a high latency mode if B produces a frame without consuming a new frame from A.

Stage B

Stage A

Queue of Frames

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Latency Recovery

  • Problem: Once stage A enters a high latency mode, it will usually stay there.
  • Solution: If stages A and B can run serially before B’s deadline, then skip a frame of production in stage A.
  • Caveats: Latency jank!

Stage B

Stage A

Queue of Frames

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Latency Jank

Is it possible to have “jank” even if we are hitting 60fps?



  • Transition from high to low latency mode.
  • Transition from low to high latency mode.
  • Inconsistent animation timestamp intervals.
  • Inconsistent intervals of user input.

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Balancing It All

Let’s look at how Chrome’s scheduling works (and sometimes doesn’t work) to balance:

  • Latency
  • Throughput
  • Jank
  • Memory

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The Renderer’s Display Pipeline

  • Limit the size of every queue to 1 frame.
  • Blink is forced into a low latency mode relative to Rasterization.
  • Blink may run in a high latency mode relative to the Compositor.
  • Recently enabled latency recovery between Blink and Compositor.�(@dominikg, @skyostil)

Compositor�(CSS Anim,

Fast scroll)



Pending Trees

Active Trees

Blink (rAF)

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The Renderer’s Display Pipeline: Deadline

  • The Compositor has a deadline to decide when to give up on Blink.
    • Is immediate if we are in “prefer smoothness”/accelerated scrolling mode.
    • Is a whole frame away if the Compositor is idle.
    • Is a fractional frame away if there are CSS animations.
  • The deadline can be triggered early once Rasterization completes or if Blink and Rasterization are idle.

Compositor�(CSS Anim,

Fast scroll)



Pending Trees

Active Trees

Blink (rAF)



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Coordinating: Renderer + Input

  • The BeginFrame messages split user input into vsync intervals.
  • Ideally, input arrives at the display rate and is followed by a BeginFrame.
  • Compositor gets first dibs on input for accelerated scrolling.
  • High latency modes introduce input synchronization issues.




Pending Trees

Active Trees


Input + BeginImplFrame

Forwarded Input + BeginMainFrame

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First Frame Latency is Very Important

The latency of all subsequent frames will only be as good as the first frame.

Some tricks we use to reduce first frame latency:

  • Synthesize the first BeginFrame message in some cases.
  • Proactive SetNeedsBeginFrame hides positive-edge latency.
  • Retroactive BeginFrame attempts to catch up on frame production immediately if the deadline hasn’t passed.

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Coordinating: Renderers + UI

  • UI stages operate under the same latency rules as the Renderer.
  • Single Renderer case is handled very well and triggers UI immediately.
  • Multiple Renderer case isn’t handled well at the moment.
    • Renderers should be able to submit directly to the UI Compositor.
    • Renderer<->UI latency recovery does not yet exist.

UI Compositor

Renderer 1

Renderer Frames

UI Rasterization

Pending Trees

Active Trees



Renderer N

Renderer Frames

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Coordinating: Renderer + UI + GPU

  • The GPU is a shared serial resource.
  • If the Renderer is in a high latency mode, its GPU commands could delay more urgent UI commands.
    • GPU Service should be smarter.
    • Use weak future sync points.
  • To reduce number of buffers needed, use strong future sync points.
  • To reduce GPU Service latency, aggressively stream commands?

UI Pipeline

Renderer Frames

Renderer Pipeline

Chrome GPU Service

WebGL, Canvas, or Ganesh


UI Compositor


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Hidden GPU Latency

  • We don’t monitor feedback regarding latency after the GPU Service.
  • On many systems that feedback doesn’t even exist!

Overlay A

Display Controller

Overlay N

GPU Driver

GPU Hardware

Chrome GPU Service


Raw Commands

WebGL + Canvas

Renderer Texture Uploads + Frames

UI Texture Uploads +Frames


OS Compositor

and Other Apps

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Pepper Plugin Display Pipeline


  • BeginFrame + deadline is not yet exposed to PPAPI.
  • PPAPI should be able to submit frames directly to the UI Compositor like a Renderer does. See @jamesr’s proposal for Surfaces.
  • PPAPI is also a GPU Service client.

UI Pipeline

Renderer Pipeline

Plugin Frames

Active Trees


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Synthetic Scheduler Tests

Goal: To test various scheduling corner cases in a way that is mostly immune to the variance introduced by code performance improvements.

A combination of features:

  • Synthetic delay points
  • Synthetic delay point modes
  • Synthetic content types

Tracking bug | Design doc

Many thanks to @skyostil for working on this.

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Synthetic Scheduler Tests: Delay Points

Each test can control a small, but key, set of synthetic delay points:

  • blink.HandleInputEvent - Expensive JavaScript input event handling.
  • cc.RasterRequiredForActivation - Long running raster tasks.
  • cc.BeginMainFrame - Complex main thread picture recording, layout or RAF.
  • gpu.AsyncTexImage - Slow texture uploads.
  • gpu.SwapBuffers - GPU-bound rendering.

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Synthetic Scheduler Tests: Delay Point Configs

Each synthetic delay point can be configured in one of the following ways:

  • No-op (default)
  • Delay to T ms – Uses a busy loop to ensure that the execution of the scope where the delay point is defined takes at least T ms.
  • One shot delay to T ms – Same as above but resets the delay to zero after one iteration.
  • Alternating between zero and T ms – Every second iteration uses the configured delay, every other one adds no delay.

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Synthetic Scheduler Tests: Content

The following are content use cases the scheduler must address well.

  • simple_text_page.html - Represents scrolling a simple page with no touch handlers.
  • touch_handler_scrolling.html - Represents the case where a JavaScript handler intercepts all touch events and implements custom scrolling interaction by manipulating the DOM.
  • raf.html - A constantly running requestAnimationFrame handler that modifies the DOM and the page is also being scrolled.
  • raf_touch_animation.html - This has three frame producers: touch handler DOM modifications, requestAnimationFrame DOM modifications and a CSS animation.

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Synthetic Scheduler Tests: Putting It All Together

Recap: Delay points, Delay point modes, Content types

Running all possible combinations of the options above is not feasible, so we select a handful of use cases that we care about and/or provide good coverage. See design doc for details.

We are already tracking throughput in test results. Combined with @miletus’ latency benchmarking infrastructure, we are able to track latency improvements of these tests as well.

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Next Steps: Coordinate With Input

  • Address synchronization issues in high latency modes.
  • Resurrect the Buffered Input Router for better vsync alignment.
  • Unify BeginFrame message for all platforms.
  • AnimationProxy (@vollick) to stay responsive during a long raster.

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Next Steps: Improve Latency

  • Allow clients to submit frames directly to the UI compositor.
  • Latency recovery between Renderer<->UI and UI<->Display.
  • Improve deadline prediction.
  • Implement long deadlines for immunity to small single-frame jank.
  • Improve GPU Service scheduling.
  • Improve PPAPI scheduling.

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Next Steps: Smart Concurrency

  • Increase availabe concurrency between RAF | Rasterization | Compositor.
  • Reduce concurrency if CPU bound.
  • Explicitly drop frame rate to 30fps.
  • Move scheduling logic off the Compositor thread.

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Next Steps: Dirty Work

  • SingleThreadProxy : public SchedulerClient (@enne)
  • Windows still doesn’t have a HighRes timestamp.
  • Estimate GPU Service -> GPU -> Display latency.
  • Various code cleanups.
    • Remove CompositeAndReadback and texture locking code.
  • Flaky tests and heisenbugs.
    • Scheduling changes are guaranteed to break test assumptions.

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Next Steps: Wishful Thinking

  • True GPU context priorities and preemption.
    • Will help destroy assumptions about the GPU being a serial resource.
  • Run on a 120Hz Pixel or Nexus type device.
    • Chrome’s deep pipeline could be a key feature here.
  • Stream GPU context output directly to display.
    • i.e. Have the GPU race the display’s scan out.

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