Manuela Mackert

Manuela Mackert

Frankfurt, Hessen, Deutschland
5268 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


I am an experienced C-Suite Executive with extensive expertise in international…

Artikel von Manuela Mackert


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  • Ankura Grafik


    Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany

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Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate


  • Lutter/Bayer Holding-Handbook (7th Edition) | Chapter 6 - Compliance and data protection


    In the newly revised edition I extended as author "chapter 6 - Compliance and data protection in a holding" by supply and value chains as a challenge for corporate governance (deepening for risk management, and business partner compliance with reflection on European regulations -risk management focuses on the entire value chain- and whistleblower protection.

  • Vom Wert guter Governance | On the value of good governance

    Der Aufsichtsrat | Fachmedien Otto Schmidt

    The Power of (Adaptive) Corporate Culture, subtitled Dealing with the Unpredictable in the Unpredictable, is the title of my paper, which I have subdivided as follows:
    I. Transformational potential of Crises and Cultural Change
    II. Adaptive Corporate Culture
    III. Next Generation of Business
    IV. Future Competencies
    V. Corporate Culture as a positive Value Driver
    VI. The Power of Culture - Every Leaf Becomes a Blossom
    VII. On the value of good governance
    My conclusion:…

    The Power of (Adaptive) Corporate Culture, subtitled Dealing with the Unpredictable in the Unpredictable, is the title of my paper, which I have subdivided as follows:
    I. Transformational potential of Crises and Cultural Change
    II. Adaptive Corporate Culture
    III. Next Generation of Business
    IV. Future Competencies
    V. Corporate Culture as a positive Value Driver
    VI. The Power of Culture - Every Leaf Becomes a Blossom
    VII. On the value of good governance
    My conclusion: Value-driving corporate governance implies "integrity of governance" as a strong cultural element and the ability to be "prepared" for the unpredictable and thus also "resilient".
    It is about an ongoing investment in forward-looking risk management, including ethical risks, as well as forward-looking ethical investments to protect the value of the company. This requires a courageous leadership paradigm shift and culture change. Adaptive corporate culture is an ideal precursor and companion to the correspondingly aligned corporate strategy (governance).
    Culture forms the essential foundation of modern/good (corporate) governance that enhances the company's reputation and anticipates the important requirements of investors and stakeholders.

  • Compliance Challenges 2023. "Time for a new economic model or a post-growth economy?" Risk management of the future.

    Magazine Comply / Compliance experts

    Risk management of the future
    The global economy is driving climate change and destroying natural habitats, income inequality is increasing, corruption is rampant. Time for a new economic model or a post-growth economy?
    Post-growth economics is based on the recognition that on a planet with finite materials and resources, extractive economies and populations cannot grow indefinitely.
    Therefore, post-growth economics strives for subsistence and sufficiency - the ability to make a…

    Risk management of the future
    The global economy is driving climate change and destroying natural habitats, income inequality is increasing, corruption is rampant. Time for a new economic model or a post-growth economy?
    Post-growth economics is based on the recognition that on a planet with finite materials and resources, extractive economies and populations cannot grow indefinitely.
    Therefore, post-growth economics strives for subsistence and sufficiency - the ability to make a living independently on the one hand, and a socially and sustainably environmentally compatible
    use of resources on the other.
    How can we create growth that ensures sustainable prosperity?
    What tools can companies use to be vital for the future?
    How can companies obtain information that is relevant for decision-making and responsible corporate management?

  • At the beginning of every success story is the simple question: why? It's about being a gentle but persistent rebel.

    Compliance Praxis - Special 'Compliance - The Next Generation'

    Compliance Praxis @Klaus Putzer interviewed me about its topic special 'Compliance - The Next Generation: 'Manuela Mackert prefers to give newcomers to the profession book tips rather than advice, compares compliance officers to chameleons and is certain that successful companies of the future will be measured by their integrity culture and not by the complexity of their rules and regulations'.

  • 15 years of compliance - and now?

    Comply issue 03/2021

    An expert discussion between Ms. Manuela Mackert, former Chief Compliance Officer of Deutsche Telekom AG, and Prof. Dr. Bartosz Makowicz, Editor of the comply. and Director at the Viadrina Compliance Center.

  • Sustainable human-centered implementation of new technologies - AI Compliance

    Comply 03/2021

    'In conversation with Ms. Manuela Mackert, former Chief Compliance Officer DTAG, entrepreneur in the strategic, sustainable development and implementation of compliance, values-based Corporate Culture (ESG), transformations, digitalization as well as HR topics.
    Ms. Mackert works on artificial intelligence (AI) and the ethical imperatives behind it as a thought leader in digital ethics and was a designer of Deutsche Telekom's AI guidelines.'

  • AI Engineering and Usage – Deutsche Telekom professional ethics

    Deutsche Telekom AG, Group Compliance Management, Manuela Mackert

    What is the specific function of this guide?
    It provides assistance with ethical issues and gives orientation. With clearly defined principles, we avoid reputational risks for Deutsche Telekom. It provides employees with an operational frame of reference in their work context to minimize personal liability risks if they adhere to these recommendations. It supports the design of the best customer experience and strengthens the trust factor in the customer relationship. It avoids unnecessary…

    What is the specific function of this guide?
    It provides assistance with ethical issues and gives orientation. With clearly defined principles, we avoid reputational risks for Deutsche Telekom. It provides employees with an operational frame of reference in their work context to minimize personal liability risks if they adhere to these recommendations. It supports the design of the best customer experience and strengthens the trust factor in the customer relationship. It avoids unnecessary delays in development by creating clarity and knowledge.

  • Whitepaper on Robust AI Assessment

    Deutsche Telekom AG, Group Compliance Management, Manuela Mackert

    What is the specific function of this guide?
    It provides assistance with ethical issues and gives orientation. With clearly defined principles, we avoid reputational risks for Deutsche Telekom. It provides employees with an operational frame of reference in their work context to minimize personal liability risks if they adhere to these recommendations. It supports the design of the best customer experience and strengthens the trust factor in the customer relationship. It avoids unnecessary…

    What is the specific function of this guide?
    It provides assistance with ethical issues and gives orientation. With clearly defined principles, we avoid reputational risks for Deutsche Telekom. It provides employees with an operational frame of reference in their work context to minimize personal liability risks if they adhere to these recommendations. It supports the design of the best customer experience and strengthens the trust factor in the customer relationship. It avoids unnecessary delays in development by creating clarity and knowledge.

  • Manuela Mackert on Compliance’s Role in AI Ethics - Risk & Reputation and Megatrends Shaping Compliance

    Ethisphere Magazine - Interviewer Tyler Lawrence

    Germany-based Deutsche Telekom (DT) consistently ranks among the top ten largest global telecommunications companies and and is considered Europe's leading telecommunications company. The company and its many subsidiaries provide the base upon which the digital economy runs for many consumers. As critical infrastructure, the company knows that it has an extra obligation to be responsible with its networks. Enter Manuela Mackert, who has been Chief Compliance Officer for the entire group since…

    Germany-based Deutsche Telekom (DT) consistently ranks among the top ten largest global telecommunications companies and and is considered Europe's leading telecommunications company. The company and its many subsidiaries provide the base upon which the digital economy runs for many consumers. As critical infrastructure, the company knows that it has an extra obligation to be responsible with its networks. Enter Manuela Mackert, who has been Chief Compliance Officer for the entire group since 2010 and for the past several years has been thinking seriously about digital responsibility and AI ethics, making DT a leader in that space.

  • Handbook Compliance Management (3rd Edition)


    Standards of conduct & Integrity
    concept, co-ordination and implementation of legally binding policies in an international group; example Deutsche Telekom

    Andere Autor:innen
    • Ute Kathrein
  • Servant Leadership: Towards a new balance between ME and WE .

    Dr. Hans Rudi Fischer

    Orientation for the necessary paradigm shift of a leadership that makes a new I-We balance in organizations possible. Internationally renowned experts and leaders show how
    #servant leadership looks like in practice and why it will prove to be the leadership culture of the 21st century,
    # finding the right balance between the interests - corporate, individual and those of the common good - of managers,
    # motivation, meaning and identification create lasting competitive advantages.

  • Compliance bei M&A-Transaktionen

    Eike Biker/Sonja Sackmann

    Best-Practice Guide for a successful Compliance Due Diligence and cultural Integration;
    specific aspects for stratigic investors

  • Praxishandbuch Legal Operations Management

    R.P.Falta< C.Dueblin

    Praxishandbuch basiert auf dem Erfahrungsschatz von über 40 Persönlichkeiten aus Universitäten, der Öffentlichen Verwaltung und Privatwirtschaft. Mit seinem Querschnitt durch praxisrelevante Aspekte von LOM richtet es sich auch an Aufsichtsräte, CEOs, CFOs und weitere Führungskräfte von Großunternhemen und multinationaler Konzerne sowie Behörden und Kanzleien.
    Beitrag "Zusatzprozess Compliance Management" /

  • Praxisleitfaden für die Unternehmensführung - Corporate Compliance Beitrag: Internationale Compliance


    Gute Unternehmensführung unter Beachtung der unterschiedlichen rechtlichen Anforderungen und kulturellen Aspekte ist für international agierende Unternehmen eine Herausforderung. Es ist ein Compliance Management System aufzubauen, welches Mindestanforderungen für seine Beteiligungen definiert. Im Fokus stehen die Unternehmensbedürfnisse und Rahmenbedingungen, so dass ein systematischer Methodenbaukasten globalen Konzernen hilft, ein wirksames CMS umzusetzen und durch geeignete Kontrollen einer…

    Gute Unternehmensführung unter Beachtung der unterschiedlichen rechtlichen Anforderungen und kulturellen Aspekte ist für international agierende Unternehmen eine Herausforderung. Es ist ein Compliance Management System aufzubauen, welches Mindestanforderungen für seine Beteiligungen definiert. Im Fokus stehen die Unternehmensbedürfnisse und Rahmenbedingungen, so dass ein systematischer Methodenbaukasten globalen Konzernen hilft, ein wirksames CMS umzusetzen und durch geeignete Kontrollen einer kontinuierlichen Prüfung zu unterwerfen.

  • Integrated Governance, Risikomanagement und Compliance (iGRC) in der Praxis

    Zeitschrift für Corporate Governance (Erich Schmidt Verlag)

    Darstellung eines neuen Ansatzes zur Unternehmenssteuerung aus wissenschaftlicher Perspektive und als Fallstudie anhand der Deutschen Telekom. Ziel ist es, eine integrierte Sicht von Risikomanagement, Internem Kontrollsystem, Compliance und der Internen Revision auf die Risiken des Konzerns, insbes. Für den Vorstand und den Prüfungsausschuss des Aufsichtsrates herzustellen.

    Andere Autor:innen
    • Harald Kayser
  • Lasst mich durch ich bin Compliance Officer

    Compliance Manager 3/15; Irina Jäckel Editor in Chief

    Der Artikel, interviewunterstützt, von Irina Jäckel leitet durch die Fragestellung " Wo steht der Beruf des Compliance Officer heute?"
    Zeigt auf, dass es über das Profil, den Aufgabenbereich, seine Haftung und Rechte viele Diskussionen gibt und folgert, dass es ein klares Profilbild sowie ein paar Scheindiskussionen gibt.

    Andere Autor:innen
    • Interviewpartner
  • Unternehmensentwicklung - Wissen, Wege, Werkzeuge für morgen

    Barbara Heitger / Angelika Serfass

    Trends und Themen der Unternehmensentwicklung aus systemischer Perspektive für Praktiker;
    Interviewpartner beim nachfolgenden Buchkapitel:
    3.7 Ent-scheidung: Governance, Compliance und Business Ethics, Seiten 197-220
    Siehe Leseprobe der Neuerscheinung bzgl Inhalt unter -> Bibliothek

    Andere Autor:innen
    • Interviewpartner
  • Maturity oriented Compliance Management System

    Compliance Advisor (Deutscher Fachverlag)

    Modular tool kit:
    New innovative approach that considers various lifecycle stages and specific risk profiles of group business units, minority holdings, joint ventures, etc.

    Andere Autor:innen
    • Dr. Timur Karabiber
  • Compliance within Deutsche Telekom

    Center of Corporate Governance; Corporate Governance Forum, 2, p. 6-7

    Andere Autor:innen
    • Britta Funk
  • One consistently DNA for all employees

    Hans Böckler Stiftung; Mitbestimmung 5, p. 11-15


    Andere Autor:innen
    • Kai Meiners
    • Carmen Molitor
  • Anti-Corruption prevention - code of practice

    DICO in cooperation with Global Compact Germany

    A small manual which covers in a incisive, comprehensive and practical manner all areas around Anti-Corruption prevention, for example legal basics, compliance risks, communication and information, sponsoring or Compliance in legal limbo.

    Andere Autor:innen


  • AI Officer | Qualification for AI compentence in accordance with Art. 4 of the EU AI Act


  • Compliance Auditor (TÜV) | ISO 19011:2018 sowie ISO 37301



  • Platz 1 der besten Websiten im Corporate Benchmark 2020 - "Einen Anteil an diesem guten Ergebnis hat das Thema Digitale Ethik" ; „Als vorbildlich wird hier die Präsentation der Deutschen Telekom zur digitalen Ethik genannt“

    Net Federation GmbH

  • World's Most Ethical Company 2019

    Ethisphere Institute - WMEC Award Program

    The Ethisphere Institute is the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices that fuel corporate character, marketplace trust and business success. Ethisphere has deep expertise in measuring and defining core ethics standards. Since 2007, Ethisphere has honored the World’s Most Ethical Companies who recognize their role to influence and drive positive change in the business community and societies around the world and work to maximize their impact wherever…

    The Ethisphere Institute is the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices that fuel corporate character, marketplace trust and business success. Ethisphere has deep expertise in measuring and defining core ethics standards. Since 2007, Ethisphere has honored the World’s Most Ethical Companies who recognize their role to influence and drive positive change in the business community and societies around the world and work to maximize their impact wherever possible.

  • World’s Most Ethical Company 2018

    Ethisphere Institute - WMEC Award Program

    The Ethisphere Institute is the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices that fuel corporate character, marketplace trust and business success. Ethisphere has deep expertise in measuring and defining core ethics standards. Since 2007, Ethisphere has honored the World’s Most Ethical Companies who recognize their role to influence and drive positive change in the business community and societies around the world and work to maximize their impact wherever…

    The Ethisphere Institute is the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices that fuel corporate character, marketplace trust and business success. Ethisphere has deep expertise in measuring and defining core ethics standards. Since 2007, Ethisphere has honored the World’s Most Ethical Companies who recognize their role to influence and drive positive change in the business community and societies around the world and work to maximize their impact wherever possible.

  • eLearning AWARD 2018

    Siepmann Media / eLearning Journal

    Statement of the jury:
    „With the method of developing a user-oriented eLearning, Deutsche Telekom was able to achieve great successes in the learning motivation and learning success of its employees. In design thinking workshops, employees were involved at an early stage in the development of the new eLearning „anti-corruption“. For the well thought-out concept for the development of an improved eLearning „anti-corruption“, the jury of the eLearning Journal honors Deutsche Telekom AG with…

    Statement of the jury:
    „With the method of developing a user-oriented eLearning, Deutsche Telekom was able to achieve great successes in the learning motivation and learning success of its employees. In design thinking workshops, employees were involved at an early stage in the development of the new eLearning „anti-corruption“. For the well thought-out concept for the development of an improved eLearning „anti-corruption“, the jury of the eLearning Journal honors Deutsche Telekom AG with the eLearning Award 2018 in the category ‚Conception‘.“

  • Deutsche Telekom is number one in the battle against corruption

    Transparency International

    Deutsche Telekom is the most transparent global telecommunication company, according to the results of a study by the anti-corruption organization Transparency International.


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  • PAI - Partnership on AI


  • Forum Compliance & Integrity

    Spokeswoman of the Board

  • German Institut for Compliance

    Spokeswoman of the Board

  • ETNO - AI Task Force


    ETNO (European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association)

  • European Commission

    Deputy Expert Member

    High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLG)

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