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Applied Network Science, Volume 4
Volume 4, Number 1, December 2019
- Tobias Hecking, Laura Steinert, Victor Hugo Masias, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe:
Positional analysis in cross-media information diffusion networks. 1 - M. Tarik Altuncu, Erik Mayer, Sophia N. Yaliraki, Mauricio Barahona:
From free text to clusters of content in health records: an unsupervised graph partitioning approach. 2:1-2:23 - Jorge C. Leitão, Sune Lehmann, Henrik Palmer Olsen:
Quantifying long-term impact of court decisions. 3 - Roberto Interdonato, Martin Atzmueller, Sabrina Gaito, Rushed Kanawati, Christine Largeron, Alessandra Sala:
Feature-rich networks: going beyond complex network topologies. 4:1-4:13 - Hazem Krichene, Abhijit Chakraborty, Yoshi Fujiwara, Hiroyasu Inoue, Masaaki Terai:
Tie-formation process within the communities of the Japanese production network: application of an exponential random graph model. 5:1-5:22 - Henri Lommi, Ismo T. Koponen:
Network cartography of university students' knowledge landscapes about the history of science: landmarks and thematic communities. 6:1-6:24 - Lisa Thiele, Victoria Zorn, Simone Kauffeld:
Quid pro quo? The benefit of reciprocity, multiplexity, and multireciprocity in early career peer support. 7:1-7:16 - Ema Kusen, Mark Strembeck:
An analysis of emotion-exchange motifs in multiplex networks during emergency events. 8:1-8:33 - Krishna C. Bathina, Filippo Radicchi:
Error-correcting decoders for communities in networks. 9:1-9:15 - Christian Bongiorno, Lorenzo Zino, Alessandro Rizzo:
A novel framework for community modeling and characterization in directed temporal networks. 10:1-10:25 - Soumaya Yahiaoui, Christophe Courtin, Pierre Maret, Laurent Tabourot:
Decision-making system for recommending and evaluating competences networks based on interaction data. 11:1-11:15 - Tao Wang, Markus Brede, Antonella Ianni, Emmanouil Mentzakis:
Characterizing dynamic communication in online eating disorder communities: a multiplex network approach. 12:1-12:22 - Guillermo de Anda-Jáuregui:
Guideline for comparing functional enrichment of biological network modular structures. 13:1-13:17 - Antonio Caliò, Andrea Tagarelli:
Complex influence propagation based on trust-aware dynamic linear threshold models. 14:1-14:41 - Yuji Fujita, Yuichi Kichikawa, Yoshi Fujiwara, Wataru Souma, Hiroshi Iyetomi:
Local bow-tie structure of the web. 15:1-15:15 - Liubov Tupikina, Denis S. Grebenkov:
Structural and temporal heterogeneities on networks. 16:1-16:18 - William Doonan, Kyle W. Higham, Michele Governale, Ulrich Zülicke:
Community structure in co-inventor networks affects time to first citation for patents. 17:1-17:15 - Arie Wahyu Wijayanto, Tsuyoshi Murata:
Effective and scalable methods for graph protection strategies against epidemics on dynamic networks. 18:1-18:31 - Daniel A. O'Neil, Mikel D. Petty:
Heuristic methods for synthesizing realistic social networks based on personality compatibility. 19:1-19:49 - Yohei Onuki, Tsuyoshi Murata, Shun Nukui, Seiya Inagi, Xule Qiu, Masao Watanabe, Hiroshi Okamoto:
Relation prediction in knowledge graph by Multi-Label Deep Neural Network. 20:1-20:17 - Taher Alzahrani, Kathy J. Horadam:
Finding maximal bicliques in bipartite networks using node similarity. 21:1-21:25 - Guillermo de Anda-Jáuregui, Sergio Antonio Alcalá-Corona, Jesús Espinal-Enríquez, Enrique Hernández-Lemus:
Functional and transcriptional connectivity of communities in breast cancer co-expression networks. 22:1-22:13 - Somaye Sheykhali, Juan Fernández-Gracia, Anna Traveset, Víctor M. Eguíluz:
Extinction-induced community reorganization in bipartite networks. 23:1-23:11 - Daniel Dylewsky, Xiu Yang, Alexandre M. Tartakovsky, J. Nathan Kutz:
Engineering structural robustness in power grid networks susceptible to community desynchronization. 24:1-24:14 - Thomas Magelinski, Kathleen M. Carley:
Community-based time segmentation from network snapshots - Streaming and holistic approaches for semi-static and dynamic nodesets. 25:1-25:19 - Kaushalya Madhawa, Tsuyoshi Murata:
A multi-armed bandit approach for exploring partially observed networks. 26:1-26:18 - Elvis H. W. Xu, Pak Ming Hui:
Uncovering complex overlapping pattern of communities in large-scale social networks. 27:1-27:16 - Jürgen Hackl, Bryan T. Adey:
Estimation of traffic flow changes using networks in networks approaches. 28:1-28:26 - Kazumasa Oida:
Impact of network density on cascade size and community growth. 29:1-29:17 - Éder Mílton Schneider, Sebastián Gonçalves, José Roberto Iglesias, Bruno Requião da Cunha:
Dynamic Modular Networks Model Mediated by Confinement. 30:1-30:17 - Danielle N. Rubin, Danielle S. Bassett, Robert Ready:
Uncovering dynamic stock return correlations with multilayer network analysis. 31:1-31:13 - Maria Letizia Bertotti, Giovanni Modanese:
The configuration model for Barabasi-Albert networks. 32:1-32:13 - Sameera Horawalavithana, Juan Arroyo Flores, John Skvoretz, Adriana Iamnitchi:
The risk of node re-identification in labeled social graphs. 33:1-33:20 - Luca Luceri, Torsten Braun, Silvia Giordano:
Analyzing and inferring human real-life behavior through online social networks with social influence deep learning. 34:1-34:25 - Chuankai An, A. James O'Malley, Daniel N. Rockmore:
Towards intelligent complex networks: the space and prediction of information walks. 35:1-35:21 - Bethany L. Goldblum, Andrew W. Reddie, Thomas C. Hickey, James E. Bevins, Sarah Laderman, Nathaniel Mahowald, Austin P. Wright, Elie Katzenson, Yara Mubarak:
The nuclear network: multiplex network analysis for interconnected systems. 36:1-36:17 - Henry Soldano, Guillaume Santini, Dominique Bouthinon, Sophie Bary, Emmanuel Lazega:
Bi-pattern mining of attributed networks. 37:1-37:26 - Shankar Iyer, Lada A. Adamic:
When can overambitious seeding cost you? 38:1-38:24 - Jan Treur:
Mathematical analysis of the emergence of communities based on coevolution of social contagion and bonding by homophily. 39:1-39:30 - Hana Khamfroush, Nathaniel Hudson, Samuel Lofumbwa Iloo, Mahshid Rahnamay-Naeini:
Influence spread in two-layer interdependent networks: designed single-layer or random two-layer initial spreaders? 40:1-40:21 - Leo Torres, Pablo Suárez-Serrato, Tina Eliassi-Rad:
Non-backtracking cycles: length spectrum theory and graph mining applications. 41:1-41:35 - Viktória Vadon, Júlia Komjáthy, Remco van der Hofstad:
A new model for overlapping communities with arbitrary internal structure. 42:1-42:19 - Martin Atzmueller, Henry Soldano, Guillaume Santini, Dominique Bouthinon:
MinerLSD: efficient mining of local patterns on attributed networks. 43:1-43:33 - Mayank Kejriwal, Rahul Kapoor:
Network-theoretic information extraction quality assessment in the human trafficking domain. 44:1-44:26 - James P. Bagrow, Erik M. Bollt:
An information-theoretic, all-scales approach to comparing networks. 45:1-45:15 - Varsha Chauhan, Alexander Gutfraind, Ilya Safro:
Multiscale planar graph generation. 46:1-46:28 - Philip Tee, Allan Balmain:
Critical behavior of spatial networks as a model of paracrine signaling in tumorigenesis. 47:1-47:21 - Josemar Faustino, Hugo Barbosa, Eraldo Ribeiro, Ronaldo Menezes:
A data-driven network approach for characterization of political parties' ideology dynamics. 48:1-48:15 - Jérôme G. M. Benoit, Saif Eddin G. Jabari:
On the perturbation of self-organized urban street networks. 49:1-49:20 - John Boaz Lee, Xiangnan Kong:
Learning compact graph representations via an encoder-decoder network. 50:1-50:16 - Valérie Poulin, François Théberge:
Ensemble clustering for graphs: comparisons and applications. 51:1-51:13 - Giulio Rossetti, Letizia Milli, Rémy Cazabet:
CDLIB: a python library to extract, compare and evaluate communities from complex networks. 52:1-52:26 - Saskia Metzler, Pauli Miettinen:
HyGen: generating random graphs with hyperbolic communities. 53:1-53:25 - Natalie Stanley, Thomas Bonacci, Roland Kwitt, Marc Niethammer, Peter J. Mucha:
Stochastic block models with multiple continuous attributes. 54:1-54:22 - Ross Schuchard, Andrew T. Crooks, Anthony Stefanidis, Arie Croitoru:
Bot stamina: examining the influence and staying power of bots in online social networks. 55:1-55:23 - Damiano Di Francesco Maesa, Andrea Marino, Laura Ricci:
The bow tie structure of the Bitcoin users graph. 56:1-56:22 - Esteban Bautista, Patrice Abry, Paulo Gonçalves:
L γ -PageRank for semi-supervised learning. 57:1-57:20 - Tembo Nakamoto, Abhijit Chakraborty, Yuichi Ikeda:
Identification of key companies for international profit shifting in the Global Ownership Network. 58:1-58:26 - Gian Maria Campedelli, Iain Cruickshank, Kathleen M. Carley:
A complex networks approach to find latent clusters of terrorist groups. 59:1-59:22 - Eunkyung Song:
The fifteen days: building claims and contexts. 60:1-60:25 - Mehmet Emin Aktas, Esra Akbas, Ahmed El Fatmaoui:
Persistence homology of networks: methods and applications. 61:1-61:28 - Max Glonek, Jonathan Tuke, Lewis Mitchell, Nigel G. Bean:
Semi-supervised graph labelling reveals increasing partisanship in the United States Congress. 62:1-62:18 - Elham Alghamdi, Derek Greene:
Active semi-supervised overlapping community finding with pairwise constraints. 63:1-63:27 - Ferenc Béres, Domokos M. Kelen, Róbert Pálovics, András A. Benczúr:
Node embeddings in dynamic graphs. 64:1-64:25 - Ulf Aslak, Søren Føns Vind Nielsen, Morten Mørup, Sune Lehmann:
Temporally intermittent communities in brain fMRI correlation networks. 65:1-65:12 - Takayasu Fushimi, Kazumi Saito, Tetsuo Ikeda, Kazuhiro Kazama:
Estimating node connectedness in spatial network under stochastic link disconnection based on efficient sampling. 66:1-66:24 - Geoff Boeing:
Urban spatial order: street network orientation, configuration, and entropy. 67:1-67:19 - Aynaz Taheri, Kevin Gimpel, Tanya Y. Berger-Wolf:
Sequence-to-sequence modeling for graph representation learning. 68:1-68:26 - Jing-Fang Fan, Keren Cohen, Louis M. Shekhtman, Sibo Liu, Jun Meng, Yoram Louzoun, Shlomo Havlin:
Topology of products similarity network for market forecasting. 69:1-69:15 - Jennifer M. Badham, Frank Kee, Ruth F. Hunter:
Effectiveness variation in simulated school-based network interventions. 70 - Siddharth Pal, Feng Yu, Yitzchak Novick, Ananthram Swami, Amotz Bar-Noy:
A study on the friendship paradox - quantitative analysis and relationship with assortative mixing. 71 - Julien Petit, Renaud Lambiotte, Timoteo Carletti:
Classes of random walks on temporal networks with competing timescales. 72 - Maria Angélica Araujo, Murilo S. Baptista:
Extensivity in infinitely large multiplex networks. 73 - Jorge M. B. Silva, David Aparício, Fernando M. A. Silva:
Feature-enriched author ranking in incomplete networks. 74 - Francesco Tudisco, Desmond J. Higham:
A fast and robust kernel optimization method for core-periphery detection in directed and weighted graphs. 75 - Kyosuke Tanaka, Emoke-Ágnes Horvát:
(Un)intended consequences of networking on individual and network-level efficiency. 77:1-77:21 - Ho-Chun Herbert Chang, Feng Fu:
Co-contagion diffusion on multilayer networks. 78 - Mohammad Bozlul Karim, Shigehiko Kanaya, Md. Altaf-Ul-Amin:
Implementation of BiClusO and its comparison with other biclustering algorithms. 79:1-79:15 - Sinan G. Aksoy, Kathleen E. Nowak, Emilie Purvine, Stephen J. Young:
Relative Hausdorff distance for network analysis. 80:1-80:25 - Milos Kudelka, Eliska Ochodkova, Sarka Zehnalova, Jakub Plesnik:
Ego-zones: non-symmetric dependencies reveal network groups with large and dense overlaps. 81:1-81:49 - Leonardo Gutiérrez-Gómez, Jean-Charles Delvenne:
Unsupervised network embeddings with node identity awareness. 82:1-82:21 - Seyed Mohammad Razavi, Farzaneh Rami, Seyede Houri Razavi, Changiz Eslahchi:
TOPDRIVER: the novel identifier of cancer driver genes in Gastric cancer and Melanoma. 83:1-83:19 - Stefan Dernbach, Arman Mohseni-Kabir, Siddharth Pal, Miles Gepner, Don Towsley:
Quantum walk neural networks with feature dependent coins. 76:1-76:16 - Hadar Miller, Osnat Mokryn:
Constant state of change: engagement inequality in temporal dynamic networks. 84:1-84:14 - Zineb Felfli, Roy George, Khalil Shujaee, Mohamed Kerwat:
Community detection and unveiling of hierarchy in networks: a density-based clustering approach. 85:1-85:8 - Helge Holzmann, Avishek Anand, Megha Khosla:
Estimating PageRank deviations in crawled graphs. 86:1-86:22 - Alexander Goryashko, Leonid Samokhine, Pavel Bocharov:
About complexity of complex networks. 87:1-87:21 - Saba A. Al-Sayouri, Danai Koutra, Evangelos E. Papalexakis, Sarah S. Lam:
SURREAL: Subgraph Robust Representation Learning. 88:1-88:20 - Dalton Brooks, John Matta:
Spreading of rodent infestations through a city. 89:1-89:17 - Yi Ming Lai, Joshua Veasy, Stephen Coombes, Rüdiger Thul:
A master stability function approach to cardiac alternans. 90:1-90:16 - Leonardo Bacelar Lima Santos, Luiz Max Carvalho, Wilson Seron, Flávio Codeço Coelho, Elbert E. N. Macau, Marcos G. Quiles, Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro:
How do urban mobility (geo)graph's topological properties fill a map? 91:1-91:14 - Yuichi Kichikawa, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Takashi Iino, Hiroyasu Inoue:
Community structure based on circular flow in a large-scale transaction network. 92:1-92:23 - Long Ma, Qiang Liu, Piet Van Mieghem:
Inferring network properties based on the epidemic prevalence. 93:1-93:13 - Blaz Skrlj, Jan Kralj, Nada Lavrac:
Py3plex toolkit for visualization and analysis of multilayer networks. 94:1-94:24 - Antonio Maria Fiscarelli, Matthias R. Brust, Grégoire Danoy, Pascal Bouvry:
Local memory boosts label propagation for community detection. 95:1-95:17 - Victor Hugo Masias, Tobias Hecking, Fernando A. Crespo, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe:
Detecting social media users based on pedestrian networks and neighborhood attributes: an observational study. 96:1-96:24 - Aaron Louis Bramson, Megumi Hori, Bingran Zha, Hirohisa Inamoto:
Scoring and classifying regions via multimodal transportation networks. 97:1-97:36 - Takahiro Yabe, Satish V. Ukkusuri, P. Suresh C. Rao:
Mobile phone data reveals the importance of pre-disaster inter-city social ties for recovery after Hurricane Maria. 98:1-98:18 - Nicole Balashov, Reuven Cohen, Avieli Haber, Michael Krivelevich, Simi Haber:
Optimal shattering of complex networks. 99:1-99:9 - Hamidreza Mahyar, Rouzbeh Hasheminezhad, Harry Eugene Stanley:
Compressive closeness in networks. 100:1-100:21 - Evelin Berekméri, Imre Derényi, Anna Zafeiris:
Optimal structure of groups under exposure to fake news. 101:1-101:13 - Aslihan Celik, Jessica Tetzner, Koushik Sinha, John Matta:
5G device-to-device communication security and multipath routing solutions. 102:1-102:24 - Sanda Kaufman, Miron Kaufman, Mark Salling:
Anticipating employment location patterns in economic regions: modeling complex dynamics. 103:1-103:17 - Alexander Veremyev, Alexander Semenov, Eduardo L. Pasiliao, Vladimir Boginski:
Graph-based exploration and clustering analysis of semantic spaces. 104:1-104:26 - Jack Leitch, Kathleen A. Alexander, Srijan Sengupta:
Toward epidemic thresholds on temporal networks: a review and open questions. 105:1-105:21 - George Cybenko, Steve Huntsman:
Analytics for directed contact networks. 106:1-106:21 - José Bento, Stratis Ioannidis:
A family of tractable graph metrics. 107:1-107:27 - Jonathan A. Ward, Martín López-García:
Exact analysis of summary statistics for continuous-time discrete-state Markov processes on networks using graph-automorphism lumping. 108 - Amanda Shores, Hanna Johnson, Debbie Fugate, Melinda Laituri:
Networks of need: a geospatial analysis of secondary cities. 109 - Zhang Zhang, Yi Zhao, Jing Liu, Shuo Wang, Ruyi Tao, Ruyue Xin, Jiang Zhang:
A general deep learning framework for network reconstruction and dynamics learning. 110 - Zhecheng Qiang, Eduardo L. Pasiliao, Qipeng P. Zheng:
Model-based learning of information diffusion in social media networks. 111 - Gecia Bravo Hermsdorff, Valkyrie Felso, Emily Ray, Lee M. Gunderson, Mary E. Helander, Joana Maria, Yael Niv:
Gender and collaboration patterns in a temporal scientific authorship network. 112 - Victor Hugo Masias, Tobias Hecking, Fernando A. Crespo, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe:
Correction to: Detecting social media users based on pedestrian networks and neighborhood attributes: an observational study. 113 - Kira Kempinska, Roberto Murcio:
Modelling urban networks using Variational Autoencoders. 114 - Danilo Pellin, Luca Biasco, Alessandro Aiuti, Clelia Di Serio, Ernst C. Wit:
Penalized inference of the hematopoietic cell differentiation network via high-dimensional clonal tracking. 115 - Marcella Tambuscio, Giancarlo Ruffo:
Fact-checking strategies to limit urban legends spreading in a segregated society. 116 - Hocine Cherifi, Gergely Palla, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Xiaoyan Lu:
On community structure in complex networks: challenges and opportunities. 117 - Neave O'Clery, Rafael Prieto Curiel, Eduardo Lora:
Commuting times and the mobilisation of skills in emergent cities. 118 - Inés Caridi, Sergio Manterola, Viktoriya Semeshenko, Pablo Balenzuela:
Topological study of the convergence in the voter model. 119 - Oliver A. Blanthorn, Colin M. Caine, Eva M. Navarro-López:
Evolution of communities of software: using tensor decompositions to compare software ecosystems. 120 - Youssef Mourchid, Benjamin Renoust, Olivier Roupin, Le Van, Hocine Cherifi, Mohammed El Hassouni:
Movienet: a movie multilayer network model using visual and textual semantic cues. 121 - Clement Lee, Darren J. Wilkinson:
A review of stochastic block models and extensions for graph clustering. 122 - Giona Casiraghi:
The block-constrained configuration model. 123 - Duan-Shin Lee, Cheng-Shang Chang, Miao Zhu, Hung-Chih Li:
A generalized configuration model with degree correlations and its percolation analysis. 124 - Seyedsaeed Hajiseyedjavadi, Yu-Ru Lin, Konstantinos Pelechrinis:
Learning embeddings for multiplex networks using triplet loss. 125 - Giovanni Bonaccorsi, Massimo Riccaboni, Giorgio Fagiolo, Gianluca Santoni:
Country centrality in the international multiplex network. 126 - Xiang Niu, Amr Elsisy, Noemi Derzsy, Boleslaw K. Szymanski:
Dynamics of crime activities in the network of city community areas. 127 - Alba Bernini, Amadou Lamine Toure, Renato Casagrandi:
The time varying network of urban space uses in Milan. 128 - Matthew R. Karlsen, Sotiris K. Moschoyiannis, Vlad B. Georgiev:
Learning versus optimal intervention in random Boolean networks. 129 - Nadav Voloch, Noa Voloch-Bloch, Yair Zadok:
Managing large distributed dynamic graphs for smart city network applications. 130 - Amir Pasha Motamed, Behnam Bahrak:
Quantitative analysis of cryptocurrencies transaction graph. 131
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