Martin Baart

Martin Baart

Frankfurt, Hessen, Deutschland
12.662 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


I am pioneering the global energy transition in emerging markets with our team at…

Artikel von Martin Baart


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  • ecoligo Grafik


    Berlin Area, Germany

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    Berlin, Berlin, Germany

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    Berlin, Germany

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    Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany

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    Darmstadt Area, Germany

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    Berlin Area, Germany

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    Madrid, Spain

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    Trier Region

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    Darwin, Australia

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    Trier und Umgebung, Deutschland


  • IE Business School Grafik
  • As part of the global executive MBA of IE business school

  • As part of the global executive MBA of IE business school

  • As part of the global executive MBA of IE business school

  • As part of the Steinbeis Hochschule Master of Business and Engineering program

  • As part of the Steinbeis Hochschule Master of Business and Engineering program

  • As part of the Steinbeis Hochschule Master of Business and Engineering program

  • As part of the Steinbeis Hochschule Master of Business and Engineering program

  • As part of the Steinbeis Hochschule Master of Business and Engineering program


  • International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Grafik

    Co-Chair, Panel of Experts

    International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

    2 Jahre 1 Monat


    Evaluation of distributed energy projects in emerging markets; responsible for final recommendation to IRENA for Project Facility financing based on viability of proposed technology, project development and structure, and social benefits to local or regional communities.


  • Reducing transactional cost for C&I rooftop projects in emerging markets

    Solar Power and Technology Summit

  • Crowdfunding as building block of digital project development

    Digital Energy World

  • How going digital enables investments to support economic development

    Tech2Development Forum (by GIZ)

  • Key Note Speech - Global Citizens

    De Montfort University Leicester LoveInternational Seminar

  • The disruptive capabilities & development potentials with digital models

    Digital Taransformation in Africa

  • Alternative Financing Models - What are the options?

    African Financial Services Investment Conference

  • Standardization vs. customization in a consumption based PPA for a Microgrid

    5th Microgrid Global Innovation Forum

  • What are the opportunities and challenges for financing renewable energy projects on islands?

    European Commission - Sustainable Energy Week - Clean Energy for all Europeans

  • From Research to Market: Technologies that made it out of the test bed into the real world

    AHK Renewable Energy and Grid Interation in Greece

  • How risk mitigation methods for off-grid solar projects can positively influence financing cost

    Intersolar OTTI Workshop Off-Grid Solar Systems

  • How is access to Finance changing?

    Clean Energy Summit West Africa 2017

  • Investing in rural electrification via crowdinvesting

    ARE Energy Access Investment Forum 2017

  • Closing the finance gap for distributed renewable projects with a scalable model

    GIZ Renewable Energy & Efficiency Week 2016

  • The potential of Crowd Funding for Renewable Energyy Inclusive Business

    5th West African Clean Energy & Environment Exhibition & Conference

  • The potential of crowd funding for renewable energies

    West African Clean Energy & Environment Exhibition & Conference

  • Risk assessment specifics of PV-Hybrid Systems

    Intersolar Europe

  • Financing Energy Projects - Alternative Finance to reduce transactional cost

    10th African Energy Forum

  • Opportunities and challenges in renewables and storage project development in emerging markets

    VDE Financial Dialogue

  • Operational cost reduction and increased reliability of electricity access – How Solar-Hybrid Systems have achieved both objectives.

    East African Business Council Renewable Energy Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tansania

  • New risk-reduced financing concepts for PV-Hybrids allow faster project development and higher implementation rate

    OTTI e.V. PV-Hybrids and Mini Grid Conference, Bad Hersfeld, Germany

  • Overcoming barriers to enable PPA financing for solar-diesel-hybrids

    Solar & Off-Grid Renewables Africa Conference, Nairobi, Kenya

  • From consultancy over financing to operation: Low cost PV electricity generation for industrial and commercial systems with no upfront investment

    PV Conference, Nairobi, Kenya

  • Low cost, sustainable off-grid electricity generation with no upfront investment

    Renewables Academy, Berlin, Germany

  • Facing the Operational Challenges of Minigrids

    Micro Perspectives for Decentralized Energy Supply, Berlin, Germany

  • How to stabilize high penetration PV/diesel systems

    Carilec Engineering Conference, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

  • A smart islanded power system

    A sustainable energy future for Islands Conference, Valletta, Malta

  • Use of a flywheel based energy storage system for grid stability applications

    Electricity Storage Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA


  • Training on Minigrids in Myanmar

    The training aims to enable the Myanmar private sector participants as well as governmental organisation participants to understand the importance of site assesments to retrieve reliable data and appropriate system sizing for the successful design of a solar PV minigrid. The training focussed on load profile generation, load scaling, assessment of project financial viability and effects of soft factors, such as ability to pay and willingness to pay. The participants used various tools, such as…

    The training aims to enable the Myanmar private sector participants as well as governmental organisation participants to understand the importance of site assesments to retrieve reliable data and appropriate system sizing for the successful design of a solar PV minigrid. The training focussed on load profile generation, load scaling, assessment of project financial viability and effects of soft factors, such as ability to pay and willingness to pay. The participants used various tools, such as the Minigrid Builder and HOMER Energy for their hands-on training.

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  • Training on PV/Diesel Hybrids for industrial systems

    The training aims to enable the Myanmar private sector participants as well as governmental organisation participants to understand the importance of site assesments to retrieve reliable data and appropriate system sizing for the successful design of a solar PV/Diesel hybrid systems for industrial customers. The training focussed on load profile generation, technical components, assessment of project financial viability. The participants used various tools, such as HOMER Energy for their…

    The training aims to enable the Myanmar private sector participants as well as governmental organisation participants to understand the importance of site assesments to retrieve reliable data and appropriate system sizing for the successful design of a solar PV/Diesel hybrid systems for industrial customers. The training focussed on load profile generation, technical components, assessment of project financial viability. The participants used various tools, such as HOMER Energy for their hands-on training.

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  • Training on PV Minigrids for ECOWAS Renewable Energy Entrepreneurship Support Facility at CERMI

    Provide mentorship and technical support to existing ECOWAS based entrepreneurs by refining their solar energy (photovoltaic and thermal) proposals to bankable levels for possible funding by financial institutions.

    Support proof of concept by establishing viability of innovative ideas from entrepreneurs

    Assist Renewable Energy Entrepreneurs in consolidating their business and identify new business opportunities in their respective countries and in the region

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  • Training on solar energy project finance as part of the German Solar Training Week (GSTW) in Accra, Ghana

    The respective training sessions provide in-depth technical training for both, the managing level and technical staff (electronic technicians) of stakeholders operating in the Ghanaian solar market. Thus, participants from local solar firms, industrial companies with an interest to install PV on their premises and distribution utilities can acquire important know-how that is relevant for the implementation of solar PV systems. Furthermore, the training serves to provide background knowledge for…

    The respective training sessions provide in-depth technical training for both, the managing level and technical staff (electronic technicians) of stakeholders operating in the Ghanaian solar market. Thus, participants from local solar firms, industrial companies with an interest to install PV on their premises and distribution utilities can acquire important know-how that is relevant for the implementation of solar PV systems. Furthermore, the training serves to provide background knowledge for representatives of local banks and equity investors as well as regulatory authorities and policy makers to better understand the technical specifics of a wide range of PV system applications.

  • Minigrid Sizing Guidebook

    What size shall it be?

    A guide to mini-grid sizing and demand forecasting

    How to assess the electricity demand of a community and determine the appropriate size of a new solar mini-grid

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    Projekt anzeigen
  • Training on sizing of rural Minigrids in Kenya using the Minigridbuilder and HOMER Energy

    The training aims to enable the Kenyan private sector participants as well as governmental organisation participants to understand the importance of site assesments to retrieve reliable data and appropriate system sizing for the successful design of a solar PV minigrid. The training focussed on load profile generation, load scaling, assessment of project financial viability and effects of soft factors, such as ability to pay and willingness to pay. The participants used various tools, such as…

    The training aims to enable the Kenyan private sector participants as well as governmental organisation participants to understand the importance of site assesments to retrieve reliable data and appropriate system sizing for the successful design of a solar PV minigrid. The training focussed on load profile generation, load scaling, assessment of project financial viability and effects of soft factors, such as ability to pay and willingness to pay. The participants used various tools, such as the Minigrid Builder and HOMER Energy for their hands-on training.

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  • Training on tendering for hybridization of diesel-based mini grids in Antananarivo, Madagascar

    The training aims to enable the Malagassy utility, the rural electrification agency, the regulatory authority and the ministry of energy to understand the importance of reliable data and appropriate system design for the successful formulation of a tender. Furthermore, different options for the design of PV-Diesel hybrid systems shall be illustrated in order to design a variety of tenders on their own in the future.

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  • PV/Diesel training on integration of hybrid controllers and grid stability

    Training of participants on the integration of hybrid controllers into existing generator controller systems, grid stability constraints of hybrid systems and frequency and voltage control methods to stabilize hybrid systems.

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  • Energy Audit and Load Reduction Options at two GIZ Buildings in Accra, Ghana

    To audit the energy use in two GIZ buildings and develop a report with alternative options on how best to manage the energy use to reduce costs including enregy efficiency and renewable energy measures.

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  • Training on tendering for hybridization of diesel-based mini grids in Bamako, Mali

    The training aims to enable EDM to understand the importance of reliable data and appropriate system design for the successful formulation of a tender. Furthermore, different options for the design of PV-Diesel hybrid systems shall be illustrated in order to facilitate EDM to design a variety of tenders on their own in the future.

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  • Cape Verde Renewable Energy Project

    USP&E has strategically partnered with Cape Verde Wind, Aeronautica, ABB and Water Management Group (WMG) for developing renewable energy projects in the islands of Cape Verde (Cabo Verde). Primary projects include providing Wind Turbine and Baseload Generator power for Seawater Desalination Plants, distributed generation Wind Turbine and Baseload Generator power for export to the Cape Verde National Grid and also assistance with improving the efficiency and operation of local fossil fuel power…

    USP&E has strategically partnered with Cape Verde Wind, Aeronautica, ABB and Water Management Group (WMG) for developing renewable energy projects in the islands of Cape Verde (Cabo Verde). Primary projects include providing Wind Turbine and Baseload Generator power for Seawater Desalination Plants, distributed generation Wind Turbine and Baseload Generator power for export to the Cape Verde National Grid and also assistance with improving the efficiency and operation of local fossil fuel power plants.

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  • Microgrids video

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    Projekt anzeigen


  • Business Punk Watchlist 2022! - Future Shaper

    Business Punk

    Ten personalities were defined for the "Watchlist 2022" in each of the following ten areas: Tech & Engineering, Marketing & Communication, Green & Sustainability, Media & Entertainment, Food & Lifestyle, HR & Education, Retail & Sales, Health & Science, Finance & Insurance and Mobility & Property

  • SET Award 2021 - Clean Energy Generation

    Start Up Energy Transition

    The Start Up Energy Transition Award is an international competition for start-ups and young companies worldwide who are working on ideas affecting global energy transition and climate change. In the last five years, the award has received more than 2,300 applications from 102 countries. SET is powered by the German Energy Agency (dena), in cooperation with the World Energy Council.

  • Georg Salvamoser Preis 2019

    Georg Salvamoser Stiftung

  • German Entrepreneurship Award for Development 2019

    Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

    In February 2019 the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft e.V. (CDG) will be conferring the German Entrepreneurship Award for Development for the third time. It is awarded in recognition of commitment by companies that benefits the local population in developing countries and emerging economies, over and above their own entrepreneurial objective. The award-winning companies make a verifiable contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with their projects or innovative business…

    In February 2019 the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft e.V. (CDG) will be conferring the German Entrepreneurship Award for Development for the third time. It is awarded in recognition of commitment by companies that benefits the local population in developing countries and emerging economies, over and above their own entrepreneurial objective. The award-winning companies make a verifiable contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with their projects or innovative business models.

    The purpose of the German Entrepreneurship Award for Development is to increase awareness of such exceptional commitment among the broader public. Each award comes with prize money, which in turn is fed into the winning projects and product ideas, adding further stimulus to the companies’ international activities.

  • African Power Elites 2018 Personality

    ESI Africa - Africa's Power Journal

    It is with great pleasure that ESI Africa, together with our sponsors and Advisory Board, introduce to you The African Power Elites 2018 edition – an annual publication highlighting highly recognised leaders and projects that are at the helm of transforming the African power and energy sector.

  • IE Foundation Scholarship

    IE Foundation

  • Climate-KIC Scholarship


  • Hans-Weisser Scholarship


  • Climate-KIC Scholarship


  • Social Impact Start Scholarship

    Social Impact Lab


  • German

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

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    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • Spanish


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