Advanced Chat Service

The Advanced Chat service lets you use the Google Chat API in Apps Script. This API allows scripts to find, create, and modify Chat spaces, add or remove members to spaces, and read or post messages with text, cards, attachments, and reactions.



For more information about this service, see the Chat API reference documentation. Like all advanced services in Apps Script, the Chat service uses the same objects, methods, and parameters as the public API.

Sample code

These samples show you how to perform common Google Chat API actions using the advanced service.

Post a message with user credentials

The following example demonstrates how to post a message to a Chat space on behalf of the user.

  1. Add the chat.messages.create authorization scope to the Apps Script project's appsscript.json file:

    "oauthScopes": [
  2. Add a function like this one to the Apps Script project's code:

     * Posts a new message to the specified space on behalf of the user.
     * @param {string} spaceName The resource name of the space.
    function postMessageWithUserCredentials(spaceName) {
      try {
        const message = {'text': 'Hello world!'};
        Chat.Spaces.Messages.create(message, spaceName);
      } catch (err) {
        // TODO (developer) - Handle exception
        console.log('Failed to create message with error %s', err.message);

Post a message with app credentials

The following example demonstrates how to post a message to a Chat space on behalf of the app. Using the advanced Chat service with a service account doesn't require you to specify authorization scopes in appsscript.json. For details about authentication with service accounts, see Authenticate as a Google Chat app.

 * Posts a new message to the specified space on behalf of the app.
 * @param {string} spaceName The resource name of the space.
function postMessageWithAppCredentials(spaceName) {
  try {
    // See
    // for details on how to obtain a service account OAuth token.
    const appToken = getToken_();
    const message = {'text': 'Hello world!'};
        // Authenticate with the service account token.
        {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + appToken});
  } catch (err) {
    // TODO (developer) - Handle exception
    console.log('Failed to create message with error %s', err.message);

Get a space

The following example demonstrates how to get information about a Chat space.

  1. Add the chat.spaces.readonly authorization scope to the Apps Script project's appsscript.json file:

    "oauthScopes": [
  2. Add a function like this one to the Apps Script project's code:

     * Gets information about a Chat space.
     * @param {string} spaceName The resource name of the space.
    function getSpace(spaceName) {
      try {
        const space = Chat.Spaces.get(spaceName);
        console.log('Space display name: %s', space.displayName);
        console.log('Space type: %s', space.spaceType);
      } catch (err) {
        // TODO (developer) - Handle exception
        console.log('Failed to get space with error %s', err.message);

Create a space

The following example demonstrates how to create a Chat space.

  1. Add the chat.spaces.create authorization scope to the Apps Script project's appsscript.json file:

    "oauthScopes": [
  2. Add a function like this one to the Apps Script project's code:

     * Creates a new Chat space.
    function createSpace() {
      try {
        const space = {'displayName': 'New Space', 'spaceType': 'SPACE'};
      } catch (err) {
        // TODO (developer) - Handle exception
        console.log('Failed to create space with error %s', err.message);

List memberships

The following example demonstrates how to list all the members of a Chat space.

  1. Add the chat.memberships.readonly authorization scope to the Apps Script project's appsscript.json file:

    "oauthScopes": [
  2. Add a function like this one to the Apps Script project's code:

     * Lists all the members of a Chat space.
     * @param {string} spaceName The resource name of the space.
    function listMemberships(spaceName) {
      let response;
      let pageToken = null;
      try {
        do {
          response = Chat.Spaces.Members.list(spaceName, {
            pageSize: 10,
            pageToken: pageToken
          if (!response.memberships || response.memberships.length === 0) {
            pageToken = response.nextPageToken;
          response.memberships.forEach((membership) => console.log(
              'Member resource name: %s (type: %s)',
          pageToken = response.nextPageToken;
        } while (pageToken);
      } catch (err) {
        // TODO (developer) - Handle exception
        console.log('Failed with error %s', err.message);


If you encounter Error 400: invalid_scope with the error message Some requested scopes cannot be shown, it means you haven't specified any authorization scopes in the Apps Script project's appsscript.json file. In most cases, Apps Script automatically determines what scopes a script needs, but when you use the Chat advanced service, you must manually add the authorization scopes that your script uses to your Apps Script project's manifest file. See Setting explicit scopes.

To resolve the error, add the appropriate authorization scopes to the Apps Script project's appsscript.json file as part of the oauthScopes array. For example, to call the spaces.messages.create method, add the following:

"oauthScopes": [

Limits and considerations

The Advanced Chat service doesn't support:

To download a message attachment or call a developer preview method, use UrlFetchApp instead.