DI Models

Diversity-Interactions Modelling

Resources and toolkit for fitting DI models

Introduction to Diversity-Interactions models

Welcome to the Diversity-Interactions (DI) models website. Here you will find out all the latest news and research developments related to DI models. You will also find training resources and guides to fitting and interpreting DI models.

What is a Diversity-Interactions model?

In biodiversity and ecosystem function (BEF) studies, usually there are a range of communities varying in species diversity. For example, selecting from a pool of species, the communities may vary in:

  • the number of species,
  • the identities of the species, and
  • the proportions of each species

In a BEF experiment, usually these species diversity variables are manipulated across all experimental units and an ecosystem function is recorded at a later point in time. Models of the BEF relationship assess how species diversity affects an ecosystem function, but should account for all of these variations in species diversity, not just a subset of them. This is what Diversity-Interactions models will do!

DI models jointly assess the effects of species richness, composition and evenness on an ecosystem function in a regression modelling framework.

Video series introducing Diversity-Interactions (DI) models

Are you just getting started with Diversity-Interactions models? Welcome to this series of videos that will give you a quick and easy introduction to 'why' you might want to use DI models, 'what' a DI model is, and 'how' you can interpret a fitted DI model.

Why use DI models?
What is a DI model?
How to interpret a DI model?

If you enjoy the DI models introductory series and want to find out more, you can select Training for advice on how to get started using DI models. Find out all the latest news on our Blog. You can also check out the DImodels R package that is available to implement the DI modelling approach.

Latest news from the DI models team

November 2023

New blog post! Find out the technical and personal story behind the DImodels R package in this blog post by Rafael Moral.

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Summing up R package development.
The pipeline for the autoDI function in the DImodels package.

May 2023

New paper alert:

Going beyond richness: Modelling the BEF relationship using species identity, evenness, richness and species interactions via the DImodels R package

In this paper, you can find out all out the DImodels R package and how to use it to fit Diversity-Interations models.

April 2023

New paper alert:

Estimation of the non-linear parameter in Generalised Diversity-Interactions models is unaffected by change in structure of the interaction terms

This paper investigates model selection procedures for Diversity-Interactions models that include estimation of theta, the non-linear parameter.