Beitrag von Jasmin Reimold

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Massenkündigungen: Welche Effekte sie auf ein Unternehmen haben, dokumentierte Culture Amp in einer Studie, die in der Harvard Business Review veröffentlicht wurde. Wie Sie den Negativ-Effekten begegnen können, können Sie zum einen mit Edward Populaire oder mir besprechen. Danke für den Tipp, Edward!

Profil von Edward Populaire anzeigen, Grafik

Senior Community Builder @ Culture Amp

Layoffs have long lasting effects on morale, impact performance and can take up to 24 months to recover from. Oscar-winning Pixar director Brad Bird has a famous quote: “If you have low morale, for every $1 you spend, you get about 25 cents of value. If you have high morale, for every $1 you spend, you get about $3 of value.” Culture Amp's research evaluated 146 companies that experienced layoffs between March 2020 and November 2022. The study revealed that while layoffs can be necessary, they significantly impact employee engagement in the long term. Follow this link to learn more about the findings in the article featured in the Harvard Business Review.

Research: The Long-Term Costs of Layoffs

Research: The Long-Term Costs of Layoffs

Edward Populaire

Senior Community Builder @ Culture Amp

1 Monat

Thanks for sharing Jasmin!

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