Wed Nov 13 2024 04:57:37 PST
Cannibalism. - D. Adler
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83 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
196729 WebKit DOM ajuma NEW --- IntersectionObserver delivers incorrect records and fires at the wrong time 2022-12-14
157323 WebKit Layout a ntim NEW --- Implement <details>/<summary> disclosure triangle as a list item 2024-10-30
154646 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned NEW --- <input type="file"> is inconsistent about whether its intrinsic size can be 0 2023-02-17
164507 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned NEW --- 'text-orientation: upright' should cause all characters to be treated as strong LTR 2023-09-21
165304 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned NEW --- overflow: paged-x doesn't paginate in iframe in iOS 2023-12-15
169548 WebKit DOM webkit-unassigned NEW --- Spec change: <img ismap> coordinates should be from image edge, not border edge 2017-05-22
170336 WebKit DOM webkit-unassigned NEW --- iframe/body marginwidth leftmargin et al attributes are not per spec 2022-08-10
170416 WebKit HTML Edi webkit-unassigned NEW --- Support InputEventInit.{inputType, dataTransfer, isComposing, targetRanges} 2024-02-08
172718 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned NEW --- legend should only create a block formatting context if it is the "rendered legend" 2023-02-22
172999 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned NEW --- Incorrect computed 'float' style for floated flex items 2024-01-05
173827 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned NEW --- css resize property should work on images regardless of overflow 2017-06-26
173910 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned NEW --- Incorrect behavior of "cursor: auto" over form controls 2017-06-29
173911 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned NEW --- SVG with no fixed size cannot be used as the css cursor 2022-10-17
173954 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned NEW --- text-overflow: ellipsis should take effect after relative positioning, but does not 2023-11-29
174897 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned NEW --- ::first-line doesn't work with atomic inlines 2017-07-27
177503 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned NEW --- WebKit fails to apply default "align-items:stretch" to radio, checkbox, and button input-types, as flex item 2023-04-20
177847 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned NEW --- data: stylesheets sometimes applied sync and sometimes async 2022-10-25
178224 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned NEW --- outline-width affecting padding, not the width of the outline. 2022-07-15
178515 WebKit DOM webkit-unassigned NEW --- How to reach full interoperability on default scrolling behavior for HTMLElement focus() 2017-10-20
179942 WebKit Images webkit-unassigned NEW --- cross-fade(...) grammar/parsing does not match latest spec 2023-04-07
180237 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned NEW --- Implement overflow media queries 2017-12-04
180246 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned NEW --- Implement the infinite value of the resolution media feature 2023-05-03
187524 WebKit DOM webkit-unassigned NEW --- getClientRects and getBoundingClientRect don't follow the spec for tables 2022-07-26
188643 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned NEW --- [meta] Make fieldset and legend rendering interoperable and useful 2024-09-24
188999 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned NEW --- display: list-item should not be supported on fieldset 2022-06-21
189534 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned NEW --- the second part of an element with filter that is split by a column-span disappears 2018-09-11
192665 WebKit SVG webkit-unassigned NEW --- Resolved value for the 'width' and 'height' properties on SVG <rect>, <image>, <svg> and <foreignObject> should be the "used value" 2022-07-01
195968 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned NEW --- border collapsing: subpixels can make table-cell with smaller border width "win" over table with larger width 2023-05-04
198472 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned NEW --- WebKit suppresses vertical scrollable overflow from rotated element if there's a short container element 2022-12-09
198609 WebKit SVG webkit-unassigned NEW --- WebKit doesn't resize SVG element in response to viewBox change (with height specified and width unspecified) 2023-12-26
204171 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned NEW --- WebKit supports quirky fill colors from the OM even in non quirks-mode documents 2022-07-01
227280 WebKit Canvas webkit-unassigned NEW --- Add support to canvas rendering context lost 2021-06-29
177521 WebKit Layout a zalan NEW --- big padding should push float elements on a new line 2023-11-23
173909 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned REOP --- Incorrect behavior of "cursor: auto" over links 2024-02-10
181209 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned REOP --- Incorrect handling of line-height on ::first-line 2023-08-15
172114 WebKit DOM cdumez RESO FIXE Align WebKitCSSMatrix stringifier with spec for DOMMatrix 2017-05-16
167699 WebKit CSS dino RESO FIXE Serialization of custom props in longhand should be "" not value of shorthand 2017-03-24
133112 WebKit UI Event graouts RESO CONF Touch-action css property support 2019-10-03
186965 WebKit CSS jh718.park RESO FIXE transform-origin should not accept 4 lengths 2021-09-13
191803 WebKit CSS jh718.park RESO DUPL Legacy page-break-{before,after} shorthands are never serialized. 2019-05-14
189909 WebKit WebKit W justin_michaud RESO FIXE Remove duplicate CSS Properties and Values feature on status page 2018-09-27
172801 WebKit Layout a karlcow RESO FIXE Replace hardcoded <hr> rendering rules with 'overflow: hidden' UA style 2022-12-27
190749 WebKit CSS karlcow RESO FIXE shape-rendering should serialize in lower case 2024-08-22
168533 WebKit Text mmaxfield RESO FIXE Font Loading API specifies font is loaded but sizing of font after load reports inconsistent values 2017-05-02
164292 WebKit Layout a mrobinson RESO FIXE Sticky position should not use transformed position to compute sticky offset. 2022-02-04
180245 WebKit CSS ntim RESO FIXE [MQ4] Implement `update` media feature 2023-06-17
183994 WebKit CSS obrufau RESO FIXE border-radius inline style serializes with invalid syntax 2022-11-26
184256 WebKit CSS rbuis RESO FIXE CSSOM test for serializing counter() fails 2021-06-08
170414 WebKit HTML Edi rniwa RESO FIXE Support InputEvent.isComposing 2023-10-01
153854 WebKit SVG sabouhallawa RESO FIXE Allow href attribute without xlink on SVG elements 2019-08-28
171015 WebKit CSS simon.fraser RESO CONF WebKit rejects changes between similar unprefixed & prefixed gradient syntax 2022-08-29
189142 WebKit CSS simon.fraser RESO FIXE Properties that take <position> should not accept 3 values 2019-11-22
185771 WebKit Layout a svillar RESO FIXE [css-flexbox] WebKit mistakenly lets pointer events (click/hover/etc) pass through flex items, if they have negative margin 2020-06-29
190065 WebKit Layout a svillar RESO FIXE Enable <summary> to be a flex container 2021-06-09
103506 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned RESO MOVE Should pass @supports W3C tests 2022-07-13
155820 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned RESO CONF Webkit supports generated content on any element 2022-07-14
157577 WebKit DOM webkit-unassigned RESO CONF getBoundingClientRect should use the first rect if all rects are empty 2022-07-28
157788 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned RESO FIXE <form> in quirks mode should have margin-block-end: 1em 2018-10-01
157974 WebKit JavaScri webkit-unassigned RESO FIXE [JSC] incorrectly reports SyntaxError when destructuring `let` 2024-09-05
158771 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned RESO CONF element boundaries suppress line break opportunity 2022-07-06
164510 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned RESO CONF text-combine-upright should ignore forced line breaks 2023-05-22
165667 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned RESO DUPL CSS Columns: column count on open-bounded element fail to limit itself to available width (quirks mode) 2016-12-10
169612 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned RESO FIXE Computed value of display:contents is wrong 2021-03-25
169622 WebKit Canvas webkit-unassigned RESO CONF Upcoming changes to CanvasContext2D getImageData() 2024-09-03
180234 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned RESO FIXE Implement syntax improvements for media queries from level 4 specification 2023-02-21
182172 WebKit SVG webkit-unassigned RESO DUPL SVG2: WebKit incorrectly disregards "width" and "height" attributes on SVG <symbol> element 2023-05-10
183990 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned RESO FIXE background-size should not accept negative values 2020-11-01
183993 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned RESO DUPL border-image inline style should be serialized 2022-08-16
184417 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned RESO DUPL CSS: filter should reject negative brightness 2018-04-25
187413 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned RESO CONF WebKit is inconsistent on baseline alignment of elements with non-default "overflow" value (depending on whether scrollbars are present) 2023-03-23
187416 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned RESO INVA WebKit is is inconsistent on whether "overflow:scroll; display: inline-*" can determine baseline from its contents 2022-10-06
188836 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned RESO WORK overflow: hidden on fieldset can hide the legend 2022-06-21
189582 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned RESO FIXE Safari incorrectly accepts "end safe" and incorrectly serializes "safe end" as "end safe" on various properties 2018-10-17
189649 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned RESO CONF "first baseline" should serialize as "baseline" 2022-07-01
190521 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned RESO DUPL Sizing of <input type=button> is wrong for multi-line text 2022-07-01
190685 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned RESO FIXE color-interpolation-filters keywords should serialize in lower case 2024-08-22
191198 WebKit Layout a webkit-unassigned RESO CONF Absolute boxes with right: 0 in left-floating ellipsized elements are placed to the left instead 2023-02-22
196169 WebKit Text webkit-unassigned RESO CONF Word incorrectly broken, honoring 'overflow-wrap: break-word', when the word's width (monospace) is exactly the available width 2023-04-30
198633 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned RESO WORK filter functions should clamp during animation 2022-02-01
200692 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned RESO CONF vertical-align calc computes as empty string 2022-08-06
203319 WebKit CSS webkit-unassigned RESO DUPL Need to support CSS4 system colors 2022-07-01
203497 WebKit Scrollin webkit-unassigned RESO DUPL scrollIntoView doesn't work in the inline axis if the element is partially visible. 2021-05-31
154019 WebKit Layout a zalan RESO FIXE Background of an absolutely positioned inline element inside text-indented parent is positioned statically 2016-02-24
83 bugs found.


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