🤟🏻 Pavlína Louženská

🤟🏻 Pavlína Louženská

Hlavní město Praha, Česko
20 tis. sledujících uživatelů Více než 500 spojení

Pár slov o mně

Trendspotter who helps businesses to see the future. Consulted 100s companies on their…


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Pracovní zkušenosti

  • Explicitní: TrendBrews


    Prague, Czechia

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    Prague, Czechia

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    Prague, The Capital, Czech Republic

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    Prague, The Capital, Czech Republic

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    Prague, The Capital, Czech Republic

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    Prague, The Capital, Czech Republic

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    Velflíkova 8

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  • Explicitní: Masarykova univerzita Brno

    Masarykova univerzita Filozofická fakulta

    Aktivity a spolky:2006-2008 ISC – International Student’s Club at MU (tutoring, event organizing) 2005 ESCape – English Student’s Club at MU

    Apart from the usual set of seminars set for English and American Studies (culture, literature, linguistics and translation), I also did courses in:

    Adult Education, Advertising, European Funding, EU, Politics, Psychology, Proofreading, Aesthetics, Theory of games.

    I finished with thesis called "Post-secondary Teaching of English", which was based on long-term field research of post maturita language education in the Czech Republic.

  • – do současnosti

    VC Lab is the leading venture capital accelerator for emerging managers worldwide.

  • Aktivity a spolky:22 talks covered all basic investment strategies and finished the study with a final Investment thesis

  • I attended an intensive Marketing course at Faculty of Informatics at MU taught by Sandra Kumorowski, a professor from Chicago, where we created a rebranding project for Microsoft Innovation Centre, which met a great success and we were the only team chosen to present in front of the press.

  • Erasmus stay. I focused on courses on advanced linguistics, bilingual upbringing, creative writing and post-war literature.

  • Apart from the compulsory curriculum I took specialized courses in comparative literature, Latin, history of art, comparative methodology and economics.

Licence a certifikace

Dobrovolnické pracovní zkušenosti

  • Explicitní: Nekrachni

    Advisory Board Member


    – do současnosti 1 měsíc

    Economic Empowerment

  • Explicitní: Ashoka

    Jury Member


    Civil Rights and Social Action

    Choosing new Ashoka Fellows.

  • Explicitní: Transparency International

    Board Member

    Transparency International

    4 roky 4 měsíce

    Civil Rights and Social Action

    For almost 20 years we have already been safeguarding the public interest and working towards an effective and responsible state administration. Our projects and provided legal and educational services solve small and large cases that affect every one of us. We are not indifferent, where the public money is flowing.

  • Explicitní: Google

    Lead Mentor: Europe and Africa


    – do současnosti 7 let 5 měsíců

    Google for Startups is a global mentoring program that helps startups build and scale great products. Mentored and led workshops in different European and African countries with focus is on Business, Product, Marketing and People. Worked with 300+ companies a year. My keynotes included: International Growth for B2C, Scaling and leading teams, Building products that matter to Customers, Human Centered Design, Pitching, Product strategy for SMBs.

  • Explicitní: Startup Grind Czech Republic


    Startup Grind Czech Republic

    2 roky

    Economic Empowerment

    Startup Grind is a global community for entrepreneurs which is present in 600 cities in 125 coutries helping 2 000 000 founders. I host Female Leaders panel every month. So far we've had guests from companies like Microsoft, Google, Kiwi, Ytica, Snuggs, Loono or IDEO.

  • Explicitní: Central European Startup Awards

    Ambassador & Advisory Board member

    Central European Startup Awards

    – do současnosti 6 let 5 měsíců

    Science and Technology

    Central European Startup Awards is part of the Global Startup Awards, providing annual spotlight to those who dare to dream big and shape the way our future will look.
    We are bringing together the best ideas and best minds in 5 region, in 45 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa to celebrate entrepreneurial spirit and startups ecosystems.

  • Explicitní: Impact Hub Praha

    Social Impact Awards Patron

    Impact Hub Praha

    9 měsíců

    Social Services

    Social Impact Award je akcelerační program pro mladé lidi, studenty vysokých a vyšších odborných škol, kteří mají nápad, jak udržitelně, inovativně a kreativní cestou řešit společenské a ekologické problémy kolem sebe.

  • Mentor

    Prostor Plus / Lepší Místo

    1 rok 2 měsíce

    Social Services

    Posláním Prostor Plus je vytvářet programy, které předchází pádu a pomáhají vzhůru lidem, kterým společensky rizikové jevy, společenské předsudky a neinformovanost znesnadňují život a aktivně se podílet na rozvoji regionu nejen v oblasti sociálních služeb a využívat svého všestranného potenciálu ve prospěch společnosti.

  • Explicitní: Startup Digest


    Startup Digest

    8 měsíců

    Curated local scene events for 1000+ mailing list


  • Projekt310

    Projekt 310 vznikl jako iniciativa mladých talentů, kteří chtějí vytáhnout módu z Pařížské, studenty ze školy a ukázat veřejnosti, že design je vše s se čím se setkáváte. Na pomoc si berou moderní technologie i zavedená jména českého designu. Projekt 310 chce ukázat, jak produkt vzniká, vysvětlit, co je kaliko a ukázat, jakou roli hrají marketéři, fotografové i produkční.

    Na Projektu 310 se tak kromě módních návrhářů z UMPRUM Lindy Zabilkové, Terezy Ledvinové a Jany Mikešové podílí…

    Projekt 310 vznikl jako iniciativa mladých talentů, kteří chtějí vytáhnout módu z Pařížské, studenty ze školy a ukázat veřejnosti, že design je vše s se čím se setkáváte. Na pomoc si berou moderní technologie i zavedená jména českého designu. Projekt 310 chce ukázat, jak produkt vzniká, vysvětlit, co je kaliko a ukázat, jakou roli hrají marketéři, fotografové i produkční.

    Na Projektu 310 se tak kromě módních návrhářů z UMPRUM Lindy Zabilkové, Terezy Ledvinové a Jany Mikešové podílí kadeřnice Lucie Molnárová z Toni&Guy, produkční a fotografka Olivie Dvořáková, make-up artist Dasha Kopecká, stylistka Karin Dimitrovová, grafický designér Petr Končal, videokameraman Martin Novák, fotografka Markéta Gorčíková, za sociální sítě Julia Szymanska a za marketing&PR Pavlína Louženská.

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  • Fashion marketing

    Propojení studentů marketingové komunikace a PR z FSV UK s návrháři z Ateliéru módní tvorby na VŠUP. Projekt má pomoci vylepšit znalosti a dovednosti u obou skupin studentů v oblasti fashion marketingu.

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  • The Startup Kids

    Brought The Startup Kids premiere to the Czech Republic. Co-organized events all over the Czech republic with almost one thousand people attending in the end. Among attendees were the directors of the movie, Ondřej Bartoš (Credo Ventures), Vit Horký (Brand Embassy), Felix Geyr (Wayra) or Anthony Achmat, Petr Palas (Kentico), Tim Röhrich (Pioneers Festival).

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  • Red Bull CZ Digital Idea Board

    Dealing with online web content and planning content strategies for Red Bull Czech Republic.

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  • Copycamp conferences

    – do současnosti

    The biggest conferences about copywriting in CZ/SK. In Meetfactory (2012) and Bio Oko (2013) we´ve managed to attract more than 400 attendees with the most thrilling and respected speakers and get amazing coverage/reviews/PR.

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  • Beehive

    Together with Pavel Ungr from H1.cz we introduced an idea for a web application using Google Analytics API. We were mentoring four students from VŠE (4IT445) while they were developing it using Lean Startup approach. The project covered the whole life cycle of an early-stage startup: from creating strategies to pitches in front of investors.

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  • Bringsome

    A startup created during IPO48 (a 48 hour bootcamp) I took care of marketing presence, interacted with future clients, mentors and judges and supported business development. For Bringsome.com I was working on overall marketing strategy during regular hackathon events.

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Ceny a ocenění

  • Young Transatlantic Innovative Leaders Initiative Fellow


    Launched in 2016, the Young Transatlantic Innovative Leaders Initiative Fellowship is the flagship program of the Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI) of the U.S. Department of State and is supported in its implementation by The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF).

    Entrepreneurs are a driving force for economic development, job creation, security, and good governance across Europe. YTILI empowers young European and Eurasian entrepreneurs and innovators…

    Launched in 2016, the Young Transatlantic Innovative Leaders Initiative Fellowship is the flagship program of the Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI) of the U.S. Department of State and is supported in its implementation by The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF).

    Entrepreneurs are a driving force for economic development, job creation, security, and good governance across Europe. YTILI empowers young European and Eurasian entrepreneurs and innovators with the tools, networks, and resources they need to turn ideas into action and grow successful enterprises. Recognizing that European entrepreneurs face unique challenges to starting a business, the YTILI program is also a vehicle for building a transatlantic network of leaders that can more fully contribute to an ongoing policy dialogue to strengthen entrepreneurial ecosystems and opportunities for innovation.

  • Aspen Institute Young Leaders Program Alumni

    Aspen Institute

    The Aspen Young Leaders Program (AYLP) is designed for emerging leaders (aged 25–40) from Central Europe, in various professions such as politics, business, public administration, non-profit, the arts or sports. The Program’s main goal is to encourage its participants to reflect on the fundamental qualities that make a successful leader in today’s world. It also aims to help young Central Europeans network and discuss issues critical for society’s development.


  • English

    Plně profesionální znalost

  • Czech

    Znalost na úrovni rodilého nebo dvojjazyčného mluvčího

  • German

    Znalost umožňující omezenou práci

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