
For a list of methods for this resource, see the end of this page.

Resource representations

A type provider that describes a service-backed Type.

  "name": string,
  "id": unsigned long,
  "insertTime": string,
  "description": string,
  "selfLink": string,
  "operation": operations Resource,
  "labels": [
      "key": string,
      "value": string
  "descriptorUrl": string,
  "credential": {
    "basicAuth": {
      "user": string,
      "password": string
    "serviceAccount": {
      "email": string
    "useProjectDefault": boolean
  "options": {
    "inputMappings": [
        "fieldName": string,
        "methodMatch": string,
        "value": string,
        "location": string
    "validationOptions": {
      "undeclaredProperties": string,
      "schemaValidation": string
    "virtualProperties": string,
    "asyncOptions": [
        "methodMatch": string,
        "pollingOptions": {
          "finishCondition": string,
          "failCondition": string,
          "targetLink": string,
          "pollingLink": string,
          "diagnostics": [
              "field": string,
              "level": string
  "collectionOverrides": [
      "collection": string,
      "options": {
        "inputMappings": [
            "fieldName": string,
            "methodMatch": string,
            "value": string,
            "location": string
        "validationOptions": {
          "undeclaredProperties": string,
          "schemaValidation": string
        "virtualProperties": string,
        "asyncOptions": [
            "methodMatch": string,
            "pollingOptions": {
              "finishCondition": string,
              "failCondition": string,
              "targetLink": string,
              "pollingLink": string,
              "diagnostics": [
                  "field": string,
                  "level": string
  "customCertificateAuthorityRoots": [
Property name Value Description Notes
collectionOverrides[] list Allows resource handling overrides for specific collections
collectionOverrides[].collection string The collection that identifies this resource within its service.
collectionOverrides[].options nested object The options to apply to this resource-level override
collectionOverrides[].options.asyncOptions[] list Options regarding how to thread async requests.
collectionOverrides[].options.asyncOptions[].methodMatch string Method regex where this policy will apply.
collectionOverrides[].options.asyncOptions[].pollingOptions nested object Deployment manager will poll instances for this API resource setting a RUNNING state, and blocking until polling conditions tell whether the resource is completed or failed.
collectionOverrides[].options.asyncOptions[].pollingOptions.diagnostics[] list An array of diagnostics to be collected by Deployment Manager, these diagnostics will be displayed to the user.
collectionOverrides[].options.asyncOptions[].pollingOptions.diagnostics[].field string JsonPath expression on the resource that if non empty, indicates that this field needs to be extracted as a diagnostic.
collectionOverrides[].options.asyncOptions[].pollingOptions.diagnostics[].level string Level to record this diagnostic.
collectionOverrides[].options.asyncOptions[].pollingOptions.failCondition string JsonPath expression that determines if the request failed.
collectionOverrides[].options.asyncOptions[].pollingOptions.finishCondition string JsonPath expression that determines if the request is completed.
collectionOverrides[].options.inputMappings[] list The mappings that apply for requests.
collectionOverrides[].options.inputMappings[].fieldName string The name of the field that is going to be injected.
collectionOverrides[].options.inputMappings[].location string The location where this mapping applies.
collectionOverrides[].options.inputMappings[].methodMatch string Regex to evaluate on method to decide if input applies.
collectionOverrides[].options.inputMappings[].value string A jsonPath expression to select an element.
collectionOverrides[].options.validationOptions nested object Options for how to validate and process properties on a resource.
collectionOverrides[].options.validationOptions.schemaValidation string Customize how deployment manager will validate the resource against schema errors.
collectionOverrides[].options.validationOptions.undeclaredProperties string Specify what to do with extra properties when executing a request.
collectionOverrides[].options.virtualProperties string Additional properties block described as a jsonSchema, these properties will never be part of the json payload, but they can be consumed by InputMappings, this must be a valid json schema draft-04. The properties specified here will be decouple in a different section. This schema will be merged to the schema validation, and properties here will be extracted From the payload and consumed explicitly by InputMappings. ex: field1: type: string field2: type: number
credential nested object Credential used when interacting with this type.
credential.basicAuth nested object Basic Auth Credential, only used by TypeProvider.
credential.basicAuth.password string
credential.basicAuth.user string
credential.serviceAccount nested object Service Account Credential, only used by Deployment.
credential.serviceAccount.email string The IAM service account email address like [email protected]
credential.useProjectDefault boolean Specify to use the project default credential, only supported by Deployment.
customCertificateAuthorityRoots[] list List of up to 2 custom certificate authority roots to use for TLS authentication when making calls on behalf of this type provider. If set, TLS authentication will exclusively use these roots instead of relying on publicly trusted certificate authorities when validating TLS certificate authenticity. The certificates must be in base64-encoded PEM format. The maximum size of each certificate must not exceed 10KB.
description string An optional textual description of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created.
descriptorUrl string Descriptor Url for the this type provider.
id unsigned long Output only. Unique identifier for the resource defined by the server.
insertTime string Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
labels[] list Map of labels; provided by the client when the resource is created or updated. Specifically: Label keys must be between 1 and 63 characters long and must conform to the following regular expression: `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?` Label values must be between 0 and 63 characters long and must conform to the regular expression `([a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)?`.

labels[].key string
labels[].value string
name string Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?` which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
operation nested object Output only. The Operation that most recently ran, or is currently running, on this type provider.
options nested object Options to apply when handling any resources in this service.
options.asyncOptions[] list Options regarding how to thread async requests.
options.asyncOptions[].methodMatch string Method regex where this policy will apply.
options.asyncOptions[].pollingOptions nested object Deployment manager will poll instances for this API resource setting a RUNNING state, and blocking until polling conditions tell whether the resource is completed or failed.
options.asyncOptions[].pollingOptions.diagnostics[] list An array of diagnostics to be collected by Deployment Manager, these diagnostics will be displayed to the user.
options.asyncOptions[].pollingOptions.diagnostics[].field string JsonPath expression on the resource that if non empty, indicates that this field needs to be extracted as a diagnostic.
options.asyncOptions[].pollingOptions.diagnostics[].level string Level to record this diagnostic.
options.asyncOptions[].pollingOptions.failCondition string JsonPath expression that determines if the request failed.
options.asyncOptions[].pollingOptions.finishCondition string JsonPath expression that determines if the request is completed.
options.inputMappings[] list The mappings that apply for requests.
options.inputMappings[].fieldName string The name of the field that is going to be injected.
options.inputMappings[].location string The location where this mapping applies.
options.inputMappings[].methodMatch string Regex to evaluate on method to decide if input applies.
options.inputMappings[].value string A jsonPath expression to select an element.
options.validationOptions nested object Options for how to validate and process properties on a resource.
options.validationOptions.schemaValidation string Customize how deployment manager will validate the resource against schema errors.
options.validationOptions.undeclaredProperties string Specify what to do with extra properties when executing a request.
options.virtualProperties string Additional properties block described as a jsonSchema, these properties will never be part of the json payload, but they can be consumed by InputMappings, this must be a valid json schema draft-04. The properties specified here will be decouple in a different section. This schema will be merged to the schema validation, and properties here will be extracted From the payload and consumed explicitly by InputMappings. ex: field1: type: string field2: type: number


Deletes a type provider.
Gets information about a specific type provider.
Gets a type info for a type provided by a TypeProvider.
Creates a type provider.
Lists all resource type providers for Deployment Manager.
Lists all the type info for a TypeProvider.
Patches a type provider.
Updates a type provider.