Showing results for March 2021 - C++ Team Blog

Mar 31, 2021

vcpkg Host Dependencies for Cross-Compilation

Robert Schumacher
Robert Schumacher

If you’re not familiar with our C++ library manager vcpkg, welcome! This post covers an intermediate/advanced topic, so you may want to first get an overview and try things out from the vcpkg GitHub page or some of our previous blogs.   Introduction One of the best features of C++ is that it generates tailored, specialized code for each...

Mar 10, 2021

IntelliSense Improvements in Visual Studio 2019

Will Buik
Will Buik

We’ve made many great improvements to C++ IntelliSense over the course of the Visual Studio 2019 release. We’ve collected a few of the highlights in case you are interested in upgrading to Visual Studio 2019 or just want to learn how to be more productive when writing C++ code. If you have followed our blog since the 2019 Previews, you may be ...

Mar 9, 2021

Address Sanitizer for MSVC Now Generally Available

Augustin Popa
Augustin Popa

 This post was last updated on March 10th, 2021. Special thanks to Aaron Gorenstein who provided most of the content for this blog post. Special thanks as well to Kevin Cadieux and Jim Radigan who also made contributions.   You can check out a demo on this feature in the latest Visual Studio Toolbox episode on YouTube: Visual Studio ...

Mar 8, 2021

Microsoft C++ Team at ACCU 2021

Erika Sweet
Erika Sweet

Sy Brand and Erika Sweet from the Microsoft C++ Team will be presenting at ACCU 2021 this week. Come say hi in the virtual conference space and let us know if you have any questions about our talks, products, or anything else. We also recommend dropping by the #include <C++> table in the expo hall to learn more about their community...

