Cornell University

Log into Canvas

Cornell NetID

Weill CWID


Security Notice - to assure that no one can connect to Canvas using your account, logout from Canvas and Exit / Quit the browser application. Clearing your CUWebLogin credentials

Problem logging into Canvas? See our troubleshooting guide.

Cornell University Copyright Notification

The University expects that users of these services will in good faith post material in compliance with copyright laws and Cornell’s related policy. The policy is available at If you have questions about the use of any material, please refer to or contact the Office of General Counsel.

Academic Integrity

Course materials posted on Canvas are intellectual property belonging to the author. Students are not permitted to buy or sell any course materials without the express permission of the instructor. Such unauthorized behavior constitutes academic misconduct. Code of Academic Integrity

Canvas Terms of Use

By accessing or using this website or any other websites of Instructure, Inc. (“Instructure”) with links to this agreement (collectively, the “website”) in any way, including using the services enabled via the website (the “services”) by Instructure or users of the site (“users”), clicking the “I Accept” check box, or merely browsing the website, you are representing that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the terms. If you do not agree to be bound by the terms, you may not access or use this website or the services.