Three Carlsberg Foundation grants awarded to researchers at our department Carlsberg Foundation has awarded grants to 188 new scientific activities. Three of these have been given to our researchers. Jesper Olsen and Søren Ulstrup have received Infrastructure grants to develop Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and femtosecond photoemision spectroscopy and PhD Anders Nygaard has been given an Internalisation fellowship grant for optimising cosmological emulators. Congratulations all 🎉 Faculty of Natural Sciences - Aarhus University
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Aarhus, Central Denmark Region 1.326 følgere
We provide research of high quality in several fields of physics and astronomy - often in international collaborations.
Om os
The Department of Physics and Astronomy is a department at Faculty of Natural Sciences. The main objectives of the Department are to carry out research at the highest international level, to offer research based teaching at Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and PhD levels, and to exchange knowledge with other areas of society, e.g. by offering our expertise to the business world. The Department is an attractive workplace for researchers, teachers, technicians, laboratory technicians and administrators and has a good study environment with many talented and active students at all levels. The research at the Department of Physics and Astronomy is of high quality, attracts significant international attention – in several fields the Department is within the world elite – and is characterised by many international collaborations with other high-ranking universities and research institutions around the world. Head of Department, Ulrik Ingerslev Uggerhøj
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Eksternt link til Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
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- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 51-200 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Aarhus, Central Denmark Region
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- Aktieselskab
- Grundlagt
- 1933
Ny Munkegade 120
Aarhus, Central Denmark Region 8000, DK
Medarbejdere hos Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Jill Miwa
Associate Professor
Brigitte Henderson
Bilingual secretary at Aarhus University
Torben Hyltoft
Research Technician, Instructor, Vacuum Purchase at Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University.
Karin Vittrup
Center Administrator at InterCat, Department of Physics and Astronomy, AU
Building Labs, Inspiring Minds: Cheers to Lars H. Andersen's Remarkable Career 🎉 Yesterday, we celebrated Lars Andersen, who has been a part of our department in almost 50 years 👏. Since Lars first set foot in the department as a young student in 1976, he has come a long way as a researcher, a colleague and a leader. Starting in a time, when articles were drafted by hand, Lars built his research, his laboratory, and his group. Alongside his research, Lars spent 7 much respected years as Head of Department and stepped in as Dean of Faculty of Natural Sciences - Aarhus University. To celebrate Lars, our department held a symposium with entertaining and interesting presentations from colleagues Henrik Pedersen, Henning Schmidt and Steen Brøndsted, followed by a reception where Lars demonstrated one of the traits he is well known for - the ability to capture an audience. We are happy, that when Lars retires, he will continue as an emeritus of the department 😊.
Our department will soon have brand new teaching laboratories with a focus on quantum technology! Novo Nordisk Foundation recently granted 8.4 million DKK to the project QTLab: Quantum Teaching Lab at Aarhus University, led by Aurelien Dantan, for the establishment of ten quantum experimental setups at the department. These setups, inspired by the local state-of-the-art research activities within photonics, trapped ions and quantum gases, will allow us to offer various pedagogical activities to a broad audience - from high-school students and teachers to bachelor/master/PhD students. The activities let the audience get acquainted with the counter-intuitive world of photons and atoms and to get hands-on experience with the workings of quantum computers and simulators. We are looking forward to starting the activities 🙂 Faculty of Natural Sciences - Aarhus University
🎵 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎵 Last week was marked by Christmas and traditions. 🌲 We have had both children's Christmas, seen Tågekammeret walk Lucia and held a Christmas party for all employees. At the latter, "The Silicon Conductors" performed to everyone's great pleasure. Thank you for a festive week
Just as our associate professor Christoffer Karoff describes, we very much enjoy the beauty of the yellow bricks and the green park surrounding the buildings of our campus. We are fortunate to have a great view of the park from our tallest building🙂.
Changing Perspectives - We had the pleasure of speaking with Christoffer Karoff, associate professor at the Institute of Physics and Astronomy at Aarhus University. He highlighted how the campus design cultivates a strong sense of belonging, from the treasured auditorium that hosts memorable events to the outdoor areas and greenery that make summer days on campus truly enjoyable. More about the Project: #cfmollerarchitects #improvelifeforpeopleandplanet #architecture #celebration #modernheritage #church #community #denmark #100yearanniversary
Last week we said a warm farewell and sincere thank you to leader of the Mechanical Group Anders Damgaard, following his many years as a dedicated part of our department. Anders is known to be organized, committed and a keen cyclist – he will ride his bike 30 km to work and actually enjoy it🚴♂️. We celebrated Anders, as tradition prescribes, in the our workshop, while enjoying hotdogs prepared in the homemade barbecue.
Low Pressure Wind Tunnel crew prove prediction made over 100 years ago Under our car park Jens Jacob Iversen, Keld Rasmussen and Jon Merrison run the wind tunnel, which supports research in a wide range of fields such as planetology, volcanology, meteorology and the study of aerosols. The discovery was made as a result of what was initially thought to be a measurement error but was later identified as an intriguing physical effect in fluid dynamics. The authors believe that this work contributes to a better understanding and improved implementation of Pitot tube wind sensors, which are widely used in both industry and research.
Take a deep dive into the wonderful viscous world we (Keld Rasmussen, Jon Merrison) created in the low pressure windtunnel ( in the basement of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University. Learn what it feels like to be a hypodermic needle sized Pitot wind sensor at less than 1/1000 of the atmospheric pressure of the surface of the Earth. Muriel Barker predicted what it would be like more than 100 years ago in her paper ‘On the use of very small Pitot-tubes for measuring wind velocity’, and it turned out she was absolutely right! Read the paper here:
Two exciting days in the Aualen with focus on space research and technology are over. Aarhus Universitet hosted this year's National Space Conference arranged by Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen, CenSec - Center for Defence, Space & Security and our very own Aarhus Space Centre. There were exciting talks about the new space strategy with Poul Nissen, Lone Ryg Olsen, Mikkel Haarder and Gorm Kofoed Petersen, key note speakers from ESA Professor Carole Mundell and Andreas Mogensen and much more - all moderated by Tine Gøtzsche. Thank you to all participants for joining!
What an amazing week! The National Space Conference is over, and it has been such a pleasure hosting this year’s event. Thank you to all the speakers who made a great contribution and to all the participants. We broke the record for the biggest space conference yet 🚀 Aarhus Universitet Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen CenSec - Center for Defence, Space & Security 📸 : AU Photo
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Tours, talks and chats - our junior researchers meet at the annual Get-Together Last week, our postdocs gathered for the annual Postdoc Get-Together event, where our young researchers enjoyed networking, sharing research, and explored new collaborations. The program featured nice presentations and a guided tour of our computer cluster. Particularly the lab tours were popular, as a window into the work the different groups do. This year’s Postdoc Get-Together was organized by our two postdocs Chakradhar Sahoo and Gesa Siemann and supported by the department Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
The government's new space strategy has been presented, and Hans Kjeldsen gives his take on why it is important and what it means for AU to host the Space Conference on 26-27/11.
Et lille skridt for mennesket. Et kæmpe spring for Aarhus Universitet 🚀 Okay, det er måske ikke sådan, Neil Armstrong havde tænkt, det berømte citat skulle bruges… Men det er sådan, vi har det over, at AU er valgt som vært for Den Nationale Rumkonference 2024 🎉 Og timingen kunne ikke være bedre! Regeringen har i dag lanceret sin strategi for rumforskning og -innovation 2025-2035. På Aarhus Universitet står vi klar til at bidrage til strategien – faktisk står vi allerede stærkere end nogensinde på rumforskning 💪 Det kan vi blandt andre takke Hans Kjeldsen for, som er centerleder af Aarhus Space Centre: ”AU har på flere områder en stærk position inden for rumforskning og udvikling af rumteknologi. Vi har især stærke partnerskaber med NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration og European Space Agency - ESA, som viser vores kapacitet til at bidrage til internationale rumprojekter.” Vidste du for eksempel, at … 🌌 Vores forskere spiller en fremtrædende rolle i Kepler og TESS-missionerne? Det er NASA’s rumteleskoper, der leder efter planeter i fjerne solsystemer. 🛰️ AU opsendte sin første nanosatellit, Delphini-1, i 2018? Studerende i projektet DISCO arbejder lige nu på at sende den tredje studentersatellit i kredsløb i 2025. 🌍 AU er dybt engageret i ESA’s kommende PLATO-mission? En satellit, der bliver opsendt i 2026 for at lede efter planeter, der minder om jorden. 🦾 AU har sendt en vindmåler med på en rummission til Mars? Det er blot nogle af de aktiviteter, universitetets forskere og medarbejdere bedriver inden for rumforskning. ”Når AU er vært for Den Nationale Rumkonference i år, betyder det, at vi har haft afgørende indflydelse på, hvilket fokus konferencen skal have, og det har derfor også givet os en stor mulighed for at vise, hvad vi lægger vægt på, og hvor vi står stærkt inden for rumforskning og udvikling af rumteknologi,” fortæller Hans Kjeldsen. Den Nationale Rumkonference løber af stablen 26. november med blandt andet Andreas Mogensen og prominente navne fra ESA, industrien og Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University 📸 Andrea Líf