📣We are excited to share a major milestone in our journey toward Continuous Development and Business Excellence! ICT Cloud, with Bulutistan as our Turkish branch, has been honored with the "Outstanding Organization" award in the EFQM program! 🌟 We are proud to be the first and only technology company in Turkey to receive this prestigious award, which was presented at the 33rd Quality Congress at the Kocaeli Congress Center. This recognition highlights our global commitment and expertise in the technology sector. At Bulutistan, we are committed to enhancing customer satisfaction, sustainability, and innovation. We extend our deepest gratitude to our team members, customers, and business partners for their invaluable support. Together, we look forward to achieving even greater successes! 🚀 #ictcloud #award #EFMQprogram
Sürekli Gelişim ve İş Mükemmelliği yolculuğumuzda önemli bir adım daha! EFQM programında “Outstanding Organisation” ödülüne layık görülmenin haklı gururunu yaşıyoruz! 🌟 Türkiye’de bu ödüle layık görülen ilk ve tek teknoloji firması olarak, Kocaeli Kongre Merkezinde düzenlenen 33. Kalite Kongresi'nde aldığımız bu ödül, kararlılığımızı ve teknoloji alanındaki yetkinliğimizi global ölçekte tescilleyen bir başarı oldu. Bulutistan olarak, müşteri memnuniyeti, sürdürülebilirlik ve yenilikçilik konularındaki çalışmalarımıza hız kesmeden devam ediyoruz. Bu yolculukta bizleri destekleyen tüm ekip arkadaşlarımıza, müşterilerimize ve iş ortaklarımıza sonsuz teşekkür ederiz. Daha nice başarılara birlikte ulaşmak dileğiyle. 🚀 #Bulutistan #EFQM #KaliteKongresi #Mükemmellik #Başarı — Another significant milestone on our journey of Continuous Improvement and Business Excellence! We are incredibly proud to have received the “Outstanding Organisation” award in the EFQM program! 🌟 As the first and only technology company in Turkey to achieve this honor, this award, received at the 33rd Quality Congress held at the Kocaeli Congress Center, validates our commitment and global expertise in the technology field. At Bulutistan, we continue our efforts in customer satisfaction, sustainability, and innovation with full momentum. We extend our deepest gratitude to all our team members, customers, and business partners who support us on this journey. Here’s to reaching even greater achievements together! 🚀 Begim Basligil Gokhan Gencturk, Altug Eker Burcu Öğütcü, Gokhan Guven