
Join the CHIPS Alliance and harness the tremendous amount of collaborative energy in open source hardware development.


The CHIPS Alliance is an organization which works collaboratively to develop high quality, open source hardware designs relevant to silicon devices and FPGAs. By sharing openly resources and ideas, we hope to lower the cost of hardware development.

As a collection of open source projects, anyone is welcome to participate in the technical development process. The Technical Advisory Council oversees the technical direction of the project.

The CHIPS Alliance also welcomes corporate members. By participating as a corporate member, your organization provides vital funding for the infrastructure and activities that support our open and collaborative development process.

To join the CHIPS Alliance as a corporate member, please complete the participation agreement below. Please note that Linux Foundation membership is required to join the CHIPS Alliance.

You may preview these documents before signing:

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]!

Join Us

Please note that non-profit and academic institutions may join the Linux Foundation and the CHIPS Alliance as Associate members at no cost. Please contact us for more information.