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Message conversations

DHIS2 features a mechanism for sending messages for purposes such as user feedback, notifications, and general information to users. Messages are grouped into conversations. To interact with message conversations you can send POST and GET request to the messageConversations resource.


Messages are delivered to the DHIS2 message inbox but can also be sent to the user's email addresses and mobile phones as SMS. In this example, we will see how we can utilize the Web API to send, read and manage messages. We will pretend to be the DHIS2 Administrator user and send a message to the Mobile user. We will then pretend to be the mobile user and read our new message. Following this, we will manage the admin user inbox by marking and removing messages.

Writing and reading messages

The resource we need to interact with when sending and reading messages is the messageConversations resource. We start by visiting the Web API entry point at where we find and follow the link to the messageConversations resource at The description tells us that we can use a POST request to create a new message using the following XML format for sending to multiple users:

<message xmlns="">
  <subject>This is the subject</subject>
  <text>This is the text</text>
    <user id="user1ID" />
    <user id="user2ID" />
    <user id="user3ID" />

For sending to all users contained in one or more user groups, we can use:

<message xmlns="">
  <subject>This is the subject</subject>
  <text>This is the text</text>
    <userGroup id="userGroup1ID" />
    <userGroup id="userGroup2ID" />
    <userGroup id="userGroup3ID" />

For sending to all users connected to one or more organisation units, we can use:

<message xmlns="">
  <subject>This is the subject</subject>
  <text>This is the text</text>
    <organisationUnit id="ou1ID" />
    <organisationUnit id="ou2ID" />
    <organisationUnit id="ou3ID" />

Since we want to send a message to our friend the mobile user we need to look up her identifier. We do so by going to the Web API entry point and follow the link to the users resource at /api/users. We continue by following link to the mobile user at /api/users/PhzytPW3g2J where we learn that her identifier is PhzytPW3g2J. We are now ready to put our XML message together to form a message where we want to ask the mobile user whether she has reported data for January 2014:

<message xmlns="">
  <subject>Mortality data reporting</subject>
  <text>Have you reported data for the Mortality data set for January 2014?</text>
    <user id="PhzytPW3g2J" />

To test this we save the XML content into a file called message.xml. We use cURL to dispatch the message the DHIS2 demo instance where we indicate that the content-type is XML and authenticate as the admin user:

curl -d @message.xml ""
  -H "Content-Type:application/xml" -u admin:district -X POST

A corresponding payload in JSON and POST command looks like this:

  "subject": "Hey",
  "text": "How are you?",
  "users": [
      "id": "OYLGMiazHtW"
      "id": "N3PZBUlN8vq"
  "userGroups": [
      "id": "ZoHNWQajIoe"
  "organisationUnits": [
      "id": "DiszpKrYNg8"
curl -d @message.json ""
  -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u admin:district -X POST

If all is well we receive a 201 Created HTTP status code. Also, note that we receive a Location HTTP header which value informs us of the URL of the newly created message conversation resource - this can be used by a consumer to perform further action.

We will now pretend to be the mobile user and read the message which was just sent by dispatching a GET request to the messageConversations resource. We supply an Accept header with application/xml as the value to indicate that we are interested in the XML resource representation and we authenticate as the mobile user:

curl ""
  -H "Accept:application/xml" -u mobile:district

In response we get the following XML:

<messageConversations xmlns=""
  <messageConversation name="Mortality data reporting" id="ZjHHSjyyeJ2"
  <messageConversation name="DHIS2 version 2.7 is deployed" id="GDBqVfkmnp2"

From the response, we are able to read the identifier of the newly sent message which is ZjHHSjyyeJ2. Note that the link to the specific resource is embedded and can be followed in order to read the full message. We can reply directly to an existing message conversation once we know the URL by including the message text as the request payload. We are now able to construct a URL for sending our reply:

curl -d "Yes the Mortality data set has been reported"
  -H "Content-Type:text/plain" -u mobile:district -X POST

If all went according to plan you will receive a 200 OK status code.

In 2.30 we added an URL search parameter:


The filter searches for matches in subject, text, and senders for message conversations. The default query operator is token, however other operators can be defined in the query.

Managing messages

As users receive and send messages, conversations will start to pile up in their inboxes, eventually becoming laborious to track. We will now have a look at managing a user's messages inbox by removing and marking conversations through the Web-API. We will do so by performing some maintenance in the inbox of the "DHIS Administrator" user.

First, let's have a look at removing a few messages from the inbox. Be sure to note that all removal operations described here only remove the relation between a user and a message conversation. In practical terms this means that we are not deleting the messages themselves (or any content for that matter) but are simply removing the message thread from the user such that it is no longer listed in the /api/messageConversations resource.

To remove a message conversation from a users inbox we need to issue a DELETE request to the resource identified by the id of the message conversation and the participating user. For example, to remove the user with id xE7jOejl9FI from the conversation with id jMe43trzrdi:

curl "

If the request was successful the server will reply with a 200 OK. The response body contains an XML or JSON object (according to the accept header of the request) containing the id of the removed user.

  "removed" : ["xE7jOejl9FI"]

On failure the returned object will contain a message payload which describes the error.

  "message" : "No user with uid: dMV6G0tPAEa"

The observant reader will already have noticed that the object returned on success in our example is actually a list of ids (containing a single entry). This is due to the endpoint also supporting batch removals. The request is made to the same messageConversations resource but follows slightly different semantics. For batch operations, the conversation ids are given as query string parameters. The following example removes two separate message conversations for the current user:

curl ""
  -X DELETE -u admin:district

If you have sufficient permissions, conversations can be removed on behalf of another user by giving an optional user id parameter.

curl ""
  -X DELETE -u admin:district

As indicated, batch removals will return the same message format as for single operations. The list of removed objects will reflect successful removals performed. Partially erroneous requests (i.e. non-existing id) will therefore not cancel the entire batch operation.

Messages carry a boolean read property. This allows tracking whether a user has seen (opened) a message or not. In a typical application scenario (e.g. the DHIS2 web portal) a message will be marked read as soon as the user opens it for the first time. However, users might want to manage the read or unread status of their messages in order to keep track of certain conversations.

Marking messages read or unread follows similar semantics as batch removals, and also supports batch operations. To mark messages as read we issue a POST to the messageConversations/read resource with a request body containing one or more message ids. To mark messages as unread we issue an identical request to the messageConversations/unread resource. As is the case for removals, an optional user request parameter can be given.

Let's mark a couple of messages as read by the current user:

curl ""
  -d '["ZrKML5WiyFm","Gc03smoTm6q"]' -X POST
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:district

The response is a 200 OK with the following JSON body:

  "markedRead": ["ZrKML5WiyFm", "Gc03smoTm6q"]

You can add recipients to an existing message conversation. The resource is located at:


The options for this resource is a list of users, user groups and organisation units. The request should look like this:

  "users": [
      "id": "OYLGMiazHtW"
      "id": "N3PZBUlN8vq"
  "userGroups": [
      "id": "DiszpKrYNg8"
  "organisationUnits": [
      "id": "DiszpKrYNg8"

Message Attachments

Creating messages with attachments is done in two steps: uploading the file to the attachments resource, and then including one or several of the attachment IDs when creating a new message.

A POST request to the attachments resource will upload the file to the server.

curl -F [email protected] ""
  -u admin:district

The request returns an object that represents the attachment. The id of this object must be used when creating a message in order to link the attachment with the message.

  "created": "2018-07-20T16:54:18.210",
  "lastUpdated": "2018-07-20T16:54:18.212",
  "externalAccess": false,
  "publicAccess": "--------",
  "user": {
    "name": "John Traore",
    "created": "2013-04-18T17:15:08.407",
    "lastUpdated": "2018-03-09T23:06:54.512",
    "externalAccess": false,
    "displayName": "John Traore",
    "favorite": false,
    "id": "xE7jOejl9FI"
  "lastUpdatedBy": {
    "id": "xE7jOejl9FI",
    "name": "John Traore"
  "favorite": false,
  "id": "fTpI4GOmujz"

When creating a new message, the ids can be passed in the request body to link the uploaded files to the message being created.

  "subject": "Hey",
  "text": "How are you?",
  "users": [
      "id": "OYLGMiazHtW"
      "id": "N3PZBUlN8vq"
  "userGroups": [
      "id": "ZoHNWQajIoe"
  "organisationUnits": [
      "id": "DiszpKrYNg8"
  "attachments": [

When replying to a message, the ids can be passed as a request parameter.

curl -d "Yes the Mortality data set has been reported"
  -H "Content-Type:text/plain" -u mobile:district -X POST

Once a message with an attachment has been created, the attached file can be accessed with a GET request to the following URL:


Where is the message conversation ID, is the ID of the message that contains the attachment and is the ID of the specific message attachment.

Tickets and Validation Result Notifications

You can use the "write feedback" tool to create tickets and messages. The only difference between a ticket and a message is that you can give a status and a priority to a ticket. To set the status:

POST /api/messageConversations/<uid>/status

To set the priority:

POST /api/messageConversations/<uid>/priority

In 2.29, messages generated by validation analysis now also be used in the status and priority properties. By default, messages generated by validation analysis will inherit the priority of the validation rule in question, or the highest importance if the message contains multiple rules.

In 2.30, validation rules can be assigned to any user while tickets still need to be assigned to a user in the system's feedback recipient group.

A list of valid status and priority values
Status Priority

You can also add an internal message to a ticket, which can only be seen by users who have "Manage tickets" permissions. To create an internal reply, include the "internal" parameter, and set it to

curl -d "This is an internal message"
  -H "Content-Type:text/plain" -u admin:district -X POST