Stephen Gilbert

Stephen Gilbert

Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland
8441 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


With over 15 years of experience in clinical research, computational biology, and…

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  • European Commission Directorate General Research & Innovation

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    London, England, United Kingdom

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    Brussels, Brussels Region, Belgium

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    Dresden, Saxony, Germany

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    Berlin, Germany

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    Berlin (Mitte)

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    Berlin Area, Germany

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    Berlin Area, Germany

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    Bordeaux Area, France

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    Leeds, United Kingdom

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    Leeds, United Kingdom

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    Beeford, East Yorkshire, UK

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    Leeds, United Kingdom

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    Carshalton, Surrey, UK

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    Carlisle, United Kingdom


  • University of Leeds Grafik
  • • Behörden
    • Qualitätsmanagement
    • Räumlichkeiten
    • Ausrüstungen
    • Personal
    • Hygiene
    • Dokumentation: Regulatorische Anforderungen, Dokumentationssystem. Change Control, Dokumente der Herstellung & Qualitätskontrolle, Rohdatenmanagement, Elektronische Dokumentation und Unterschritt, Archivierung
    • Herstellung — Grundlagen
    • Herstellung -— up-stream
    • Herstellung - down-stream, Filling, Finishing
    • Validierung in der…

    • Behörden
    • Qualitätsmanagement
    • Räumlichkeiten
    • Ausrüstungen
    • Personal
    • Hygiene
    • Dokumentation: Regulatorische Anforderungen, Dokumentationssystem. Change Control, Dokumente der Herstellung & Qualitätskontrolle, Rohdatenmanagement, Elektronische Dokumentation und Unterschritt, Archivierung
    • Herstellung — Grundlagen
    • Herstellung -— up-stream
    • Herstellung - down-stream, Filling, Finishing
    • Validierung in der Herstellung
    • Qualitätskontrolle
    • Validierung in der Qualitätskontrolle
    • Inspektionen a Audits
    • Technologietransfer in der pharmazeutischen Industrie
    • Prüfarzneimittel, Klinische Prüfungen, Zulassung: Regulatorische Anforderungen, Besonderheiten bei der Herstellung & Prüfung von Prüfarzneimitteln, Phasen der Klinischen Prüfung, Genehmigungsverfahren, lMP-Dossier, Zulassungsbehörden & Zulassungsverfahren, Common Technical Document.
    • Elektronische Systems

Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate


  • Continuous Improvement of Digital Health Applications Linked to Real-World Performance Monitoring: Safe Moving Targets?

    Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health

    Real-time high-quality data on the performance of digital health applications is needed for feedback-led optimization and to ensure safety and performance, particularly if they will have on-market updates. Developers must verify that applications accurately and consistently fulfill their intended purpose in real-world use. In particular, new thinking from regulators recognizes the importance of monitoring real-world performance. It is acknowledged that real-world data can deliver information…

    Real-time high-quality data on the performance of digital health applications is needed for feedback-led optimization and to ensure safety and performance, particularly if they will have on-market updates. Developers must verify that applications accurately and consistently fulfill their intended purpose in real-world use. In particular, new thinking from regulators recognizes the importance of monitoring real-world performance. It is acknowledged that real-world data can deliver information from wider patient populations than are generally included in controlled studies, and in certain circumstances, this can enable extensions of the application’s intended purpose. Proactive postmarket surveillance surveys are an important source of real-world data that are distinct from clinical investigations but may vary in quality and, if inappropriately designed, can be subject to uncontrolled bias. We aimed to describe the practice of real-world data gathering through patient-reported and clinician-reported outcomes and high-quality surveys and identify challenges, uncertainties, and health policy gaps.

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  • Large language model AI chatbots require approval as medical devices

    Nature Medicine

    Chatbots powered by artificial intelligence used in patient care are regulated as medical devices, but their unreliability precludes approval as such.

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  • Learning From Experience and Finding the Right Balance in the Governance of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health Technologies


    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning medical tools have the potential to be transformative in care delivery; however, this change will only be realized if accompanied by effective governance that ensures patient safety and public trust. Recent digital health initiatives have called for tighter governance of digital health. A correct balance must be found between ensuring product safety and performance while also enabling the innovation needed to deliver better approaches for…

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning medical tools have the potential to be transformative in care delivery; however, this change will only be realized if accompanied by effective governance that ensures patient safety and public trust. Recent digital health initiatives have called for tighter governance of digital health. A correct balance must be found between ensuring product safety and performance while also enabling the innovation needed to deliver better approaches for patients and affordable efficient health care for society. This requires innovative, fit-for-purpose approaches to regulation. Digital health technologies, particularly AI-based tools, pose specific challenges to the development and implementation of functional regulation. The approaches of regulatory science and “better regulation” have a critical role in developing and evaluating solutions to these problems and ensuring effective implementation. We describe the divergent approaches of the European Union and the United States in the implementation of new regulatory approaches in digital health, and we consider the United Kingdom as a third example, which is in a unique position of developing a new post-Brexit regulatory framework.

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  • Can Apple and Google continue as health app gatekeepers as well as distributors and developers?

    NPJ Digital Medicine

    Mobile apps are the primary means by which consumers access digital health and wellness software, with delivery dominated by the ‘Apple App Store’ and the ‘Google Play Store’. Through these virtual storefronts Apple and Google act as the distributor (and sometimes, importer) of many thousands of health and wellness apps into the EU, some of which have a medical purpose. As a result of changes to EU law which came into effect in May 2021, they must now ensure that apps are compliant with medical…

    Mobile apps are the primary means by which consumers access digital health and wellness software, with delivery dominated by the ‘Apple App Store’ and the ‘Google Play Store’. Through these virtual storefronts Apple and Google act as the distributor (and sometimes, importer) of many thousands of health and wellness apps into the EU, some of which have a medical purpose. As a result of changes to EU law which came into effect in May 2021, they must now ensure that apps are compliant with medical devices regulation and to inform authorities of serious incidents arising from their use. The extent to which these new rules are being complied with in practice is uneven, and in some areas unclear. In light of EU legislation related to competition, which came into effect in November 2022, it is also unclear how conflicts of interest can be managed between Apple and Google’s roles as gateway duopoly importers and distributors whilst also developers of their own competitive health products. Finally, with the proposed European health data space regulation, wellness apps will be voluntarily registered and labelled in a fashion more like medical devices than consumer software. We explore the implications of these new regulations and propose future models that could resolve the apparent conflicts. All stakeholders would benefit from improved app store models to sustainably evolve safer, better, and fairer provision of digital health applications in the EU. As EU legislation comes into force it could serve as a template for other regions globally.

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  • Good Manufacturing Practice -Foundation Course - Emphasis -Biotechnology

    Pharmaceutical GMP

  • Leeds International Cardiac MRI course

    Clinical cardiac MRI


  • Marie-Curie Intra-European Fellowship

    European Union FP7

    Application of MRI to explore myocardial structural reorganisation accompanying contraction and the influence of this on arrhythmogenesis the normal and post-infarct heart"

  • MRC Special Research Training Fellowship in Biomedical Informatics

    Medical Research Council (UK)

    Integrative computational approach to the role of myocardial structure in myocardial function and dysfunction.

  • Awarded veterinary degree honours

    University of Glasgow

    Awarded to the top 5% and equivalent to first class honours in a BSc program

  • George Slavin Prize

    University of Glasgow

    For excellence in the pathology course.

  • Royal Highland and Agricultural Society silver medal.

    University of Glasgow

    For the highest mark in veterinary professional examinations in microbiology.

  • Undergraduate Bursary

    University of Glasgow

    Awarded to the top performing student in the professional examinations over the first three years of the course.

  • Royal Highland and Agricultural Society silver medal

    University of Glasgow

    For the highest mark in veterinary professional examinations in anatomy.

  • Royal Highland and Agricultural Society silver medal

    University of Glasgow

    Highest mark in veterinary professional examinations in biomolecular sciences.

  • Joseph Larmour Fellowship

    The Royal Belfast Academical Istitution

    For academic excellence in the sixth-form.

  • Marie Curie IRSES grant: Network CORDIS3D

    European Union, FP7

    Application coordinator and local coordinator - FP7 IRSES Network CORDIS3D (total funding €199 500) which unites cardiac researchers in Bordeaux, Manchester (UK), Leeds (UK) and Auckland (NZ) for scientific exchange.


  • English

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • German


  • French



  • Deutschland - Approbation als Tierarzt

    Germany - Registration as Veterinary Surgeon.


    Approbationsurkunde: Herrn Stephen Henry Gilbert erfüllt die Voraussetzungen des Bundes- Tierärzteordnung. Mit Wirkung vom heutigen Tage wird ihm die Approbation als Tierarzt erteilt. Die Approbation berechtigt zur Führung der Berufsbezeichnung Tierarzt und zur Ausübung des tierärztlichen Berufs, Berlin, den 23. September 2016

  • Cardiac Physiome Society


  • Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons


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