
CppCon Classes Program Materials Videos
2024 Academy Five tracks Repository YouTube
2023 Academy Four Tracks Repository YouTube
2022 Academy Five Tracks Repository YouTube
2021 Academy Five Tracks Repository YouTube
2020 Academy Six Tracks Slides YouTube
2019 Academy Eight Tracks


Slides Channel 9
2018 Academy Seven Tracks Slides Channel 9
2017 C++ Best Practices Seven Tracks Slides Channel 9
YouTubeThe following panels were presented and recorded by the Northwest C++ Users’ Group. We thank them for providing these videos:Optimizing Code Speed and Space with Build Time SwitchesInternet of Things
Concurrent Thinking in C++
Crafting Embedded Software in C++
Debugging and Profiling C++ Code on Linux
Exploring the C++ Standard Library
Modern C++ Template Programming
Modernizing your C++
Move Semantics: Everything You Always Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid to Ask
Moving to C++17: The New Language and Library Features
Practical Modern C++
Programming with Qt/Widgets
The Standard Library from Scratch
2016 Concurrent Thinking in C++ Six Tracks Slides Channel 9
Crafting Embedded Software in C++
Modernizing your C++
Programming with Qt/Widgets
Using C++ for Low-Latency Systems
2015 Modernizing your C++ Six Tracks Slides Channel 9
2014 no classes Six Tracks Slides Channel 9