OE Week Live Webcasts for 2024

Watch this space for where to watch and be part of the OE Week Live series of live webcasts all week long for Open Education Week 2024 as we bring you people, projects, and conversations about everything open.

A few episodes are set with specific topics but the Open Conversations listed below include a review of OE Weeks events happening in the next few hours, but most importantly-- conversations with participants and anyone interested in joining us in the studio. For an idea of how it works, explore the shows from 2023..

It’s more the excitement of an unscripted radio show than just another webinar… It’s OEWeek Live!

Watch the Recordings

All live sessions are instantly archived and available for later viewing from out OE Week Live 2024 playlist

Full Schedule of OEWeek Live Sessions

All dates and times are displayed in your local time zone.

Monday March 4

  • Special Session on AI Language Translation (of AI for Teachers) Emerging from an OEG Connect conversation on use of AI translation for translation of a new multilingual open text on AI. It’s all related!
    :date: When: 2024-03-04T14:30:00Z
    :people_holding_hands:t4: Guests: Colin de La Higuera (co-author of AI for Teachers), Sushumna Rao (working to translate into Telugu), Paul Stacey (former OEGlobal Executive Director, researching AI and Open Education) , Dominique Scheffel-Dunand (York University, AI translation and teacher education) + you?
    :spiral_notepad: Details: See OE Week Event
    :tv: Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJemwqO0SDw

  • Official Opening and Monday Open Conversations #1 A preview / overview of the week from OEGlobal’s Alan Levine and Marcela Morales plus a first set of open discussions (guests TBA).
    :date: When: 2024-03-04T16:00:00Z
    :people_holding_hands:t4: Guests: Michael Branson Smith (York College, interrogating AI and Oblivion.University) , Perrine de Coëtlogon (Université de Lille, OEG Board President, joining after her OEG Francophone presentation), + you?
    :spiral_notepad: Details: See OE Week Event
    :tv: Watch: Live or recording later https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOIBXlTX5PQ

  • Monday Open Conversations #2
    :date: When: 2024-03-04T22:00:00Z
    :people_holding_hands:t4: Guests: Connie Blomgren (Athabasca U, OEG Board member), Todd Conaway (on “Epiphanies and open friends”), Verena Roberts (Open Pedagogy Talks and AI), + you?
    :spiral_notepad: Details: See OE Week Event
    :tv: Watch: Live or recording later https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-facNGiJues

Tuesday March 5

Wednesday March 6

Thursday March 7

Friday March 8

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These are live events too! We have two open OEG Voices Podcast recording sessions

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Note added session for Wednesday 2024-03-06T13:30:00Z to bring you a live check in from @joeran from OERcamp in Hamburg plus we now have Maren Deepwell @mdeepwell and Martin Weller @MWeller in the studio.

So many exciting OE Week events happening! So hard to choose!!!

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We are looking out to say hello @Lena if we pass by in the same zoooooooooom