When sellers of edible cannabis products use packaging that mimics popular kids’ cereals, snacks, and candy, the FTC and FDA take notice — and action. Edible cannabis — like cereal, gummies, cookies, candies, and chips — have cannabis that’s derived from marijuana or hemp. Some of these foods have Delta-8 THC, which is a part of cannabis that causes psychoactive and intoxicating effects. After accidentally eating edibles with THC, many kids have gotten sick and even been hospitalized.
The FTC and FDA are calling out five sellers of edible cannabis products using packaging that imitates foods popular with kids. The companies must immediately stop marketing edible Delta-8 THC products that imitate foods with advertising or packaging likely to appeal to young children. This action is part of the FTC’s ongoing monitoring of health-related advertising claims.
Check out these examples to see how easy it would be for a child to mistake cannabis edibles for a kid-friendly snack and accidentally ingest THC in very high doses.
The FDA cautions adults to keep Delta-8 THC products out of reach of children and pets. If you, or someone in your household, uses edible cannabis products:
- Store cannabis edibles separately from other foods and in their original packaging.
- Use child-proof cabinets and drawers to keep these products away from kids, just as you would household cleaning and laundry items.
- Completely reseal the packaging after each use, and immediately store it in a secure location.
- Talk to family and friends about the danger edibles pose to kids.
To learn more, read 5 Things to Know about Delta-8 Tetrahydrocannabinol – Delta-8 THC | FDA
Years ago they were called "drug traffickers", now called "business men". "Hemp" is now called a product, and is listed in the Stock Market which is "marihuana" now as it was years ago. People were incarcerated then, and now "they're respectable businessmen, and citizens". What a HIPOCRISY. Totally shameless. This is what money will do to humans.
Just like all other drugs some parents are not doing their jobs of keeping items from children. Charge the drug maker for wrong doing but also charge the parents for not policing their own kids. I saw this happen with my own sister's mis handling And non parenting skills. WAKE UP AND PAY ATTENTION PARENTS.
In reply to Just like all other drugs… by Jim
I do not use any cannabis but i think this warning is useful to people who have children in their homes, workplace and anywhere else.
Why can’t you stop them?
So the completely irresponsible parents totally Ruin things for RESPONSIBLE adults who use it for chronic pain since the illegal oxy and fentanyl began being irresponsible. So the rest of us have to live by more restrictions? Again? Feds need to stay out of it and Convict the parents (who also kill their own children by leaving them in a car......with the engine Running! Who are these idiots? Where is the accountability? I'm angry and hope you post this so these ppl with Kids start being RESPONSIBLE!
In reply to So the completely… by Pokey
This isn't about taking edibles off the market. There's a massive supply of CBD & THC brands in legal states. They come in unique brands in liquids and solids in all shapes, sizes, and tastes. No one - at least not in this case - is trying to take away the right for adults to take THC for chronic pain relief, well-being, or even recreational use.
This is about taking down companies that are using the same colors and branding elements as the most popular candy and snacks among kids from 2-17. I used to be super judgmental about parents before I became one. And, while I really don't see the connection between this and leaving kids in a car with the engine running, I still am judgmental and concerned when I see signs of neglect or worse.
But anyone who has or cares for kids knows that it's impossible to have your eyes glued to them 24-7. They also know that sharing candy is a very quick transaction on the playground, at recess, or at lunchtime from PreK through high school. I've been talking with my kids, now 12 and 14 for years about not taking candy from other kids unless it's in packages they recognize. But my new concern, since I first stumbled upon these YESTERDAY is: what if one of their prankster friends thinks it would be funny to hand them what looks like a Sour Patch Kid, Oreo, Dorito, other, and take it? Panic and fear when the THC hits them would be the best-case scenario. At this point, my kids are pretty educated, but what about other kids?
The FDA regulates pharmaceuticals. However, the FDA does not regulate the claims made in advertising or marketing commercials by pharmaceutical companies. As a matter of fact the pharmaceutical companies suggest you join their street team to help their drug dealers expand the product line. Sometimes their drug dealers can’t convince those pesky doctors with catered office lunches, gift bags, concert tickets or VIP stadium box seats especially based solely on the products medical miracles. Sometimes the doctors are uninterested in these products. Sometimes the doctors won’t break alliances or know about science. Sometimes it’s easier to convince you that you need a medicine they sell with a commercial or ad seen thru rose colored glasses. Bc Doctors might know too much about morals or risk . The FDA allows that to occur ??? Im convinced they would put a stop to the use of familiar staple snack foods to market these dangerous products and shut down these illegal drug dealers . Medical cannabis pharmaceutical companies shouldn’t be allowed to market dangerous drugs with misleading packaging or suggestive information……… and the FDA will not stand for it ….. hey wait a minute…….