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About sharing of objects

This chapter discusses the sharing of entities feature in DHIS2.

Sharing of objects

Many objects in DHIS2, like reports, charts, maps and indicators, can be shared. DHIS2 supports sharing of metadata or sharing of data. Sharing of metadata means making an object, like a report, available for reading or modification to a group of users or to everyone. Sharing of data means making the actual data captured available to others, and controlling who can capture that kind of data. For instance for reports, the sharing dialog can be opened by clicking on the "Sharing settings" button next to each report in the list. Implementers can use this feature to allow access to certain objects to only certain user groups. Users can use the feature to decide who they would like to share objects (such as pivot tables, charts, dashboards, etc) with.

If sharing is supported for a particular class of objects, a dialog will be available called "Sharing settings", usually available by clicking on the name of the object or in the analytics tools, through an icon (Share with other people). Once you have accessed the sharing settings for the object you wish to share, a dialog similar to the one below will be shown.

You can share your report with everyone or with a number of user groups. "External access" can be enabled to allow this resource to be shared with everyone, including users which cannot logon to DHIS2. This is useful for sharing public resources with external systems. Note, that if objects are shared externally, then they are visible to anyone who has access to the URL which provides the resource without any login credentials. Also note that "External access" does not give access to logged in users—to give them access, you must also allow "Public access".

Next to "Public access" you can choose your public access option under "METADATA": "No access", "Can view only" or "Can edit and view", and under "DATA": "No access", "Can view data", "Can capture data". Public access refers to users which are logged into the system. Edit also implies deleting the report.

To share with a group, simply start typing the name of the group and the "Search for user groups" input field and select your desired group. Click on the "+" icon next to the input field to share with that group. For each group you can set an access option, similar to public access.

Sharing with a user group implies that all users in that group will get access to the shared object. To create a user group you can go to the dashboard module and click on "Groups". This will lead you to the list of groups where you can click "Add new" in the top right corner. Creating user groups is open for everyone from the dashboard module.

Metadata sharing and access control

The objects which support metadata sharing are indicator, indicator group, indicator group set, data dictionary, data set, program, standard report, resource, report table, chart, map and user group. Out of those objects, report table, chart, map and user group are open for everyone to create privately. Private means that the objects are available only to yourself or potentially to a number of user groups if you choose to share the object. These objects are referred to as "open" objects and can be created by all users. The remaining objects require that your user account has the authority to create them. These objects are referred to as "non-open" objects.

A user can be granted the authority to create publicly accessible objects or privately accessible objects. In order to create a publicly accessible object (available for viewing or editing by anyone) your user account must have the authority to do so. As an example, to create a publicly accessible chart, your user must have the "Create public chart" authority granted. The authority to create private objects applies only to non-open objects. For example, to allow a user to create indicators which will only be accessible to that user and not to everyone, the user can be issued with the "Create private indicator" authority.

Sharing a non-open object with another person and let her edit the object requires that the person's user account has the authority for updating that type of objects granted. For instance, if you want to let another person edit your indicator, that person's user account must have the "Update indicator" authority granted. This does not apply for open objects.

When you create a new object it will automatically become viewable for everyone if your user account has the authority to create public objects. As an example, if you create a standard report and you have the "Create public standard report" authority granted, the report will become viewable for everyone. If you do not have that authority granted the report will be viewable only to yourself. After you have created an object, you may navigate to the "Sharing settings" dialog and set your desired access control level.

If you need a user account which is able to view absolutely all objects you can create a user role with the "ALL" authority and assign a user to that role. If you need to switch between a "complete" view of objects and a "personal" view of objects it is recommended to create two user accounts, one assigned with the "ALL" authority and one without.

Metadata sharing applied

The metadata sharing functionality is useful in several scenarios. One use-case is setting up a DHIS2 instance for a global organisation with operations in multiple countries. Typically the organisation has a set of global data sets, indicators and reports which should apply to all countries, while all countries will have the need for country-specific data sets, indicators and reports. In this scenario the following approach could work:

  • Set up one user group for global personnel.

  • Set up a user group for personnel in each country.

  • Create global data sets and reports, make them viewable for everyone and editable for the global user group only.

  • Create country-specific data sets and reports, make them viewable and editable for the country user group and the global user group only.

This way, the global indicators and reports could be viewed and analysed by everyone, but maintained by the global user group only. The country-specific data sets, indicators and reports could be viewed and maintained by the country and global personnel, without being visible or impacting the system for other countries in the organisation.

A similar approach could work for a scenario with a donor, multiple funding agencies and implementing partners in a country, where user groups could be set up for each of those entities. That way each implementing partner could create and share their reports within their organisation without affecting or allowing access to others. Reports could also be shared with supervisors and funding agencies at the end of reporting periods.

Another use-case is a country department of health with multiple health programs. Typically there is a need for having general reports and charts for the department while allowing the health programs to develop specific reports and charts for internal use. This can be achieved by creating user groups for each health program. Later, when developing reports and charts, these can be made viewable and editable to the program user group only. This way the reports will not be visible to other programs and users. This is beneficial because the reports are kept internal to the program and because the visible list of reports of other users are kept shorter and more relevant.

Data sharing and access control

The objects which support data sharing are data set, tracked entity type, program and program stage. The purpose of data sharing is to control which users can capture data, and which users can see the data captured.

Data sharing for event based programs

Applies to the object types of tracked entity type, program and program stage. When working with single event programs in event capture, a user will have to possess the "DATA:Can view data" sharing level to see the program and its data. Without this sharing level, the program and its data will not be visible to the user. When working with tracker programs in tracker capture, the user will need to have "DATA:Can view data" to both the tracked entity type and program. In case of a tracker program, the user will also need "DATA:Can view data" on each program stage individually to be able to see the data within the program. To capture data the user needs the "DATA:Can capture data" sharing level.


To see and capture data for a program, a data capture user also needs to report for an organisation unit to where the program has been assigned.

Data sharing for tracker programs
Object type Can view data Can capture data Comment
Tracked entity type * Search for tracked entities with this tracked entity type.
* See tracked entity type attribute values for this tracked entity type.
* Edit visible tracked entity attributes for tracked entity instances of this type.
* Register/create new tracked entity instances of this type.
* Delete tracked entity instances of this type.
* Deactivate/reactivate tracked entity instances of this type.
Program * Search for tracked entities within this program.
* See tracked entity attributes specific to this program.
* See enrollment details for the program.
* See notes for the enrollment.
* Enroll into the program.
* Edit enrollment details for the program.
* Complete/reopen enrollments into the program.
* Add notes for the program.
* Edit relationships for the program.
* Send message to tracked entity instance.
* Delete enrollments in the program.
Both "Can view data" and "Can capture data" also requires the user to have "Can view data" for the tracked entity type.
Program stage * See the program stage and its events and data within an enrollment.
* See the program stage notes.
* Add/schedule/refer a new event within the program stage.
* Complete/reopen the events within the program stage.
* Edit tracked entity data values within events in the program stage.
* Add notes for events in the program stage.
* Delete events in the program stage.
Both "Can view data" and "Can capture data" also requires the user to have "Can view data" for the program and the tracked entity type.
Data sharing for single event programs
Object type Can view data Can capture data Comment
Program * See list of events within the program.
* See tracked entity data values for events in the program.
* Add new events into the program.
* Edit data for events in the program.
* Delete events in the program.

Data sharing for data sets

Applies to the object types of data set and category option . When working in Data Entry app, the user will need to have "DATA:Can capture data" to both see and capture data in the data set. To save data for an entry field in Data Set users need:

  1. Authority: F_DATAVALUE_ADD ( Can add data value )

  2. Data Set is shared with "Data: Can capture data"

  3. Data Element is shared with "Metadata: Can View"

  4. All Category Options used by selected Data Set are shared with "Data: Can capture data"


To see and capture data for a data set, a data capture user also needs to report for an organisation unit to where the data set has been assigned.

Data sharing for data sets
Object type Can view data Can capture data Comment
Data set * View Data Set's data in Analytics * Can see DataSet in Data Entry app
* Can save data for Data Set using API
For saving data value in Data Entry app, users also need "Can capture data" for Category Options within selected Data Set.
CategoryOption * Can view data values belong to shared Category Option in analytics * Can save data value for input fields in Data Entry app which belongs to shared Category Options. For CategoryOptionCombo and AttributeOptionCombo to be writeable, all belongs CategoryOptions must be shared with "Can capture data".