admin  directory_v1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456789]
 CAspsResourceThe "asps" collection of methods.
 CChannelsResourceThe "channels" collection of methods.
 CChromeosdevicesResourceThe "chromeosdevices" collection of methods.
 CCustomersResourceThe "customers" collection of methods.
 CDirectoryBaseServiceRequestA base abstract class for Directory requests.
 CDirectoryServiceThe Directory Service.
 CDomainAliasesResourceThe "domainAliases" collection of methods.
 CDomainsResourceThe "domains" collection of methods.
 CGroupsResourceThe "groups" collection of methods.
 CMembersResourceThe "members" collection of methods.
 CMobiledevicesResourceThe "mobiledevices" collection of methods.
 CNotificationsResourceThe "notifications" collection of methods.
 COrgunitsResourceThe "orgunits" collection of methods.
 CPrivilegesResourceThe "privileges" collection of methods.
 CResourcesResourceThe "resources" collection of methods.
 CRoleAssignmentsResourceThe "roleAssignments" collection of methods.
 CRolesResourceThe "roles" collection of methods.
 CSchemasResourceThe "schemas" collection of methods.
 CTokensResourceThe "tokens" collection of methods.
 CUsersResourceThe "users" collection of methods.
 CVerificationCodesResourceThe "verificationCodes" collection of methods.