Sponsorship Prospectus

CppCon 2023 Attendees

CppCon is the largest annual gathering for the entire C++ community. The conference is organized by the C++ community and will attract a diverse group of attendees that are using C++ on a wide range of platforms/toolchains. CppCon is underwritten by the Standard C++  Foundation, a 501(c)6 not-for-profit organization set up to support the C++ software developer community and promote the understanding and use of modern, standard C++ on all compilers and platforms.

Your sponsorship will provide your company with enhanced visibility to the C++ community and show that you are helping keep the conference accessible to the widest audience.

The available sponsorship packages are listed below. If you have something in mind that doesn’t fit into one of these options, let us know; we are flexible and willing to work with you to design the sponsorship package that will help achieve your needs.

Note we have a different prospectus for Exhibiting, which focuses on providing enhanced engagement with CppCon attendees, and a dedicated prospectus for Video Sponsorships which leverages the largest C++ channel on YouTube.


For more information including rates, availability, or custom sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at [email protected].

Conference Profile

Attendance: 2019: 1400, 2020: 1000, 2021: 1400, 2022: 1400, 2023: 700, 2024: ? (Let’s talk)
Audience Profile: Developers, technologists, programmers and hackers; bloggers and authors; CTOs; scientists, engineers, domain experts, and C++ Standards Committee members.

Conference Schedule

Saturday and Sunday, pre-conference classes
Sunday, registration and reception
Monday – Friday, sessions
Wednesday, ISO Study Group 14: Game Development and Low Latency
Saturday and Sunday, post-conference classes

Sponsorship Levels

Platinum Level Sponsorship — (limit 1 [Sold Out])

  • Platinum Sponsor logo and link on the CppCon website
  • Invited on stage during welcome
  • Welcome video played during conference welcome
  • Recognized and thanked by name during opening and closing sessions
  • Welcome video (provided by sponsor) in cppcon.org sidebar
  • Gobo (provided by sponsor) in plenary room
  • Logo on lectern in plenary room
  • Logo on lecterns in large breakout rooms
  • Dedicated platinum custom page on cppcon.org (designed by sponsor)
  • Two banners (if provided) in the conference center
  • Two posters (if provided) in the conference center
  • Convention center branding opportunities available (contact for details)
  • May provide in-kind items
  • Registration package brochure (provided by sponsor)
  • Dedicated blog post
  • Dedicated pre-conference email
  • Dedicated post-conference email
  • Recognition included in attendee mailing
  • Three recognition tweets
  • Profile in schedule app
  • 15 ads in Sponsor Job Board channel
  • Access to literature table
  • Note: Returning sponsors have right of first refusal.
  • Platinum Sponsorship is unavailable for CppCon 2024

Gold Level Sponsorship

  • Gold Sponsor logo and link on the CppCon website
  • Dedicated gold custom page on cppcon.org (designed by sponsor)
  • Dedicated pre-conference email
  • Banner (if provided) in conference center
  • Two posters (if provided) in the conference center
  • Convention center branding opportunities available (contact for details)
  • May provide in-kind items
  • Registration brochure (provided by sponsor)
  • Gold recognized and thanked by name during opening and closing sessions
  • Gold recognition included in attendee mailing
  • Two gold recognition tweets
  • 10 ads in Sponsor Job Board channel
  • Access to literature table

Silver Level Sponsorship

  • Silver Sponsor logo and link on the CppCon website
  • Dedicated silver custom page on cppcon.org (designed by sponsor)
  • Two posters (if provided) in the conference center
  • Convention center branding opportunities available (contact for details)
  • May provide in-kind items
  • Registration flier (provided by sponsor)
  • Silver recognized and thanked by name during opening and closing sessions
  • Silver recognition included in attendee mailing
  • Silver recognition tweet
  • 6 ads in Sponsor Job Board channel
  • Access to literature table

Bronze Level Sponsorship

  • Bronze Sponsor logo and link on the CppCon website
  • Poster (if provided) in the conference center
  • May provide in-kind items
  • Registration flier (provided by sponsor)
  • Bronze recognized and thanked by name during opening and closing sessions
  • Bronze recognition included in attendee mailing
  • Bronze recognition tweet
  • 4 ads in Sponsor Job Board channel
  • Access to literature table

À la carte Options (Can be added to other packages)

Video Sponsorship — Contact us [email protected] for details

The Video sponsorships have the greatest “reach” of any of our sponsorships. Many individuals view the videos that are unable to attend the conference in person and the videos will stay online indefinitely. Watch our sponsorship opportunity video for an idea about the potential for this sponsorship.

Depending on level, benefits may include:

  • Pre-role (provide by sponsor) on uploaded videos
  • Logo on video template
  • Video sponsor logo and link on the CppCon website
    • Custom message on Sponsors page
  • Link on video metadata of all channel videos
  • Logo on channel landing page
  • Registration flier (provided by sponsor)
  • Access to literature table
  • May provide in-kind items

Read the Video Sponsorship Prospectus

Tee Shirt Sponsorship — (limit 2)

  • Provides Tee Shirts for all attendees
  • Logo on Tee Shirt sleeve
  • Tee Shirt Sponsor logo and link on the CppCon website
  • Recognition tweet
  • Registration flier (provided by sponsor)
  • Access to literature table
  • Note: Returning sponsors have right of first refusal.
  • Tee Shirt Sponsorship is available for CppCon 2024

Fitness Power Hour — (limit 2)

  • Provides instructor led fitness session
  • Recognition in the schedule
  • Recognition tweet
  • Registration flier (provided by sponsor)
  • Access to literature table
  • Note: Returning sponsors have right of first refusal.
  • Fitness Power Hour Sponsorship is available for CppCon 2024

Reception Sponsorship — (limit 1 [Sold Out] )

  • Sponsors Sunday evening welcome reception
  • Recognition in the schedule
  • Gobo (provided by sponsor) during reception
  • Recognition tweet
  • Registration flier (provided by sponsor)
  • Recognition at the reception with signage
  • Access to literature table
  • Note: Returning sponsors have right of first refusal.
  • Reception Sponsorship is unavailable for CppCon 2024

Accessibility Sponsorship — per room (limited to one per conference track)

Note: The Live Captioning Service provides attendees with realtime captioning by trained stenographer (like a court reporter) to the web for access on personal devices and to in-room monitors.

  • Provides recognition of your support of accessibility and universal design through live captioning
  • In-room monitor(s) branded with logo
  • Web stream branded with logo
  • Recognized and thanked by name during opening and closing sessions
  • Recognition included in attendee mailing
  • Registration flier (provided by sponsor)
  • Access to literature table
  • Poster (if provided) in the conference center
  • May provide in-kind items
  • Note: Returning sponsors have right of first refusal.
  • Accessibility Sponsorship is available for CppCon 2024

Women’s Networking Luncheon Sponsorship — (limit 2 [Sold Out])

  • Sponsors mid-week Women’s Networking Luncheon
  • Recognition in the schedule
  • Recognition in mailing to attendees
  • Thanked during luncheon
  • Recognition by poster at luncheon
  • Access to literature table
  • Note: Returning sponsors have right of first refusal.
  • Women’s Networking Luncheon Sponsorships are unavailable for CppCon 2024

Sustainable Water Sponsorship — (limit 1 [Sold Out])

  • Sponsors provides custom logo, reusable water bottles for all attendees
  • Logo on dispensers throughout the conference venue
  • Access to literature table
  • Note: Returning sponsors have right of first refusal.
  • Sustainable Water Sponsorship is unavailable for CppCon 2024

Exclusive VIP Event — (limited availability)

  • Private exclusive (up to 40) event in a luxury setting
  • Options for reception or dinner style catering
  • Contact us for details, options, and available for CppCon 2024

Registration Sponsorship — (limit 2: 1 lanyard [Sold Out] & 1 swag bag)

  • Provides wide recognition during conference
  • Logo on lanyard/swag bag
  • Registration flier (provided by sponsor)
  • Access to literature table
  • Note: Returning sponsors have right of first refusal.
  • Registration Bag Sponsorship is available for CppCon 2024
  • Registration Lanyard Sponsorship is unavailable for CppCon 2024 [Sold Out]

Charging Station Sponsorship — (limit 1)

  • Signage on each charging station
  • Signage up to 8.5” by 11” (either vertically or horizontally)
  • Signage can be provide by sponsor as printed material or as artwork printed by conference
  • Access to literature table
  • Note: Returning sponsors have right of first refusal.
  • Charging Station Sponsorships is available for CppCon 2024

Quiet Room Sponsorship — (limit 1)

  • Naming rights for the conference’s quiet rooms
  • Signage both outside and inside room will identify the room sponsorship
  • Will be referred to by the sponsor’s name in all conference material including
    • map
    • emails to attendees
  • Access to literature table
  • Note: Returning sponsors have right of first refusal.
  • The Quiet Room Sponsorship is available for CppCon 2024

Literature Sponsorships

Full Literature Sponsorship
  • Registration flier (provided by sponsor)
  • Access to literature table
Standard Literature Sponsorship
  • Access to literature table

In-kind Sponsorship — (cost of swag or provided swag see sponsorship details. Note that a “metal” sponsorship is generally required.)

Community Sponsorships

Community Sponsor logoWe will offer community sponsorships with conference approval. Community sponsors are recognized with a logo and link on the website and with access to the literature table. A community sponsorship is open to user groups, schools, or other membership/community organizations that give the conference non-financial support. This will be in the form of our logo and link on their organization’s website and (multiple) communications to their members. Please contact [email protected] for details.


Exhibitor/Sponsor details including what art/text resources we need from you are available. Please contact [email protected] for details on these sponsorship packages and with your ideas and questions.


Exhibiting and sponsorships are separate at CppCon. A company may choose to do one and not the other or both.

If you are interested in information about exhibitor space at CppCon, please read the Exhibitor Prospectus and/or contact [email protected] for details.