We've just had the rare opportunity to introduce our heritage-protected projects at the XVI Conference on Conservation and Architecture in Warsaw, held on 20-21 November. The event, attended by more than 250 people, showcased the most historically valuable realizations that are changing the face of major Polish cities today. Klaudia Ozcelik and Dorota Gołębiewska presented good practice in preparing a building under strict conservation care for redevelopment, using the example of the Telephone and Telegraph Office at 45 Nowogrodzka St. in Warsaw. Our second project was the revitalization of the main post office in Krakow, which will be underway soon. Restoring the splendor of this magnificent building poses many challenges, including those of a design nature. The topic was brought closer by Tomasz Dabrowski and Michał Rudnicki from @BE Architects Krakow. The conference concluded with a debate among experts and practitioners on the responsibility of developers for the shape of Polish urban planning, attended by Tomasz Dabrowski. Kinga Nowakowska, Anna Watkowska, Piotr Grochowski and Mariusz Scislo it was a pleasure to have the opportunity to have this discussion at your company. We would like to thank the participants of the conference "Między ortodoksją a kreacją" for the full room and enthusiastic participation and the organizers: Trygon Agencja Autorska (Elżbieta and Andrzej Czyżewscy,) SARP and NIAiU for the uplifting atmosphere of the meeting. #Miedzyortodoksjaakreacja #Event #Conference #Architecture #Revitalization #Urban #Historic
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