NEW PORTFOLIO COMPANY⭐️ Thrilled to introduce BlueQubit from Silicon Valley! A #quantum software-as-a-service platform that's up to 100x faster than commonly available alternatives! The founders have successfully raised a $10M Seed funding round, led by Nyca Partners and supported by Chaac Ventures, Restive Ventures, Alumni Ventures, NKM Capital, BigStory VC, Formula VC, Untapped Ventures, Granatus Ventures, Presto Ventures, DEPO Ventures and others. Read more about their breakthrough technology 👇
“Quantum technology is not just a buzzword; it’s the next frontier of computational power,” said Hrant Gharibyan, PhD, CEO & Co-Founder of BlueQubit. Czech Presto Ventures (Presto Tech Horizons) and DEPO Ventures announced their newest investment – BlueQubit, a quantum startup based in San Francisco. 🌐 They are the only European investors in the €9.6 million ($10 million) seed round, led by Nyca Partners. 💰 💻 Check out the news: